Tunable coupling of a quantum phononic resonator to a transmon qubit with flip-chip architecture

  1. Xinhui Ruan,
  2. Li Li,
  3. Guihan Liang,
  4. Silu Zhao,
  5. Jia-heng Wang,
  6. Yizhou Bu,
  7. Bingjie Chen,
  8. Xiaohui Song,
  9. Xiang Li,
  10. He Zhang,
  11. Jinzhe Wang,
  12. Qianchuan Zhao,
  13. Kai Xu,
  14. Heng Fan,
  15. Yu-xi Liu,
  16. Jing Zhang,
  17. Zhihui Peng,
  18. Zhongcheng Xiang,
  19. and Dongning Zheng
A hybrid system with tunable coupling between phonons and qubits shows great potential for advancing quantum information processing. In this work, we demonstrate strong and tunable
coupling between a surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonator and a transmon qubit based on galvanic-contact flip-chip technique. The coupling strength varies from 2π×7.0 MHz to -2π×20.6 MHz, which is extracted from different vacuum Rabi oscillation frequencies. The phonon-induced ac Stark shift of the qubit at different coupling strengths is also shown. Our approach offers a good experimental platform for exploring quantum acoustics and hybrid systems.

Dynamics and Resonance Fluorescence from a Superconducting Artificial Atom Doubly Driven by Quantized and Classical Fields

  1. Xinhui Ruan,
  2. Jia-Heng Wang,
  3. Dong He,
  4. Pengtao Song,
  5. Shengyong Li,
  6. Qianchuan Zhao,
  7. L.M. Kuang,
  8. Jaw-Shen Tsai,
  9. Chang-Ling Zou,
  10. Jing Zhang,
  11. Dongning Zheng,
  12. O. V. Astafiev,
  13. Yu-xi Liu,
  14. and Zhihui Peng
We report an experimental demonstration of resonance fluorescence in a two-level superconducting artificial atom under two driving fields coupled to a detuned cavity. One of the fields
is classical and the other is varied from quantum (vacuum fluctuations) to classical one by controlling the photon number inside the cavity. The device consists of a transmon qubit strongly coupled to a one-dimensional transmission line and a coplanar waveguide resonator. We observe a sideband anti-crossing and asymmetry in the emission spectra of the system through a one-dimensional transmission line, which is fundamentally different from the weak coupling case. By changing the photon number inside the cavity, the emission spectrum of our doubly driven system approaches to the case when the atom is driven by two classical bichromatic fields. We also measure the dynamical evolution of the system through the transmission line and study the properties of the first-order correlation function, Rabi oscillations and energy relaxation in the system. The study of resonance fluorescence from an atom driven by two fields promotes understanding decoherence in superconducting quantum circuits and may find applications in superconducting quantum computing and quantum networks.

Two-dimensional topological effect in a transmon qubit array with tunable couplings

  1. Yan-Jun Zhao,
  2. Yu-Qi Wang,
  3. Yang Xue,
  4. Xun-Wei Xu,
  5. Yan-Yang Zhang,
  6. Wu-Ming Liu,
  7. and Yu-xi Liu
We investigate a square-lattice architecture of superconducting transmon qubits with inter-qubit interactions mediated by inductive couplers. Therein, the inductive couling between
the qubit and couplers is suggested to be designed into the gradiometer form to intigimate the flux noise orginating from the environment. Via periodically modulating the couplers,the Abelian gauge potential, termed effective magnetic flux, can be synthesized artificially, making the system an excellent platform for simulating two-dimensional topological physics. In the simplest two-dimensional model, the double (or three-leg) ladder, the staggered vortex-Meissner phase transition different from that in the two-leg ladder can be found in the single-particle ground state as the effective magnetic flux varies. Besides, the large coupling ratio between the interleg and intraleg coupling strengths also makes the chiral current resemble squeezed sinusoidal functions. If the row number is further increased, the topological band structure anticipated at massive rows begins to occur even for a relatively small number of rows (ten or so for the considered parameters). This heralds a small circuit scale to observe the topological band. The edge state in the band gap is determined by the topological Chern number and can be calculated through integrating the Berry curvature with respect to the first Brillouin zone. Besides, we present a systematic method on how to measure the topological band structure based on time- and space-domain Frourier transformation of the wave function after properly excited. The result offers an avenue for simulating two-dimensional topological physics on the state-of-the-art superconducting quantum chips.

Simulation of Kitaev model using one-dimensional chain of superconducting qubits and environmental effect on topological states

  1. Yang Zhang,
  2. Yun-Qiu Ge,
  3. and Yu-xi Liu
Kitaev fermionic chain is one of the important physical models for studying topological physics and quantum computing. We here propose an approach to simulate the one-dimensional Kitaev
model by a chain of superconducting qubit circuits. Furthermore, we study the environmental effect on topological quantum states of the Kitaev model. Besides the independent environment surrounding each qubit, we also consider the common environment shared by two nearest neighboring qubits. Such common environment can result in an effective non-Hermitian dissipative coupling between two qubits. Through theoretical analysis and numerical calculations, we show that the common environment can significantly change properties of topological states in contrast to the independent environment. In addition, we also find that dissipative couplings at the edges of the chain can be used to more easily tune the topological properties of the system than those at other positions. Our study may open a new way to explore topological quantum phase transition and various environmental effects on topological physics using superconducting qubit circuits.

Quantum versus Classical Regime in Circuit Quantum Acoustodynamics

  1. Gang-hui Zeng,
  2. Yang Zhang,
  3. Aleksey N. Bolgar,
  4. Dong He,
  5. Bin Li,
  6. Xin-hui Ruan,
  7. Lan Zhou,
  8. Le-Mang Kuang,
  9. Oleg V. Astafiev,
  10. Yu-xi Liu,
  11. and Z.H. Peng
We experimentally study a circuit quantum acoustodynamics system, which consists of a superconducting artificial atom, coupled to both a two-dimensional surface acoustic wave resonator
and a one-dimensional microwave transmission line. The strong coupling between the artificial atom and the acoustic wave resonator is confirmed by the observation of the vacuum Rabi splitting at the base temperature of dilution refrigerator. We show that the propagation of microwave photons in the microwave transmission line can be controlled by a few phonons in the acoustic wave resonator. Furthermore, we demonstrate the temperature effect on the measurements of the Rabi splitting and temperature induced transitions from high excited dressed states. We find that the spectrum structure of two-peak for the Rabi splitting becomes into those of several peaks, and gradually disappears with the increase of the environmental temperature T. The quantum-to-classical transition is observed around the crossover temperature Tc, which is determined via the thermal fluctuation energy kBT and the characteristic energy level spacing of the coupled system. Experimental results agree well with the theoretical simulations via the master equation of the coupled system at different effective temperatures.

Vortex-Meissner phase transition induced by two-tone-drive-engineered artificial gauge potential in the fermionic ladder constructed by superconducting qubit circuits

  1. Yan-Jun Zhao,
  2. Xun-Wei Xu,
  3. Hui Wang,
  4. Yu-xi Liu,
  5. and Wu-Ming Liu
We propose to periodically modulate the onsite energy via two-tone drives, which can be furthermore used to engineer artificial gauge potential. As an example, we show that the fermionic
ladder model penetrated with effective magnetic flux can be constructed by superconducting flux qubits using such two-tone-drive-engineered artificial gauge potential. In this superconducting system, the single-particle ground state can range from vortex phase to Meissner phase due to the competition between the interleg coupling strength and the effective magnetic flux. We also present the method to experimentally measure the chiral currents by the single-particle Rabi oscillations between adjacent qubits. In contrast to previous methods of generating artifical gauge potential, our proposal does not need the aid of auxiliary couplers and in principle remains valid only if the qubit circuit maintains enough anharmonicity. The fermionic ladder model with effective magnetic flux can also be interpreted as one-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled model, which thus lay a foundation towards the realization of quantum spin Hall effect.

Quantum Fourier Transform in Oscillating Modes

  1. Qi-Ming Chen,
  2. Frank Deppe,
  3. Re-Bing Wu,
  4. Luyan Sun,
  5. Yu-xi Liu,
  6. Yuki Nojiri,
  7. Stefan Pogorzalek,
  8. Michael Renger,
  9. Matti Partanen,
  10. Kirill G. Fedorov,
  11. Achim Marx,
  12. and Rudolf Gross
Quantum Fourier transform (QFT) is a key ingredient of many quantum algorithms. In typical applications such as phase estimation, a considerable number of ancilla qubits and gates are
used to form a Hilbert space large enough for high-precision results. Qubit recycling reduces the number of ancilla qubits to one, but it is only applicable to semi-classical QFT and requires repeated measurements and feedforward within the coherence time of the qubits. In this work, we explore a novel approach based on resonators that forms a high-dimensional Hilbert space for the realization of QFT. By employing the perfect state-transfer method, we map an unknown multi-qubit state to a single resonator, and obtain the QFT state in the second oscillator through cross-Kerr interaction and projective measurement. A quantitive analysis shows that our method allows for high-dimensional and fully-quantum QFT employing the state-of-the-art superconducting quantum circuits. This paves the way for implementing various QFT related quantum algorithms.

Tuning coupling between superconducting resonators with collective qubits

  1. Qi-Ming Chen,
  2. Re-Bing Wu,
  3. Luyan Sun,
  4. and Yu-xi Liu
By coupling multiple artificial atoms simultaneously to two superconducting resonators, we construct a quantum switch that controls the resonator-resonator coupling strength from zero
to a large value proportional to the number of qubits. This process is implemented by switching the qubits among different \emph{subradiant states}, where the microwave photons decayed from different qubits interfere destructively so that the coupling strength keeps stable against environmental noise. Based on a two-step control scheme, the coupling strength can be switched at the \emph{nanosecond} scale while the qubits are maintained at the coherent optimal point. We also use the quantum switch to connect multiple resonators with a programmable network topology, and demonstrate its potential applications in quantum simulation and scalable quantum information storage and processing.

Topological edge states and pumping in a chain of coupled superconducting qubits

  1. Xiu Gu,
  2. Shu Chen,
  3. and Yu-xi Liu
Topological insulators have inspired the study with various quantum simulators. Exploiting the tunability of the qubit frequency and qubit-qubit coupling, we show that a superconducting
qubit chain can simulate various topological band models. When the system is restricted to the single-spin excitation subspace, the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model can be equivalently simulated by alternating the coupling strength between neighboring qubits. The existence of topological edge states in this qubit chain is demonstrated in the quench dynamics after the first qubit is excited. This excitation propagates along the chain where the qubit-qubit coupling is homogeneous. In contrast, in our qubit chain, the spin-up state localizes at the first qubit and the rest qubits remain in the spin-down state. We further show that the spin-up state can be transported along the chain by modulating the coupling strengths and the qubit frequencies. This demonstrates adiabatic pumping based on the Rice-Mele model. Moreover, we also discuss possible ways to construct other topological models with different topological phenomena within the current technology of superconducting qubits.

Microwave photonics with superconducting quantum circuits

  1. Xiu Gu,
  2. Anton Frisk Kockum,
  3. Adam Miranowicz,
  4. Yu-xi Liu,
  5. and Franco Nori
In the past 20 years, impressive progress has been made both experimentally and theoretically in superconducting quantum circuits, which provide a platform for manipulating microwave
photons. This emerging field of superconducting quantum microwave circuits has been driven by many new interesting phenomena in microwave photonics and quantum information processing. For instance, the interaction between superconducting quantum circuits and single microwave photons can reach the regimes of strong, ultra-strong, and even deep-strong coupling. Many higher-order effects, unusual and less familiar in traditional cavity quantum electrodynamics with natural atoms, have been experimentally observed, e.g., giant Kerr effects, multi-photon processes, and single-atom induced bistability of microwave photons. These developments may lead to improved understanding of the counterintuitive properties of quantum mechanics, and speed up applications ranging from microwave photonics to superconducting quantum information processing. In this article, we review experimental and theoretical progress in microwave photonics with superconducting quantum circuits. We hope that this global review can provide a useful roadmap for this rapidly developing field.