Experimental implementation of universal nonadiabatic geometric quantum gates in a superconducting circuit

  1. Yuan Xu,
  2. Ziyue Hua,
  3. Tao Chen,
  4. Xiaoxuan Pan,
  5. Xuegang Li,
  6. Jiaxiu Han,
  7. Weizhou Cai,
  8. Yuwei Ma,
  9. Haiyan Wang,
  10. Yipu Song,
  11. Zheng-Yuan Xue,
  12. and Luyan Sun
Using geometric phases to realize noise-resilient quantum computing is an important method to enhance the control fidelity. In this work, we experimentally realize a universal nonadiabatic
geometric quantum gate set in a superconducting qubit chain. We characterize the realized single- and two-qubit geometric gates with both quantum process tomography and randomized benchmarking methods. The measured average fidelities for the single-qubit rotation gates and two-qubit controlled-Z gate are 0.9977 and 0.977, respectively. Besides, we also experimentally demonstrate the noise-resilient feature of the realized single-qubit geometric gates by comparing their performance with the conventional dynamic gates with different types of errors in the control field. Thus, our experiment proves a way to achieve high-fidelity geometric quantum gates for robust quantum computation.