The accurate measurement of quantum two-level objects (qubits) is crucial for developing quantum computing hardware. Over the last decade, the measure of choice for benchmarking readoutroutines for superconducting qubits has been assignment fidelity. However, this method only focuses on the preparation of computational basis states and therefore does not provide a complete characterization of the readout. Here, we expand the focus to the use of detector tomography to fully characterize multi-qubit readout of superconducting transmon qubits. The impact of different readout parameters on the rate of information extraction is studied using quantum state reconstruction infidelity as a proxy. The results are then compared with assignment fidelities, showing good agreement for separable two-qubit states. We therefore propose the rate of infidelity convergence as an alternative and more comprehensive benchmark for single- and multi-qubit readout optimization. We find the most effective allocation of a fixed shot budget between detector tomography and state reconstruction in single- and two-qubit experiments. To address the growing interest in three-qubit gates, we perform three-qubit quantum state tomography that goes beyond conventional readout error mitigation methods and find a factor of 30 reduction in quantum infidelity. Our results demonstrate that neither quantum nor classical qubit readout correlations are induced even by very high levels of readout noise. Consequently, correlation coefficients can serve as a valuable tool in qubit readout optimization.
Quantum technologies rely heavily on accurate control and reliable readout of quantum systems. Current experiments are limited by numerous sources of noise that can only be partiallycaptured by simple analytical models and additional characterization of the noise sources is required. We test the ability of readout error mitigation to correct realistic noise found in systems composed of quantum two-level objects (qubits). To probe the limit of such methods, we designed a universal readout error mitigation protocol based on quantum state tomography (QST), which estimates the density matrix of a quantum system, and quantum detector tomography (QDT), which characterizes the measurement procedure. By treating readout error mitigation in the context of state tomography the method becomes largely device-, architecture-, noise source-, and quantum state-independent. We implement this method on a superconducting qubit and benchmark the increase in reconstruction fidelity for QST. We characterize the performance of the method by varying important noise sources, such as suboptimal readout signal amplification, insufficient resonator photon population, off-resonant qubit drive, and effectively shortened T1 and T2 decay times. As a result, we identified noise sources for which readout error mitigation worked well, and observed decreases in readout infidelity by a factor of up to 30.
Microwave circuit electrodynamics of disordered superconductors is a very active research topic spawning a wide range of experiments and applications. For compact superconducting circuitelements, the transition to an insulating state poses a limit to the maximum attainable kinetic inductance. It is therefore vital to study the fundamental noise properties of thin films close to this transition, particularly in situations where a good coherence and temporal stability is required. In this paper, we present measurements on superconducting granular aluminum microwave resonators with high normal state resistances, where the influence of the superconductor to insulator phase transition is visible. We trace fluctuations of the fundamental resonance frequency and observe, in addition to a 1/f noise pattern, a distinct excess noise, reminiscent of a random telegraph signal. The excess noise shows a strong dependency on the resistivity of the films as well as the sample temperature, but not on the applied microwave power.
Quantum simulation is one of the most promising near term applications of quantum computing. Especially, systems with a large Hilbert space are hard to solve for classical computersand thus ideal targets for a simulation with quantum hardware. In this work, we study experimentally the transient dynamics in the multistate Landau-Zener model as a function of the Landau-Zener velocity. The underlying Hamiltonian is emulated by superconducting quantum circuit, where a tunable transmon qubit is coupled to a bosonic mode ensemble comprising four lumped element microwave resonators. We investigate the model for different initial states: Due to our circuit design, we are not limited to merely exciting the qubit, but can also pump the harmonic modes via a dedicated drive line. Here, the nature of the transient dynamics depends on the average photon number in the excited resonator. The greater effective coupling strength between qubit and higher Fock states results in a quasi-adiabatic transition, where coherent quantum oscillations are suppressed without the introduction of additional loss channels. Our experiments pave the way for more complex simulations with qubits coupled to an engineered bosonic mode spectrum.
The rapid progress in quantum information processing leads to a rising demand for devices to control the propagation of electromagnetic wave pulses and to ultimately realize a universaland efficient quantum memory. While in recent years significant progress has been made to realize slow light and quantum memories with atoms at optical frequencies, superconducting circuits in the microwave domain still lack such devices. Here, we demonstrate slowing down electromagnetic waves in a superconducting metamaterial composed of eight qubits coupled to a common waveguide, forming a waveguide quantum electrodynamics system. We analyze two complementary approaches, one relying on dressed states of the Autler-Townes splitting, and the other based on a tailored dispersion profile using the qubits tunability. Our time-resolved experiments show reduced group velocities of down to a factor of about 1500 smaller than in vacuum. Depending on the method used, the speed of light can be controlled with an additional microwave tone or an effective qubit detuning. Our findings demonstrate high flexibility of superconducting circuits to realize custom band structures and open the door to microwave dispersion engineering in the quantum regime.
Josephson tunnel junctions are the centerpiece of almost any superconducting electronic circuit, including qubits. Typically, the junctions for qubits are fabricated using shadow evaporationtechniques to reduce dielectric loss contributions from the superconducting film interfaces. In recent years, however, sub-micron scale overlap junctions have started to attract attention. Compared to shadow mask techniques, neither an angle dependent deposition nor free-standing bridges or overlaps are needed, which are significant limitations for wafer-scale processing. This comes at the cost of breaking the vacuum during fabrication, but simplifies integration in multi-layered circuits, implementation of vastly different junction sizes, and enables fabrication on a larger scale in an industrially-standardized process. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of a subtractive process for fabrication of overlap junctions. We evaluate the coherence properties of the junctions by employing them in superconducting transmon qubits. In time domain experiments, we find that both, the qubit life- and coherence time of our best device, are on average greater than 20 μs. Finally, we discuss potential improvements to our technique. This work paves the way towards a more standardized process flow with advanced materials and growth processes, and constitutes an important step for large scale fabrication of superconducting quantum circuits.
In this work, we experimentally study a metamaterial made of eight superconducting transmon qubits with local frequency control coupled to the mode continuum of a superconducting waveguide.By consecutively tuning the qubits to a common resonance frequency we observe the formation of super- and subradiant states as well as the emergence of a polaritonic bandgap. Making use of the qubits strong intrinsic quantum nonlinearity we study the saturation of the collective modes with increasing photon number and electromagnetically induce a transparency window in the bandgap region of the ensemble, allowing to directly control the band structure of the array. The moderately scaled circuit of this work extends experiments with one and two qubits towards a full-blown quantum metamaterial, thus paving the way for large-scale applications in superconducting waveguide quantum electrodynamics.
We investigate the circuit quantum electrodynamics of superconducting nanowire oscillators. The sample circuit consists of a capacitively shunted nanowire with a width of about 20 nmand a varying length up to 350 nm, capacitively coupled to an on-chip resonator. By applying microwave pulses we observe Rabi oscillations, measure coherence times and the anharmonicity of the circuit. Despite the very compact design, simple top-down fabrication and high degree of disorder in the oxidized (granular) aluminum material used, we observe lifetimes in the microsecond range.
We report on spectroscopic and time-domain measurements on a fixed-frequency concentric transmon qubit in an applied in-plane magnetic field to explore its limits of magnetic fieldcompatibility. We demonstrate quantum coherence of the qubit up to field values of B=40mT, even without an optimized chip design or material combination of the qubit. The dephasing rate Γφ is shown to be not affected by the magnetic field in a broad range of the qubit transition frequency. For the evolution of the qubit transition frequency, we find the unintended second junction created in the shadow angle evaporation process to be non-negligible and deduce an analytic formula for the field-dependent qubit energies. We discuss the relevant field-dependent loss channels, which can not be distinguished by our measurements, inviting further theoretical and experimental investigation. Using well-known and well-studied standard components of the superconducting quantum architecture, we are able to reach a field regime relevant for quantum sensing and hybrid applications of magnetic spins and spin systems.
Superconducting quantum information processing machines are predominantly based on microwave circuits with relatively low characteristic impedance, of about 100 Ohm, and small anharmonicity,which can limit their coherence and logic gate fidelity. A promising alternative are circuits based on so-called superinductors, with characteristic impedances exceeding the resistance quantum RQ=6.4 kΩ. However, previous implementations of superinductors, consisting of mesoscopic Josephson junction arrays, can introduce unintended nonlinearity or parasitic resonant modes in the qubit vicinity, degrading its coherence. Here we present a fluxonium qubit design using a granular aluminum (grAl) superinductor strip. Granular aluminum is a particularly attractive material, as it self-assembles into an effective junction array with a remarkably high kinetic inductance, and its fabrication can be in-situ integrated with standard aluminum circuit processing. The measured qubit coherence time TR2 up to 30 μs illustrates the potential of grAl for applications ranging from protected qubit designs to quantum limited amplifiers and detectors.