Superconducting metamaterials are a promising resource for quantum information science. In the context of circuit QED, they provide a means to engineer on-chip, novel dispersion relationsand a band structure that could ultimately be utilized for generating complex entangled states of quantum circuitry, for quantum reservoir engineering, and as an element for quantum simulation architectures. Here we report on the development and measurement at millikelvin temperatures of a particular type of circuit metamaterial resonator composed of planar superconducting lumped-element reactances in the form of a discrete left-handed transmission line (LHTL). We discuss the details of the design, fabrication, and circuit properties of this system. As well, we provide an extensive characterization of the dense mode spectrum in these metamaterial resonators, which we conducted using both microwave transmission measurements and laser scanning microscopy (LSM). Results are observed to be in good quantitative agreement with numerical simulations and also an analytical model based upon current-voltage relationships for a discrete transmission line. In particular, we demonstrate that the metamaterial mode frequencies, spatial profiles of current and charge densities, and damping due to external loading can be readily modeled and understood, making this system a promising tool for future use in quantum circuit applications and for studies of complex quantum systems.
Fast, high-fidelity measurement is a key ingredient for quantum error correction. Conventional approaches to the measurement of superconducting qubits, involving linear amplificationof a microwave probe tone followed by heterodyne detection at room temperature, do not scale well to large system sizes. Here we introduce an alternative approach to measurement based on a microwave photon counter. We demonstrate raw single-shot measurement fidelity of 92%. Moreover, we exploit the intrinsic damping of the counter to extract the energy released by the measurement process, allowing repeated high-fidelity quantum non-demolition measurements. Crucially, our scheme provides access to the classical outcome of projective quantum measurement at the millikelvin stage. In a future system, counter-based measurement could form the basis for a scalable quantum-to-classical interface.
We describe an approach to the integrated control and measurement of a large-scale superconducting multiqubit circuit using a proximal coprocessor based on the Single Flux Quantum (SFQ)digital logic family. Coherent control is realized by irradiating the qubits directly with classical bitstreams derived from optimal control theory. Qubit measurement is performed by a Josephson photon counter, which provides access to the classical result of projective quantum measurement at the millikelvin stage. We analyze the power budget and physical footprint of the SFQ coprocessor and discuss challenges and opportunities associated with this approach.
We have studied the impact of low-frequency magnetic flux noise upon superconducting transmon qubits with various levels of tunability. We find that qubits with weaker tunability exhibitdephasing that is less sensitive to flux noise. This insight was used to fabricate qubits where dephasing due to flux noise was suppressed below other dephasing sources, leading to flux-independent dephasing times T2* ~ 15 us over a tunable range of ~340 MHz. Such tunable qubits have the potential to create high-fidelity, fault-tolerant qubit gates and fundamentally improve scalability for a quantum processor.
Nonequilibrium quasiparticles represent a significant source of decoherence in superconducting quantum circuits. Here we investigate the mechanism of quasiparticle poisoning in devicessubjected to local quasiparticle injection. We find that quasiparticle poisoning is dominated by the propagation of pair-breaking phonons across the chip. We characterize the energy dependence of the timescale for quasiparticle poisoning. Finally, we observe that incorporation of extensive normal metal quasiparticle traps leads to a more than order of magnitude reduction in quasiparticle loss for a given injected quasiparticle power.
The resonator-induced phase (RIP) gate is a multi-qubit entangling gate that allows a high degree of flexibility in qubit frequencies, making it attractive for quantum operations inlarge-scale architectures. We experimentally realize the RIP gate with four superconducting qubits in a three-dimensional (3D) circuit-quantum electrodynamics architecture, demonstrating high-fidelity controlled-Z (CZ) gates between all possible pairs of qubits from two different 4-qubit devices in pair subspaces. These qubits are arranged within a wide range of frequency detunings, up to as large as 1.8 GHz. We further show a dynamical multi-qubit refocusing scheme in order to isolate out 2-qubit interactions, and combine them to generate a four-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state.
Superconducting thin-film metamaterial resonators can provide a dense microwave mode spectrum with potential applications in quantum information science. We report on the fabricationand low-temperature measurement of metamaterial transmission-line resonators patterned from Al thin films. We also describe multiple approaches for numerical simulations of the microwave properties of these structures, along with comparisons with the measured transmission spectra. The ability to predict the mode spectrum based on the chip layout provides a path towards future designs integrating metamaterial resonators with superconducting qubits.
We investigate the transient dynamics of a lumped-element oscillator based on a dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The SQUID is shunted with a capacitor forminga nonlinear oscillator with resonance frequency in the range of several GHz. The resonance frequency is varied by tuning the Josephson inductance of the SQUID with on-chip flux lines. We report measurements of decaying oscillations in the time domain following a brief excitation with a microwave pulse. The nonlinearity of the SQUID oscillator is probed by observing the ringdown response for different excitation amplitudes while the SQUID potential is varied by adjusting the flux bias. Simulations are performed on a model circuit by numerically solving the corresponding Langevin equations incorporating the SQUID potential at the experimental temperature and using parameters obtained from separate measurements characterizing the SQUID oscillator. Simulations are in good agreement with the experimental observations of the ringdowns as a function of applied magnetic flux and pulse amplitude. We observe a crossover between the occurrence of ringdowns close to resonance and adiabatic following at larger detuning from the resonance. We also discuss the occurrence of phase jumps at large amplitude drive. Finally, we briefly outline prospects for a readout scheme for superconducting flux qubits based on the discrimination between ringdown signals for different levels of magnetic flux coupled to the SQUID.
Parity measurement is a central tool to many quantum information processing tasks. In this Letter, we propose a method to directly measure two- and four-qubit parity with low overheadin hard- and software, while remaining robust to experimental imperfections. Our scheme relies on dispersive qubit-cavity coupling and photon counting that is sensitive only to intensity; both ingredients are widely realized in many different quantum computing modalities. For a leading technology in quantum computing, superconducting integrated circuits, we analyze the measurement contrast and the back action of the scheme and show that this measurement comes close enough to an ideal parity measurement to be applicable to quantum error correction.
High-fidelity, efficient quantum nondemolition readout of quantum bits is integral to the goal of quantum computation. As superconducting circuits approach the requirements of scalable,universal fault tolerance, qubit readout must also meet the demand of simplicity to scale with growing system size. Here we propose a fast, high-fidelity, scalable measurement scheme based on the state-selective ring-up of a cavity followed by photodetection with the recently introduced Josephson photomultiplier (JPM), a current-biased Josephson junction. This scheme maps qubit state information to the binary digital output of the JPM, circumventing the need for room-temperature heterodyne detection and offering the possibility of a cryogenic interface to superconducting digital control circuitry. Numerics show that measurement contrast in excess of 95% is achievable in a measurement time of 140 ns. We discuss perspectives to scale this scheme to enable readout of multiple qubit channels with a single JPM.