Controllable non-Hermitian qubit-qubit Coupling in Superconducting quantum Circuit

  1. Hui Wang,
  2. Yan-Jun Zhao,
  3. and Xun-Wei Xu
With a high-loss resonator supplying the non-Hermiticity, we study the Energy level degeneracy and quantum state evolution in tunable coupling superconducting quantum circuit. The qubit’s

Control the qubit-qubit coupling in the superconducting circuit with double-resonator couplers

  1. Hui Wang,
  2. Yan-Jun Zhao,
  3. Hui-Chen Sun,
  4. Xun-Wei Xu,
  5. Yong Li,
  6. Yarui Zheng,
  7. Qiang Liu,
  8. and Rengang Li
We propose a scheme of using two fixed frequency resonator couplers to tune the coupling strength between two Xmon qubits. The induced indirect qubit-qubit interactions by two resonators

Quarter-wave Resonator Based Tunable Coupler for Xmon Qubits

  1. Hui Wang,
  2. Yan-Jun Zhao,
  3. Rui Wang,
  4. Xun-Wei Xu,
  5. Qiang Liu,
  6. and Changxin Jin
We propose a scheme of tunable coupler based on quarter-wave resonator for scalable quantum integrated circuits. The open end of the T-type resonator is capacitively coupled to two

Vortex-Meissner phase transition induced by two-tone-drive-engineered artificial gauge potential in the fermionic ladder constructed by superconducting qubit circuits

  1. Yan-Jun Zhao,
  2. Xun-Wei Xu,
  3. Hui Wang,
  4. Yu-xi Liu,
  5. and Wu-Ming Liu
We propose to periodically modulate the onsite energy via two-tone drives, which can be furthermore used to engineer artificial gauge potential. As an example, we show that the fermionic

Mechanically Generating Entangled Photons from the Vacuum: A Microwave Circuit-Acoustic Resonator Analogue of the Unruh Effect

  1. Hui Wang,
  2. M. P. Blencowe,
  3. C. M. Wilson,
  4. and A. J. Rimberg
We consider a model for an oscillatory, relativistic accelerating photodetector inside a cavity and show that the entangled photon pair production from the vacuum (Unruh effect) can

Quantum Dynamics of a Josephson Junction-Driven Cavity Mode System in the Presence of Voltage Bias Noise

  1. Hui Wang,
  2. M. P. Blencowe,
  3. A. D. Armour,
  4. and A. J. Rimberg
We give a semiclassical analysis of the average photon number as well as photon number variance (Fano factor F) for a Josephson-junction (JJ) embedded microwave cavity system, wherethe JJ is subject to a fluctuating (i.e. noisy) bias voltage with finite dc average. Through the ac Josephson effect, the dc voltage bias drives the effectively nonlinear microwave cavity mode into an amplitude squeezed state (F<1), as has been established previously [A. D. Armour, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 247001 (2013)], but bias noise acts to degrade this squeezing. We find that the sensitivity of the Fano factor to bias voltage noise depends qualitatively on which stable fixed point regime the system is in for the corresponding classical nonlinear steady state dynamics. Furthermore, we show that the impact of voltage bias noise is most significant when the cavity is excited to states with large average photon number.[/expand]

Transparency and amplification in a hybrid system of mechanical resonator and circuit QED

  1. Hui Wang,
  2. Hui-Chen Sun,
  3. Jing Zhang,
  4. and Yu-xi Liu
We theoretically study the transparency and amplification of a weak probe field applied to the cavity in hy- brid systems formed by a driven superconducting circuit QED system and a

Feedback-induced nonlinearity and superconducting on-chip quantum optics

  1. Zhong-Peng Liu,
  2. Hui Wang,
  3. Jing Zhang,
  4. Yu-xi Liu,
  5. Re-Bing Wu,
  6. and Franco Nori
Quantum coherent feedback has been proven to be an efficient way to tune the dynamics of quantum optical systems and, recently, those of solid-state quantum circuits. Here, inspired