I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Characterizing low-frequency qubit noise
Fluctuations of the qubit frequencies are one of the major problems to overcome on the way to scalable quantum computers. Of particular importance are fluctuations with the correlation
time that exceeds the decoherence time due to decay and dephasing by fast processes. The statistics of the fluctuations can be characterized by measuring the correlators of the outcomes of periodically repeated Ramsey measurements. This work suggests a method that allows describing qubit dynamics during repeated measurements in the presence of evolving noise. It made it possible, in particular, to evaluate the two-time correlator for the noise from two-level systems and obtain two- and three-time correlators for a Gaussian noise. The explicit expressions for the correlators are compared with simulations. A significant difference of the three-time correlators for the noise from two-level systems and for a Gaussian noise is demonstrated. Strong broadening of the distribution of the outcomes of Ramsey measurements, with a possible fine structure, is found for the data acquisition time comparable to the noise correlation time.
Tunable superconducting flux qubits with long coherence times
In this work, we study a series of tunable flux qubits inductively coupled to a coplanar waveguide resonator fabricated on a sapphire substrate. Each qubit includes an asymmetric superconducting
quantum interference device which is controlled by the application of an external magnetic field and acts as a tunable Josephson junction. The tunability of the qubits is typically ±3.5 GHz around their central gap frequency. The measured relaxation times are limited by dielectric losses in the substrate and can attain T1∼8μs. The echo dephasing times are limited by flux noise even at optimal points and reach T2E∼4μs, almost an order of magnitude longer than state of the art for tunable flux qubits.
Reproducibility and control of superconducting flux qubits
Superconducting flux qubits are promising candidates for the physical realization of a scalable quantum processor. Indeed, these circuits may have both a small decoherence rate and
a large anharmonicity. These properties enable the application of fast quantum gates with high fidelity and reduce scaling limitations due to frequency crowding. The major difficulty of flux qubits‘ design consists of controlling precisely their transition energy – the so-called qubit gap – while keeping long and reproducible relaxation times. Solving this problem is challenging and requires extremely good control of e-beam lithography, oxidation parameters of the junctions and sample surface. Here we present measurements of a large batch of flux qubits and demonstrate a high level of reproducibility and control of qubit gaps, relaxation times and pure echo dephasing times. These results open the way for potential applications in the fields of quantum hybrid circuits and quantum computation.
Multipartite Entanglement in Rabi Driven Superconducting Qubits
Exploring highly connected networks of qubits is invaluable for implementing various quantum algorithms and simulations as it allows for entangling qubits with reduced circuit depth.
Here, we demonstrate a multi-qubit STAR (Sideband Tone Assisted Rabi driven) gate. Our scheme is inspired by the ion qubit Mølmer-Sørensen gate and is mediated by a shared photonic mode and Rabi-driven superconducting qubits, which relaxes restrictions on qubit frequencies during fabrication and supports scalability. We achieve a two-qubit gate with maximum state fidelity of 0.95 in 310 ns, a three-qubit gate with state fidelity 0.905\% in 217 ns, and a four-qubit gate with state fidelity 0.66 in 200 ns. Furthermore, we develop a model of the gate that show the four-qubit gate is limited by shared resonator losses and the spread of qubit-resonator couplings, which must be addressed to reach high-fidelity operations.
Ultra linear magnetic flux-to-voltage conversion in superconducting quantum interference proximity transistors
Superconducting interferometers are quantum devices able to transduce a magnetic flux into an electrical output with excellent sensitivity, integrability and power consumption. Yet,
their voltage response is intrinsically non-linear, a limitation which is conventionally circumvented through the introduction of compensation inductances or by the construction of complex device arrays. Here we propose an intrinsically-linear flux-to-voltage mesoscopic transducer, called bi-SQUIPT, based on the superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor as fundamental building block. The bi-SQUIPT provides a voltage-noise spectral density as low as ∼10−16 V/Hz1/2 and, more interestingly, under a proper operation parameter selection, exhibits a spur-free dynamic range as large as ∼60 dB, a value on par with that obtained with state-of-the-art SQUID-based linear flux-to-voltage superconducting transducers. Furthermore, thanks to its peculiar measurement configuration, the bi-SQUIPT is tolerant to imperfections and non-idealities in general. For the above reasons, we believe that the bi-SQUIPT could provide a relevant step-beyond in the field of low-dissipation and low-noise current amplification with a special emphasis on applications in cryogenic quantum electronics.
Magnetometry of neurons using a superconducting qubit
We demonstrate magnetometry of cultured neurons on a polymeric film using a superconducting flux qubit that works as a sensitive magnetometer in a microscale area. The neurons are cultured
in Fe3+ rich medium to increase magnetization signal generated by the electron spins originating from the ions. The magnetometry is performed by insulating the qubit device from the laden neurons with the polymeric film while keeping the distance between them around several micrometers. By changing temperature (12.5 – 200 mK) and a magnetic field (2.5 – 12.5 mT), we observe a clear magnetization signal from the neurons that is well above the control magnetometry of the polymeric film itself. From electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum measured at 10 K, the magnetization signal is identified to originate from electron spins of iron ions in neurons. This technique to detect a bio-spin system can be extended to achieve ESR spectroscopy at the single-cell level, which will give the spectroscopic fingerprint of cells.
Entangling remote microwave quantum computers with hybrid entanglement swap and variational distillation
Superconducting microwave circuits with Josephson junctions are a major platform for quantum computing. To unleash their full capabilities, the cooperative operation of multiple microwave
superconducting circuits is required. Therefore, designing an efficient protocol to distribute microwave entanglement remotely becomes a crucial open problem. Here, we propose a continuous-variable entanglement-swap approach based on optical-microwave entanglement generation, which can boost the ultimate rate by two orders of magnitude at state-of-the-art parameter region, compared with traditional approaches. We further empower the protocol with a hybrid variational entanglement distillation component to provide huge advantage in the infidelity-versus-success-probability trade-off. Our protocol can be realized with near-term device performance, and is robust against non-perfections such as optical loss and noise. Therefore, our work provides a practical method to realize efficient quantum links for superconducting microwave quantum computers.
Structurally stable subharmonic regime of a driven quantum Josephson circuit
Driven quantum nonlinear oscillators, while essential for quantum technologies, are generally prone to complex chaotic dynamics that fall beyond the reach of perturbative analysis.
By focusing on subharmonic bifurcations of a harmonically driven oscillator, we provide a recipe for the choice of the oscillator’s parameters that ensures a regular dynamical behavior independently of the driving strength. We show that this suppression of chaotic phenomena is compatible with a strong quantum nonlinear effect reflected by the confinement rate in the degenerate manifold spanned by stable subharmonic orbits.
Superradiant emission spectra of a two-qubit system in circuit quantum electrodynamics
In this paper we study the spontaneous emission spectra and the emission decay rates of a simplest atom system that exhibits sub- and superradiant properties: a system which consists
of two artificial atoms (superconducting qubits) embedded in a one-dimensional open waveguide. The calculations are based on the method of the transition operator which was firstly introduced by R. H. Lehmberg to theoretically describe the spontaneous emission of two-level atoms in a free space. We obtain the explicit expressions for the photon radiation spectra and the emission decay rates for different initial two-qubit configurations with one and two excitations. For every initial state we calculate the radiation spectra and the emission decay rates for different effective distances between qubits. In every case, a decay rate is compared with a single qubit decay to show the superradiant or subradiant nature of a two-qubit decay with a given initial state.
Precision measurement of the microwave dielectric loss of sapphire in the quantum regime with parts-per-billion sensitivity
Dielectric loss is known to limit state-of-the-art superconducting qubit lifetimes. Recent experiments imply upper bounds on bulk dielectric loss tangents on the order of 100 parts-per-billion,
but because these inferences are drawn from fully fabricated devices with many loss channels, they do not definitively implicate or exonerate the dielectric. To resolve this ambiguity, we have devised a measurement method capable of separating and resolving bulk dielectric loss with a sensitivity at the level of 5 parts-per-billion. The method, which we call the dielectric dipper, involves the in-situ insertion of a dielectric sample into a high-quality microwave cavity mode. Smoothly varying the sample’s participation in the cavity mode enables a differential measurement of the sample’s dielectric loss tangent. The dielectric dipper can probe the low-power behavior of dielectrics at cryogenic temperatures, and does so without the need for any lithographic process, enabling controlled comparisons of substrate materials and processing techniques. We demonstrate the method with measurements of EFG sapphire, from which we infer a bulk loss tangent of 62(7)×10−9 and a substrate-air interface loss tangent of 12(2)×10−4. For a typical transmon, this bulk loss tangent would limit device quality factors to less than 20 million, suggesting that bulk loss is likely the dominant loss mechanism in the longest-lived transmons on sapphire. We also demonstrate this method on HEMEX sapphire and bound its bulk loss tangent to be less than 15(5)×10−9. As this bound is about four times smaller than the bulk loss tangent of EFG sapphire, use of HEMEX sapphire as a substrate would lift the bulk dielectric coherence limit of a typical transmon qubit to several milliseconds.