I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
On-chip microwave coherent source with in-situ control of the photon number distribution
Coherent photon sources are key elements in different applications, ranging from quantum sensing to quantum computing. In the context of circuit quantum electrodynamics, there have
been multiple proposals for potential coherent sources of photons, but a well established candidate is still missing. The possibility of designing and engineering superconducting circuits behaving like artificial atoms supports the realization of quantum optics protocols, including microwave photons generation. Here we propose and theoretically investigate a new design that allows a tunable photon injection directly on-chip. The scheme is based on initiating a population inversion in a superconducting circuit that will act as the photon source of one or multiple target resonators. The key novelty of the proposed layout consists in replacing the usual capacitive link between the source and the target cavity with a tunable coupler, with the advantage of having on-demand control on the injected steady-state photons. We validate the dynamical control of the generated coherent states under the effect of an external flux threading the tunable coupler and discuss the possibility of employing this scheme also in the context of multiple bosonic reservoirs.
A globally driven superconducting quantum computing architecture
We propose a platform for implementing a universal, globally driven quantum computer based on a 2D ladder hosting three different species of superconducting qubits. In stark contrast
with the existing literature, our scheme exploits the always-on longitudinal ZZ coupling. The latter, combined with specific driving frequencies, enables the reach of a blockade regime, which plays a pivotal role in the computing scheme.
Mixing of counterpropagating signals in a traveling-wave Josephson device
Light waves do not interact in vacuum, but may mix through various parametric processes when traveling in a nonlinear medium. In particular, a high-amplitude wave can be leveraged to
frequency convert a low-amplitude signal, as long as the overall energy and momentum of interacting photons are conserved. These conditions are typically met when all waves propagate in the medium with identical phase velocity along a particular axis. In this work, we investigate an alternative scheme by which an input microwave signal propagating along a 1-dimensional Josephson metamaterial is converted to an output wave propagating in the opposite direction. The interaction is mediated by a pump wave propagating at low phase velocity. In this novel regime, the input signal is exponentially attenuated as it travels down the device. We exploit this process to implement a robust on-chip microwave isolator that can be reconfigured into a reciprocal and tunable coupler. The device mode of operation is selected in situ, along with its working frequency over a wide microwave range. In the 5.5-8.5 GHz range, we measure an isolation over 15 dB on a typical bandwidth of 100 MHz, on par with the best existing on-chip isolators. Substantial margin for improvement exists through design optimization and by reducing fabrication disorder, opening new avenues for microwave routing and processing in superconducting circuits.
A Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier Isolator
Superconducting traveling-wave parametric amplifiers have emerged as highly promising devices for near-quantum-limited broadband amplification of microwave signals and are essential
for high quantum-efficiency microwave readout lines. Built-in isolation, as well as gain, would address their primary limitation: lack of true directionality due to potential backward travel of electromagnetic radiation to their input port. Here, we demonstrate a Josephson-junction-based traveling-wave parametric amplifier isolator. It utilizes third-order nonlinearity for amplification and second-order nonlinearity for frequency upconversion of backward propagating modes to provide reverse isolation. These parametric processes, enhanced by a novel phase matching mechanism, exhibit gain of up to 20~dB and reverse isolation of up to 30~dB over a static 3~dB bandwidth greater than 500~MHz, while keeping near-quantum limited added noise. This demonstration of a broadband truly directional amplifier ultimately paves the way towards broadband quantum-limited microwave amplification lines without bulky magnetic isolators and with inhibited back-action.
Entangling Schrödinger’s cat states by seeding a Bell state or swapping the cats
In quantum information processing, two primary research directions have emerged: one based on discrete variables (DV) and the other on the structure of quantum states in a continuous-variable
(CV) space. It is increasingly recognized that integrating these two approaches could unlock new potentials, overcoming the inherent limitations of each. Here, we show that such a DV-CV hybrid approach, applied to superconducting Kerr parametric oscillators (KPOs), enables us to entangle a pair of Schrödinger’s cat states by two straightforward methods. The first method involves the entanglement-preserving and deterministic conversion between Bell states in the Fock-state basis (DV encoding) and those in the cat-state basis (CV encoding). This method would allow us to construct quantum networks in the cat-state basis using conventional schemes originally developed for the Fock-state basis. In the second method, the iSWAP‾‾‾‾‾‾‾√ gate operation is implemented between two cat states following the procedure used for Fock-state encoding. This DV-like gate operation on CV encoding not only completes the demonstration of a universal quantum gate set in a KPO system but also enables faster and simpler gate operations compared to previous SWAP gate implementations on bosonic modes. Our work offers a simple yet powerful application of DV-CV hybridization while also highlighting the scalability of this planar KPO system.
Exact and approximate fluxonium array modes
We present an exact solution for the linearized junction array modes of the superconducting qubit fluxonium in the absence of array disorder. This solution holds for arrays of any length
and ground capacitance, and for both differential and grounded devices. Array mode energies are determined by roots of convex combinations of Chebyshev polynomials, and their spatial profiles are plane waves. We also provide a simple, approximate solution, which estimates array mode properties over a wide range of circuit parameters, and an accompanying Mathematica file that implements both the exact and approximate solutions.
SuperGrad: a differentiable simulator for superconducting processors
One significant advantage of superconducting processors is their extensive design flexibility, which encompasses various types of qubits and interactions. Given the large number of
tunable parameters of a processor, the ability to perform gradient optimization would be highly beneficial. Efficient backpropagation for gradient computation requires a tightly integrated software library, for which no open-source implementation is currently available. In this work, we introduce SuperGrad, a simulator that accelerates the design of superconducting quantum processors by incorporating gradient computation capabilities. SuperGrad offers a user-friendly interface for constructing Hamiltonians and computing both static and dynamic properties of composite systems. This differentiable simulation is valuable for a range of applications, including optimal control, design optimization, and experimental data fitting. In this paper, we demonstrate these applications through examples and code snippets.
Identifying impurities in a silicon substrate by using a superconducting flux qubit
A bismuth-doped silicon substrate was analyzed by using a magnetometer based on a superconducting flux qubit. The temperature dependence of the magnetization indicates that the silicon
substrate contains at least two signal sources, intentionally doped bismuth spins and a spin 1/2 system with a ratio of 0.873 to 0.127. In combination with a conventional electron spin resonance spectrometer, a candidate origin of the spin 1/2 system was identified as a dangling bond on the silicon surface. In addition, the spin sensitivity of the magnetometer was also estimated to be 12 spins/Hz‾‾‾√ by using optimized dispersive readout.
Fano-enhanced low-loss on-chip superconducting microwave circulator
Ferrite-free circulators that are passive and readily integratable on a chip are highly sought-after in quantum technologies based on superconducting circuits. In our previous work,
we implemented such a circulator using a three-Josephson-junction loop that exhibited unambiguous nonreciprocity and signal circulation, but required junction energies to be within 1% of design values. This tolerance is tighter than standard junction fabrication methods provide, so we propose and demonstrate a design improvement that relaxes the required junction fabrication precision, allowing for higher device performance and fabrication yield. Specifically, we introduce large direct capacitive couplings between the waveguides to create strong Fano scattering interference. We measure enhanced `circulation fidelity‘ above 97%, with optimised on-resonance insertion loss of 0.2~dB, isolation of 18~dB, and power reflectance of −15~dB, in good agreement with model calculations.
Magnon-mediated quantum gates for superconducting qubits
We propose a hybrid quantum system consisting of a magnetic particle inductively coupled to two superconducting transmon qubits, where qubit-qubit interactions are mediated via magnons.
We show that the system can be tuned into three different regimes of effective qubit-qubit interactions, namely a transverse (XX+YY), a longitudinal (ZZ) and a non-trivial ZX interaction. In addition, we show that an enhanced coupling can be achieved by employing an ellipsoidal magnet, carrying anisotropic magnetic fluctuations. We propose a scheme for realizing two-qubit gates, and simulate their performance under realistic experimental conditions. We find that iSWAP and CZ gates can be performed in this setup with an average fidelity ≳99% , while an iCNOT gate can be applied with an average fidelity ≳88%. Our proposed hybrid circuit architecture offers an alternative platform for realizing two-qubit gates between superconducting qubits and could be employed for constructing qubit networks using magnons as mediators.