Quantum Dynamics of a Josephson Junction-Driven Cavity Mode System in the Presence of Voltage Bias Noise

  1. Hui Wang,
  2. M. P. Blencowe,
  3. A. D. Armour,
  4. and A. J. Rimberg
We give a semiclassical analysis of the average photon number as well as photon number variance (Fano factor F) for a Josephson-junction (JJ) embedded microwave cavity system, wherethe JJ is subject to a fluctuating (i.e. noisy) bias voltage with finite dc average. Through the ac Josephson effect, the dc voltage bias drives the effectively nonlinear microwave cavity mode into an amplitude squeezed state (F<1), as has been established previously [A. D. Armour, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 247001 (2013)], but bias noise acts to degrade this squeezing. We find that the sensitivity of the Fano factor to bias voltage noise depends qualitatively on which stable fixed point regime the system is in for the corresponding classical nonlinear steady state dynamics. Furthermore, we show that the impact of voltage bias noise is most significant when the cavity is excited to states with large average photon number.[/expand]

Josephson photonics with a two-mode superconducting circuit

  1. A. D. Armour,
  2. Björn Kubala,
  3. and Joachim Ankerhold
We analyze the quantum dynamics of two electromagnetic oscillators coupled in series to a voltage biased Josephson junction. When the applied voltage leads to a Josephson frequency
across the junction which matches the sum of the two mode frequencies, tunneling Cooper pairs excite photons in both modes simultaneously leading to far-from-equilibrium states. These states display highly non-classical features including strong anti-bunching, violation of Cauchy-Schwartz inequalities, and number squeezing. The regimes of low and high photon occupancies allow for analytical results which are supported by a full numerical treatment. The impact of asymmetries between the two modes is explored, revealing a pronounced enhancement of number squeezing when the modes are damped at different rates.