Control the qubit-qubit coupling in the superconducting circuit with double-resonator couplers

  1. Hui Wang,
  2. Yan-Jun Zhao,
  3. Hui-Chen Sun,
  4. Xun-Wei Xu,
  5. Yong Li,
  6. Yarui Zheng,
  7. Qiang Liu,
  8. and Rengang Li
We propose a scheme of using two fixed frequency resonator couplers to tune the coupling strength between two Xmon qubits. The induced indirect qubit-qubit interactions by two resonators could offset with each other, and the direct coupling between two qubits are not necessarily for switching off. The small direct qubit-quibt coupling could effectively suppress the frequency interval between switching off and switching on, and globally suppress the second and third-order static ZZ couplings. The frequencies differences between resonator couplers and qubits readout resonators are very large, this might be helpful for suppressing the qubits readout errors. The cross-kerr resonant processes between a qubit and two resonators might induce pole and affect the crosstalks between qubits. The double resonator couplers could unfreeze the restrictions on capacitances and coupling strengths in the superconducting circuit, and it can also reduce the flux noises and globally suppress the crosstalks.

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