I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Control the qubit-qubit coupling in the superconducting circuit with double-resonator couplers
We propose a scheme of using two fixed frequency resonator couplers to tune the coupling strength between two Xmon qubits. The induced indirect qubit-qubit interactions by two resonators
could offset with each other, and the direct coupling between two qubits are not necessarily for switching off. The small direct qubit-quibt coupling could effectively suppress the frequency interval between switching off and switching on, and globally suppress the second and third-order static ZZ couplings. The frequencies differences between resonator couplers and qubits readout resonators are very large, this might be helpful for suppressing the qubits readout errors. The cross-kerr resonant processes between a qubit and two resonators might induce pole and affect the crosstalks between qubits. The double resonator couplers could unfreeze the restrictions on capacitances and coupling strengths in the superconducting circuit, and it can also reduce the flux noises and globally suppress the crosstalks.
The quartic Blochnium: an anharmonic quasicharge superconducting qubit
The quasicharge superconducting qubit realizes the dual of the transmon and shows strong robustness to flux and charge fluctuations thanks to a very large inductance closed on a Josephson
junction. At the same time, a weak anharmonicity of the spectrum is inherited from the parent transmon, that introduces leakage errors and is prone to frequency crowding in multi-qubit setups. We propose a novel design that employs a quartic superinductor and confers a good degree of anharmonicity to the spectrum. The quartic regime is achieved through a properly designed chain of Josephson junction loops that avoids strong quantum fluctuations without introducing a severe dependence on the external flux.
Advancements in Superconducting Microwave Cavities and Qubits for Quantum Information Systems
Superconducting microwave cavities with ultra-high Q-factors are revolutionizing the field of quantum computing, offering long coherence times exceeding 1 ms, which is critical for
realizing scalable multi-qubit quantum systems with low error rates. In this work, we provide an in-depth analysis of recent advances in ultra-high Q-factor cavities, integration of Josephson junction-based qubits, and bosonic-encoded qubits in 3D cavities. We examine the sources of quantum state dephasing caused by damping and noise mechanisms in cavities and qubits, highlighting the critical challenges that need to be addressed to achieve even higher coherence times. We critically survey the latest progress made in implementing single 3D qubits using superconducting materials, normal metals, and multi-qubit and multi-state quantum systems. Our work sheds light on the promising future of this research area, including novel materials for cavities and qubits, modes with nontrivial topological properties, error correction techniques for bosonic qubits, and new light-matter interaction effects.
Wafer-scale uniformity of Dolan-bridge and bridgeless Manhattan-style Josephson junctions for superconducting quantum processors
We investigate die-level and wafer-scale uniformity of Dolan-bridge and bridgeless Manhattan Josephson junctions, using multiple substrates with and without through-silicon vias (TSVs).
Dolan junctions fabricated on planar substrates have the highest yield and lowest room-temperature conductance spread, equivalent to ~100 MHz in transmon frequency. In TSV-integrated substrates, Dolan junctions suffer most in both yield and disorder, making Manhattan junctions preferable. Manhattan junctions show pronounced conductance decrease from wafer centre to edge, which we qualitatively capture using a geometric model of spatially-dependent resist shadowing during junction electrode evaporation. Analysis of actual junction overlap areas using scanning electron micrographs supports the model, and further points to a remnant spatial dependence possibly due to contact resistance.
Identification and Mitigation of Conducting Package Losses for Quantum Superconducting Devices
Low-loss superconducting microwave devices are required for quantum computation. Here, we present a series of measurements and simulations showing that conducting losses in the packaging
of our superconducting resonator devices affect the maximum achievable internal quality factors (Qi) for a series of thin-film Al quarter-wave resonators with fundamental resonant frequencies varying between 4.9 and 5.8 GHz. By utilizing resonators with different widths and gaps, we sampled different electromagnetic energy volumes for the resonators affecting Qi. When the backside of the sapphire substrate of the resonator device is adhered to a Cu package with a conducting silver glue, a monotonic decrease in the maximum achievable Qi is found as the electromagnetic sampling volume is increased. This is a result of induced currents in large surface resistance regions and dissipation underneath the substrate. By placing a hole underneath the substrate and using superconducting material for the package, we decrease the ohmic losses and increase the maximum Qi for the larger size resonators.
Voltage Activated Parametric Entangling Gates on Gatemons
We describe the generation of entangling gates on superconductor-semiconductor hybrid qubits by ac voltage modulation of the Josephson energy. Our numerical simulations demonstrate
that the unitary error can be below 10−5 in a variety of 75-ns-long two-qubit gates (CZ, iSWAP, and iSWAP‾‾‾‾‾‾‾√) implemented using parametric resonance. We analyze the conditional ZZ phase and demonstrate that the CZ gate needs no further phase correction steps, while the ZZ phase error in SWAP-type gates can be compensated by choosing pulse parameters. With decoherence considered, we estimate that qubit relaxation time needs to exceed 70μs to achieve the 99.9% fidelity threshold.
High-Fidelity, Frequency-Flexible Two-Qubit Fluxonium Gates with a Transmon Coupler
We propose and demonstrate an architecture for fluxonium-fluxonium two-qubit gates mediated by transmon couplers (FTF, for fluxonium-transmon-fluxonium). Relative to architectures that
exclusively rely on a direct coupling between fluxonium qubits, FTF enables stronger couplings for gates using non-computational states while simultaneously suppressing the static controlled-phase entangling rate (ZZ) down to kHz levels, all without requiring strict parameter matching. Here we implement FTF with a flux-tunable transmon coupler and demonstrate a microwave-activated controlled-Z (CZ) gate whose operation frequency can be tuned over a 2 GHz range, adding frequency allocation freedom for FTF’s in larger systems. Across this range, state-of-the-art CZ gate fidelities were observed over many bias points and reproduced across the two devices characterized in this work. After optimizing both the operation frequency and the gate duration, we achieved peak CZ fidelities in the 99.85-99.9\% range. Finally, we implemented model-free reinforcement learning of the pulse parameters to boost the mean gate fidelity up to 99.922±0.009%, averaged over roughly an hour between scheduled training runs. Beyond the microwave-activated CZ gate we present here, FTF can be applied to a variety of other fluxonium gate schemes to improve gate fidelities and passively reduce unwanted ZZ interactions.
Integrating planar circuits with superconducting 3D microwave cavities using tunable low-loss couplers
We design and test a low-loss interface between superconducting 3-dimensional microwave cavities and 2-dimensional circuits, where the coupling rate is highly tunable. This interface
seamlessly integrates a magnetic antenna and a Josephson junction based coupling element with a cavity, and we demonstrate that the introduced loss from this integration only limits the quality factor to 4.5 million. The cavity external coupling rate can then be tuned from negligibly small to over 3 orders of magnitude larger than the internal loss rate with a characteristic time of 3.2 ns. This switching speed does not impose additional limits on the coupling rate because it is much faster than the coupling rate. Moreover, the coupler can be controlled by baseband signals to avoid interference with microwave signals near the cavity or qubit frequencies. Finally, the coupling element introduces a 0.04 Hz/photon self-Kerr nonlinearity to the cavity, remaining linear in high photon number operations.
Frequency-tunable microwave quantum light source based on superconducting quantum circuits
A nonclassical light source is essential for implementing a wide range of quantum information processing protocols, including quantum computing, networking, communication, and metrology.
In the microwave regime, propagating photonic qubits that transfer quantum information between multiple superconducting quantum chips serve as building blocks of large-scale quantum computers. In this context, spectral control of propagating single photons is crucial for interfacing different quantum nodes with varied frequencies and bandwidth. Here we demonstrate a microwave quantum light source based on superconducting quantum circuits that can generate propagating single photons, time-bin encoded photonic qubits and qudits. In particular, the frequency of the emitted photons can be tuned in situ as large as 200 MHz. Even though the internal quantum efficiency of the light source is sensitive to the working frequency, we show that the fidelity of the propagating photonic qubit can be well preserved with the time-bin encoding scheme. Our work thus demonstrates a versatile approach to realizing a practical quantum light source for future distributed quantum computing.
Observation of the Schmid-Bulgadaev dissipative quantum phase transition
Although quantum mechanics applies to many macroscopic superconducting devices, one basic prediction remained controversial for decades. Namely, a Josephson junction connected to a
resistor must undergo a dissipation-induced quantum phase transition from superconductor to insulator once the resistor’s value exceeds h/4e2≈6.5 kΩ (h is Planck’s constant, e is the electron charge). Here we finally demonstrate this transition by observing the resistor’s internal dynamics. Implementing our resistor as a long transmission line section, we find that a junction scatters electromagnetic excitations in the line as either inductance (superconductor) or capacitance (insulator), depending solely on the line’s wave impedance. At the phase boundary, the junction itself acts as ideal resistance: in addition to elastic scattering, incident photons can spontaneously down-convert with a frequency-independent probability, which provides a novel marker of quantum-critical behavior.