Defining and detecting quantum speedup

  1. Troels F. Rønnow,
  2. Zhihui Wang,
  3. Joshua Job,
  4. Sergio Boixo,
  5. Sergei V. Isakov,
  6. David Wecker,
  7. John M. Martinis,
  8. Daniel A. Lidar,
  9. and Matthias Troyer
The development of small-scale digital and analog quantum devices raises the question of how to fairly assess and compare the computational power of classical and quantum devices, and
of how to detect quantum speedup. Here we show how to define and measure quantum speedup in various scenarios, and how to avoid pitfalls that might mask or fake quantum speedup. We illustrate our discussion with data from a randomized benchmark test on a D-Wave Two device with up to 503 qubits. Comparing the performance of the device on random spin glass instances with limited precision to simulated classical and quantum annealers, we find no evidence of quantum speedup when the entire data set is considered, and obtain inconclusive results when comparing subsets of instances on an instance-by-instance basis. Our results for one particular benchmark do not rule out the possibility of speedup for other classes of problems and illustrate that quantum speedup is elusive and can depend on the question posed.

Catching Shaped Microwave Photons with 99.4% Absorption Efficiency

  1. J. Wenner,
  2. Yi Yin,
  3. Yu Chen,
  4. R. Barends,
  5. B. Chiaro,
  6. E. Jeffrey,
  7. J. Kelly,
  8. A. Megrant,
  9. J. Y. Mutus,
  10. C. Neill,
  11. P. J. J. O'Malley,
  12. P. Roushan,
  13. D. Sank,
  14. A. Vainsencher,
  15. T. C. White,
  16. Alexander N. Korotkov,
  17. A. N. Cleland,
  18. and John M. Martinis
Quantum information systems require high fidelity quantum operations. It is particularly challenging to convert flying qubits to stationary qubits for deterministic quantum networks,
since absorbing naturally shaped emission has a maximum fidelity of only 54%. Theoretical protocols reaching 100% efficiency rely upon sculpting the time dependence of photon wavepackets and receiver coupling. Using these schemes, experimental fidelities have reached up to 20% for optical photons and 81% for microwave photons, although with drive pulses much longer than the cavity decay rate. Here, we demonstrate a particularly simple „time reversed“ photon shape and gated receiver with an absorption fidelity of 99.4% and a receiver efficiency of 97.4% for microwave photons. We classically drive a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator an order of magnitude shorter than the intrinsic decay time. With the fidelity now at the error threshold for fault tolerant quantum communication (96%) and computation (99.4%) and comparable to fidelities of good logic gates and measurements, new designs may be envisioned for quantum communication and computation systems.

Reducing intrinsic decoherence in a superconducting circuit by quantum error detection

  1. Y. P. Zhong,
  2. Z. L. Wang,
  3. John M. Martinis,
  4. A. N. Cleland,
  5. A. N. Korotkov,
  6. and H. Wang
A fundamental challenge for quantum information processing is reducing the impact of environmentally-induced errors. Quantum error detection (QED) provides one approach to handling
such errors, in which errors are rejected when they are detected. Here we demonstrate a QED protocol based on the idea of quantum un-collapsing, using this protocol to suppress energy relaxation due to the environment in a three-qubit superconducting circuit. We encode quantum information in a target qubit, and use the other two qubits to detect and reject errors caused by energy relaxation. This protocol improves the storage time of a quantum state by a factor of roughly three, at the cost of a reduced probability of success. This constitutes the first experimental demonstration of an algorithm-based improvement in the lifetime of a quantum state stored in a qubit.

Sputtered TiN films for superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators

  1. Shinobu Ohya,
  2. Ben Chiaro,
  3. Anthony Megrant,
  4. Charles Neill,
  5. Rami Barends,
  6. Yu Chen,
  7. Julian Kelly,
  8. David Low,
  9. Josh Mutus,
  10. Peter O'Malley,
  11. Pedram Roushan,
  12. Daniel Sank,
  13. Amit Vainsencher,
  14. James Wenner,
  15. Theodore C. White,
  16. Yi Yin,
  17. B. D. Schultz,
  18. Chris J Palmstrøm,
  19. Benjamin A. Mazin,
  20. Andrew N. Cleland,
  21. and John M. Martinis
We present a systematic study of the properties of TiN films by varying the deposition conditions in an ultra-high-vacuum reactive magnetron sputtering chamber. By increasing the deposition
pressure from 2 to 9 mTorr while keeping a nearly stoichiometric composition of Ti(1-x)N(x) (x=0.5), the film resistivity increases, the dominant crystal orientation changes from (100) to (111), grain boundaries become clearer, and the strong compressive strain changes to weak tensile strain. The TiN films absorb a high concentration of contaminants including hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen when they are exposed to air after deposition. With the target-substrate distance set to 88 mm the contaminant levels increase from ~0.1% to ~10% as the pressure is increased from 2 to 9 mTorr. The contaminant concentrations also correlate with in-plane distance from the center of the substrate and increase by roughly two orders of magnitude as the target-substrate distance is increased from 88 mm to 266 mm. These contaminants are found to strongly influence the properties of TiN films. For instance, the resistivity of stoichiometric films increases by around a factor of 5 as the oxygen content increases from 0.1% to 11%. These results suggest that the sputtered TiN particle energy is critical in determining the TiN film properties, and that it is important to control this energy to obtain high-quality TiN films. Superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators made from a series of nearly stoichiometric films grown at pressures from 2 mTorr to 7 mTorr show an increase in intrinsic quality factor from ~10^4 to ~10^6 as the magnitude of the compressive strain decreases from nearly 3800 MPa to approximately 150 MPa and the oxygen content increases from 0.1% to 8%. The films with a higher oxygen content exhibit lower loss, but the nonuniformity of the oxygen incorporation hinders the use of sputtered TiN in larger circuits.

Quantum annealing with more than one hundred qubits

  1. Sergio Boixo,
  2. Troels F. Rønnow,
  3. Sergei V. Isakov,
  4. Zhihui Wang,
  5. David Wecker,
  6. Daniel A. Lidar,
  7. John M. Martinis,
  8. and Matthias Troyer
At a time when quantum effects start to pose limits to further miniaturisation of devices and the exponential performance increase due to Moore’s law, quantum technology is maturing
to the point where quantum devices, such as quantum communication systems, quantum random number generators and quantum simulators, may be built with powers exceeding the performance of classical computers. A quantum annealer, in particular, finds solutions to hard optimisation problems by evolving a known initial configuration towards the ground state of a Hamiltonian that encodes an optimisation problem. Here, we present results from experiments on a 108 qubit D-Wave One device based on superconducting flux qubits. The correlations between the device and a simulated quantum annealer demonstrate that the device performs quantum annealing: unlike classical thermal annealing it exhibits a bimodal separation of hard and easy problems, with small-gap avoided level crossings characterizing the hard problems. To assess the computational power of the quantum annealer we compare it to optimised classical algorithms. We discuss how quantum speedup could be detected on devices scaled to a larger number of qubits where the limits of classical algorithms are reached.

Coherent Josephson qubit suitable for scalable quantum integrated circuits

  1. R. Barends,
  2. J. Kelly,
  3. A. Megrant,
  4. D. Sank,
  5. E. Jeffrey,
  6. Y. Chen,
  7. Y. Yin,
  8. B. Chiaro,
  9. J. Mutus,
  10. C. Neill,
  11. P. O'Malley,
  12. P. Roushan,
  13. J. Wenner,
  14. T. C. White,
  15. A. N. Cleland,
  16. and John M. Martinis
We demonstrate a planar, tunable superconducting qubit with energy relaxation times up to 44 microseconds. This is achieved by using a geometry designed to both minimize radiative loss
and reduce coupling to materials-related defects. At these levels of coherence, we find a fine structure in the qubit energy lifetime as a function of frequency, indicating the presence of a sparse population of incoherent, weakly coupled two-level defects. This is supported by a model analysis as well as experimental variations in the geometry. Our `Xmon‘ qubit combines facile fabrication, straightforward connectivity, fast control, and long coherence, opening a viable route to constructing a chip-based quantum computer.

Catch-Disperse-Release Readout for Superconducting Qubits

  1. Eyob A. Sete,
  2. Andrei Galiautdinov,
  3. Eric Mlinar,
  4. John M. Martinis,
  5. and Alexander N. Korotkov
We analyze single-shot readout for superconducting qubits via controlled catch, dispersion, and release of a microwave field. A tunable coupler is used to decouple the microwave resonator
from the transmission line during the dispersive qubit-resonator interaction, thus circumventing damping from the Purcell effect. We show that if the qubit frequency tuning is sufficiently adiabatic, a fast high-fidelity qubit readout is possible even in the strongly nonlinear dispersive regime. Interestingly, the Jaynes-Cummings nonlinearity leads to the quadrature squeezing of the resonator field below the standard quantum limit, resulting in a significant decrease of the measurement error.

High-fidelity CZ gate for resonator-based superconducting quantum computers

  1. Joydip Ghosh,
  2. Andrei Galiautdinov,
  3. Zhongyuan Zhou,
  4. Alexander N. Korotkov,
  5. John M. Martinis,
  6. and Michael R. Geller
. This architecture consists of superconducting"]qubits capacitively coupled both to individual memory resonators as well as a common bus. In this work we study a natural primitive entangling gate for this and related resonator-based architectures, which consists of a CZ operation between a qubit and the bus. The CZ gate is implemented with the aid of the non-computational qubit |2> state [F. W. Strauch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 167005 (2003)]. Assuming phase or transmon qubits with 300 MHz anharmonicity, we show that by using only low frequency qubit-bias control it is possible to implement the qubit-bus CZ gate with 99.9% (99.99%) fidelity in about 17ns (23ns) with a realistic two-parameter pulse profile, plus two auxiliary z rotations. The fidelity measure we refer to here is a state-averaged intrinsic process fidelity, which does not include any effects of noise or decoherence. These results apply to a multi-qubit device that includes strongly coupled memory resonators. We investigate the performance of the qubit-bus CZ gate as a function of qubit anharmonicity, indentify the dominant intrinsic error mechanism and derive an associated fidelity estimator, quantify the pulse shape sensitivity and precision requirements, simulate qubit-qubit CZ gates that are mediated by the bus resonator, and also attempt a global optimization of system parameters including resonator frequencies and couplings. Our results are relevant for a wide range of superconducting hardware designs that incorporate resonators and suggest that it should be possible to demonstrate a 99.9% CZ gate with existing transmon qubits, which would constitute an important step towards the development of an error-corrected superconducting quantum computer.

Multiplexed dispersive readout of superconducting phase qubits

  1. Yu Chen,
  2. D. Sank,
  3. P. O'Malley,
  4. T. White,
  5. R. Barends,
  6. B. Chiaro,
  7. J. Kelly,
  8. E. Lucero,
  9. M. Mariantoni,
  10. A. Megrant,
  11. C. Neill,
  12. A. Vainsencher,
  13. J. Wenner,
  14. Yi Yin,
  15. A. N. Cleland,
  16. and John M. Martinis
We introduce a frequency-multiplexed readout scheme for superconducting phase qubits. Using a quantum circuit with four phase qubits, we couple each qubit to a separate lumped-element
superconducting readout resonator, with the readout resonators connected in parallel to a single measurement line. The readout resonators and control electronics are designed so that all four qubits can be read out simultaneously using frequency multiplexing on the one measurement line. This technology provides a highly efficient and compact means for reading out multiple qubits, a significant advantage for scaling up to larger numbers of qubits.

Excitation of superconducting qubits from hot non-equilibrium quasiparticles

  1. J. Wenner,
  2. Yi Yin,
  3. Erik Lucero,
  4. R. Barends,
  5. Yu Chen,
  6. B. Chiaro,
  7. J. Kelly,
  8. M. Lenander,
  9. Matteo Mariantoni,
  10. A. Megrant,
  11. C. Neill,
  12. P. J. J. O'Malley,
  13. D. Sank,
  14. A. Vainsencher,
  15. H. Wang,
  16. T. C. White,
  17. A. N. Cleland,
  18. and John M. Martinis
Superconducting qubits probe environmental defects such as non-equilibrium quasiparticles, an important source of decoherence. We show that „hot“ non-equilibrium quasiparticles,
with energies above the superconducting gap, affect qubits differently from quasiparticles at the gap, implying qubits can probe the dynamic quasiparticle energy distribution. For hot quasiparticles, we predict a non-neligable increase in the qubit excited state probability P_e. By injecting hot quasiparticles into a qubit, we experimentally measure an increase of P_e in semi-quantitative agreement with the model.