I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Evolution of coherent waves driving a single artificial atom
An electromagnetic wave propagating through a waveguide with a strongly coupled superconducting artificial two-level atom exhibits an evolving superposition with the atom. The Rabi
oscillations in the atom result from a single excitation-relaxation, corresponding to photon absorption and stimulated emission from/to the field. In this study, we investigate the time-dependent behavior of the transmitted field and extract its spectra. The scattered fields are described using input-output theory. We demonstrate that the time evolution of the propagating fields, due to interaction, encapsulates all information about the atom. Additionally, we deduce the dynamics of the incoherent radiation component from the measured first-order correlation function of the field.
High-fidelity transmon coupler activated CCZ gate on fluxonium qubits
The Toffoli gate takes a special place in the quantum information theory. It opens up a path for efficient implementation of complex quantum algorithms. Despite tremendous progress
of the quantum processors based on the superconducting qubits, realization of a high-fidelity three-qubit operation is still a challenging problem. Here, we propose a novel way to perform a high-fidelity CCZ gate on fluxoniums capacitively connected via a transmon qubit, activated by a microwave pulse on the coupler. The main advantages of the approach are relative quickness, simplicity of calibration and significant suppression of the unwanted longitudinal ZZ interaction. We provide numerical simulation of 95-ns long gate of higher than 99.99% fidelity with realistic circuit parameters in the noiseless model and estimate an error of about 0.25% under the conventional decoherence rates.
Fast generation of Schrödinger cat states in a Kerr-tunable superconducting resonator
Schrödinger cat states, quantum superpositions of macroscopically distinct classical states, are an important resource for quantum communication, quantum metrology and quantum computation.
Especially, cat states in a phase space protected against phase-flip errors can be used as a logical qubit. However, cat states, normally generated in three-dimensional cavities, are facing the challenges of scalability and controllability. Here, we present a novel strategy to generate and store cat states in a coplanar superconducting circuit by the fast modulation of Kerr nonlinearity. At the Kerr-free work point, our cat states are passively preserved due to the vanishing Kerr effect. We are able to prepare a 2-component cat state in our chip-based device with a fidelity reaching 89.1% under a 96 ns gate time. Our scheme shows an excellent route to constructing a chip-based bosonic quantum processor.
Passive microwave circulation on a superconducting chip
Building large-scale superconducting quantum circuits will require miniaturisation and integration of supporting devices including microwave circulators, which are currently bulky,
stand-alone components. Here we report the realisation of a passive on-chip circulator which is made from a loop consisting of three tunnel-coupled superconducting islands, with DC-only control fields. We observe the effect of quasiparticle tunnelling, and we dynamically classify the system into different quasiparticle sectors. When tuned for circulation, the device exhibits strongly non-reciprocal 3-port scattering, with average on-resonance insertion loss of 2 dB, isolation of 14 dB, power reflectance of -11 dB, and a bandwidth of 200 MHz.
Parity-protected superconducting qubit based on topological insulators
We propose a novel architecture that utilizes two 0-π qubits based on topological Josephson junctions to implement a parity-protected superconducting qubit. The topological Josephson
junctions provides protection against fabrication variations, which ensures the identical Josephson junctions required to implement the0-π qubit. By viewing the even and odd parity ground states of a 0-π qubit as spin-12 states, we construct the logic qubit states using the total parity odd subspace of two 0-π qubits. This parity-protected qubit exhibits robustness against charge noise, similar to a singlet-triplet qubit’s immunity to global magnetic field fluctuations. Meanwhile, the flux noise cannot directly couple two states with the same total parity and therefore is greatly suppressed. Benefiting from the simultaneous protection from both charge and flux noise, we demonstrate a dramatic enhancement of both T1 and T2 coherence times. Our work presents a new approach to engineer symmetry-protected superconducting qubits.
Digital-analog quantum computing of fermion-boson models in superconducting circuits
We propose a digital-analog quantum algorithm for simulating the Hubbard-Holstein model, describing strongly-correlated fermion-boson interactions, in a suitable architecture with superconducting
circuits. It comprises a linear chain of qubits connected by resonators, emulating electron-electron (e-e) and electron-phonon (e-p) interactions, as well as fermion tunneling. Our approach is adequate for a digital-analog quantum computing (DAQC) of fermion-boson models including those described by the Hubbard-Holstein model. We show the reduction in the circuit depth of the DAQC algorithm, a sequence of digital steps and analog blocks, outperforming the purely digital approach. We exemplify the quantum simulation of a half-filling two-site Hubbard-Holstein model. In such example we obtain fidelities larger than 0.98, showing that our proposal is suitable to study the dynamical behavior of solid-state systems. Our proposal opens the door to computing complex systems for chemistry, materials, and high-energy physics.
Superconducting Quantum Circuits in the light of Dirac’s Constraint Analysis Framework
In this work we introduce a new framework – Dirac’s Hamiltonian formalism of constraint systems – to study different types of Superconducting Quantum Circuits (SQC)
in a {\it{unified}} and unambiguous way. The Lagrangian of a SQC reveals the constraints, that are classified in a Hamiltonian framework, such that redundant variables can be removed to isolate the canonical degrees of freedom for subsequent quantization of the Dirac Brackets via a generalized Correspondence Principle. This purely algebraic approach makes the application of concepts such as graph theory, null vector, loop charge,\ etc that are in vogue, (each for a specific type of circuit), completely redundant.
Modular Superconducting Qubit Architecture with a Multi-chip Tunable Coupler
We use a floating tunable coupler to mediate interactions between qubits on separate chips to build a modular architecture. We demonstrate three different designs of multi-chip tunable
couplers using vacuum gap capacitors or superconducting indium bump bonds to connect the coupler to a microwave line on a common substrate and then connect to the qubit on the next chip. We show that the zero-coupling condition between qubits on separate chips can be achieved in each design and that the relaxation rates for the coupler and qubits are not noticeably affected by the extra circuit elements. Finally, we demonstrate two-qubit gate operations with fidelity at the same level as qubits with a tunable coupler on a single chip. Using one or more indium bonds does not degrade qubit coherence or impact the performance of two-qubit gates.
High-frequency suppression of inductive coupling between flux qubit and transmission line resonator
We perform theoretical calculations to investigate the naturally occurring high-frequency cutoff in a circuit comprising a flux qubit coupled inductively to a transmission line resonator
(TLR). Our results agree with those of past studies that considered somewhat similar circuit designs. In particular, a decoupling occurs between the qubit and the high-frequency modes. As a result, the coupling strength between the qubit and resonator modes increases with mode frequency ω as ω‾‾√ at low frequencies and decreases as 1/ω‾‾√ at high frequencies. We derive expressions for the multimode-resonator-induced Lamb shift in the qubit’s characteristic frequency. Because of the natural decoupling between the qubit and high-frequency modes, the Lamb-shift-renormalized qubit frequency remains finite.
Radiatively-cooled quantum microwave amplifiers
Superconducting microwave amplifiers are essential for sensitive signal readout in superconducting quantum processors. Typically based on Josephson Junctions, these amplifiers require
operation at milli-Kelvin temperatures to achieve quantum-limited performance. Here we demonstrate a quantum microwave amplifier that employs radiative cooling to operate at elevated temperatures. This kinetic-inductance-based parametric amplifier, patterned from a single layer of high-Tc NbN thin film\cmt{in the form of a nanobridge}, maintains a high gain and meanwhile enables low added noise of 1.3 quanta when operated at 1.5 Kelvin. Remarkably, this represents only a 0.2 quanta increase compared to the performance at a base temperature of 0.1 Kelvin. By uplifting the parametric amplifiers from the mixing chamber without compromising readout efficiency, this work represents an important step for realizing scalable microwave quantum technologies.