Ultrastrong tunable coupler between superconducting LC resonators

  1. T. Miyanaga,
  2. A. Tomonaga,
  3. H. Ito,
  4. H. Mukai,
  5. and J. S. Tsai
We investigate the ultrastrong tunable coupler for coupling of superconducting resonators. Obtained coupling constant exceeds 1 GHz, and the wide range tunability is achieved both antiferromagnetics
and ferromagnetics from -1086 MHz to 604 MHz. Ultrastrong coupler is composed of rf-SQUID and dc-SQUID as tunable junctions, which connected to resonators via shared aluminum thin film meander lines enabling such a huge coupling constant. The spectrum of the coupler obviously shows the breaking of the rotating wave approximation, and our circuit model treating the Josephson junction as a tunable inductance reproduces the experimental results well. The ultrastrong coupler is expected to be utilized in quantum annealing circuits and/or NISQ devices with dense connections between qubits.

Pseudo-2D superconducting quantum computing circuit for the surface code

  1. H. Mukai,
  2. K. Sakata,
  3. S.J. Devitt,
  4. R. Wang,
  5. Y. Zhou,
  6. Y. Nakajima,
  7. and J. S. Tsai
Of the many potential hardware platforms, superconducting quantum circuits have become the leading contender for constructing a scalable quantum computing system. All current architecture
designs necessitate a 2D arrangement of superconducting qubits with nearest neighbour interactions, compatible with powerful quantum error correction using the surface code. A major hurdle for scalability in superconducting systems is the so called wiring problem, where qubits internal to a chip-set become inaccessible for external control/readout lines. Current approaches resort to intricate and exotic 3D wiring and packaging technology which is a significant engineering challenge to realize, while maintaining qubit fidelity. Here we solve this problem and present a modified superconducting scalable micro-architecture that does not require any 3D external line technology and reverts back to a completely planar design. This is enabled by a new pseudo-2D resonator network that provides inter-qubit connections via airbridges. We carried out experiments to examine the feasibility of the newly introduced airbridge component. The measured quality factor of these new inter-qubit resonators is sufficient for high fidelity gates, below the threshold for the surface code, with negligible measured cross-talk. The resulting physical separation of the external wirings and the inter-qubit connections on-chip should reduce cross-talk and decoherence as the chip-set increases in size. This result demonstrates that a large-scale, fully error corrected quantum computer can be constructed by monolithic integration technologies without additional overhead and without special packaging know-hows.