Much attention has focused on the transmon architecture for large-scale superconducting quantum devices, however, the fluxonium qubit has emerged as a possible successor. With a shuntinginductor in parallel to a Josephson junction, the fluxonium offers larger anharmonicity and stronger protection against dielectric loss, leading to higher coherence times as compared to conventional transmon qubits. The interplay between the inductive and Josephson energy potentials of the fluxonium qubit leads to a rich dispersive shift landscape when tuning the external flux. Here we propose to exploit the features in the dispersive shift to improve qubit readout. Specifically, we report on theoretical simulations showing improved readout times and error rates by performing the readout at a flux bias point with large dispersive shift. We expand the scheme to include different error channels, and show that flux-pulse-assisted readout offers 5 times improvement in signal to noise ratio after 200 ns integration time. Moreover, we show that the performance improvement persists in the presence of finite measurement efficiency combined with quasi-static flux noise. We suggest energy parameters for the fluxonium architecture that will allow for the implementation of our proposed flux-pulse-assisted readout scheme.
Spin qubits in semiconductors are currently one of the most promising architectures for quantum computing. However, they face challenges in realizing multi-qubit interactions over extendeddistances. Superconducting spin qubits provide a promising alternative by encoding a qubit in the spin degree of freedom of an Andreev level. Such an Andreev spin qubit could leverage the advantages of circuit quantum electrodynamic, enabled by an intrinsic spin-supercurrent coupling. The first realization of an Andreev spin qubit encoded the qubit in the excited states of a semiconducting weak-link, leading to frequent decay out of the computational subspace. Additionally, rapid qubit manipulation was hindered by the need for indirect Raman transitions. Here, we exploit a different qubit subspace, using the spin-split doublet ground state of an electrostatically-defined quantum dot Josephson junction with large charging energy. Additionally, we use a magnetic field to enable direct spin manipulation over a frequency range of 10 GHz. Using an all-electric microwave drive we achieve Rabi frequencies exceeding 200 MHz. We furthermore embed the Andreev spin qubit in a superconducting transmon qubit, demonstrating strong coherent qubit-qubit coupling. These results are a crucial step towards a hybrid architecture that combines the beneficial aspects of both superconducting and semiconductor qubits.
Quantum error correction will be an essential ingredient in realizing fault-tolerant quantum computing. However, most correction schemes rely on the assumption that errors are sufficientlyuncorrelated in space and time. In superconducting qubits this assumption is drastically violated in the presence of ionizing radiation, which creates bursts of high energy phonons in the substrate. These phonons can break Cooper-pairs in the superconductor and, thus, create quasiparticles over large areas, consequently reducing qubit coherence across the quantum device in a correlated fashion. A potential mitigation technique is to place large volumes of normal or superconducting metal on the device, capable of reducing the phonon energy to below the superconducting gap of the qubits. To investigate the effectiveness of this method we fabricate a quantum device with four nominally identical nanowire-based transmon qubits. On the device, half of the niobium-titanium-nitride ground plane is replaced with aluminum (Al), which has a significantly lower superconducting gap. We deterministically inject high energy phonons into the substrate by voltage biasing a galvanically isolated Josephson junction. In the presence of the low gap material, we find a factor of 2-5 less degradation in the injection-dependent qubit lifetimes, and observe that undesired excited qubit state population is mitigated by a similar factor. We furthermore turn the Al normal with a magnetic field, finding no change in the phonon-protection. This suggests that the efficacy of the protection in our device is not limited by the size of the superconducting gap in the Al ground plane. Our results provide a promising foundation for protecting superconducting qubit processors against correlated errors from ionizing radiation.
We report the detection of a gate-tunable kinetic inductance in a hybrid InAs/Al nanowire. For this purpose, we have embedded the nanowire into a quarter-wave coplanar waveguide resonatorand measured the resonance frequency of the circuit. We find that the resonance frequency can be changed via the gate voltage that controls the electron density of the proximitized semiconductor and thus the nanowire inductance. Applying Mattis-Bardeen theory, we extract the gate dependence of the normal state conductivity of the nanowire, as well as its superconducting gap. Our measurements complement existing characterization methods for hybrid nanowires and provide a new and useful tool for gate-controlled superconducting electronics.
Quantum computers hold the promise of solving computational problems which are intractable using conventional methods. For fault-tolerant operation quantum computers must correct errorsoccurring due to unavoidable decoherence and limited control accuracy. Here, we demonstrate quantum error correction using the surface code, which is known for its exceptionally high tolerance to errors. Using 17 physical qubits in a superconducting circuit we encode quantum information in a distance-three logical qubit building up on recent distance-two error detection experiments. In an error correction cycle taking only 1.1μs, we demonstrate the preservation of four cardinal states of the logical qubit. Repeatedly executing the cycle, we measure and decode both bit- and phase-flip error syndromes using a minimum-weight perfect-matching algorithm in an error-model-free approach and apply corrections in postprocessing. We find a low error probability of 3% per cycle when rejecting experimental runs in which leakage is detected. The measured characteristics of our device agree well with a numerical model. Our demonstration of repeated, fast and high-performance quantum error correction cycles, together with recent advances in ion traps, support our understanding that fault-tolerant quantum computation will be practically realizable.
Quantum computing crucially relies on the ability to efficiently characterize the quantum states output by quantum hardware. Conventional methods which probe these states through directmeasurements and classically computed correlations become computationally expensive when increasing the system size. Quantum neural networks tailored to recognize specific features of quantum states by combining unitary operations, measurements and feedforward promise to require fewer measurements and to tolerate errors. Here, we realize a quantum convolutional neural network (QCNN) on a 7-qubit superconducting quantum processor to identify symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases of a spin model characterized by a non-zero string order parameter. We benchmark the performance of the QCNN based on approximate ground states of a family of cluster-Ising Hamiltonians which we prepare using a hardware-efficient, low-depth state preparation circuit. We find that, despite being composed of finite-fidelity gates itself, the QCNN recognizes the topological phase with higher fidelity than direct measurements of the string order parameter for the prepared states.
High fidelity two-qubit gates exhibiting low crosstalk are essential building blocks for gate-based quantum information processing. In superconducting circuits two-qubit gates are typicallybased either on RF-controlled interactions or on the in-situ tunability of qubit frequencies. Here, we present an alternative approach using a tunable cross-Kerr-type ZZ-interaction between two qubits, which we realize by a flux-tunable coupler element. We control the ZZ-coupling rate over three orders of magnitude to perform a rapid (38 ns), high-contrast, low leakage (0.14 %) conditional-phase CZ gate with a fidelity of 97.9 % without relying on the resonant interaction with a non-computational state. Furthermore, by exploiting the direct nature of the ZZ-coupling, we easily access the entire conditional-phase gate family by adjusting only a single control parameter.
Variational quantum algorithms are believed to be promising for solving computationally hard problems and are often comprised of repeated layers of quantum gates. An example thereofis the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), an approach to solve combinatorial optimization problems on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) systems. Gaining computational power from QAOA critically relies on the mitigation of errors during the execution of the algorithm, which for coherence-limited operations is achievable by reducing the gate count. Here, we demonstrate an improvement of up to a factor of 3 in algorithmic performance as measured by the success probability, by implementing a continuous hardware-efficient gate set using superconducting quantum circuits. This gate set allows us to perform the phase separation step in QAOA with a single physical gate for each pair of qubits instead of decomposing it into two CZ-gates and single-qubit gates. With this reduced number of physical gates, which scales with the number of layers employed in the algorithm, we experimentally investigate the circuit-depth-dependent performance of QAOA applied to exact-cover problem instances mapped onto three and seven qubits, using up to a total of 399 operations and up to 9 layers. Our results demonstrate that the use of continuous gate sets may be a key component in extending the impact of near-term quantum computers.
The realization of quantum error correction is an essential ingredient for reaching the full potential of fault-tolerant universal quantum computation. Using a range of different schemes,logical qubits can be redundantly encoded in a set of physical qubits. One such scalable approach is based on the surface code. Here we experimentally implement its smallest viable instance, capable of repeatedly detecting any single error using seven superconducting qubits, four data qubits and three ancilla qubits. Using high-fidelity ancilla-based stabilizer measurements we initialize the cardinal states of the encoded logical qubit with an average logical fidelity of 96.1%. We then repeatedly check for errors using the stabilizer readout and observe that the logical quantum state is preserved with a lifetime and coherence time longer than those of any of the constituent qubits when no errors are detected. Our demonstration of error detection with its resulting enhancement of the conditioned logical qubit coherence times in a 7-qubit surface code is an important step indicating a promising route towards the realization of quantum error correction in the surface code.
Noise and errors are inevitable parts of any practical implementation of a quantum computer. As a result, large-scale quantum computation will require ways to detect and correct errorson quantum information. Here, we present such a quantum error correcting scheme for correcting the dominant error sources, phase decoherence and energy relaxation, in qubit architectures, using a hybrid approach combining autonomous correction based on engineered dissipation with traditional measurement-based quantum error correction. Using numerical simulations with realistic device parameters for superconducting circuits, we show that this scheme can achieve a 5- to 10-fold increase in storage-time while using only six qubits for the encoding and two ancillary qubits for the operation of the autonomous part of the scheme, providing a potentially large reduction of qubit overhead compared to typical measurement-based error correction schemes. Furthermore, the scheme relies on standard interactions and qubit driving available in most major quantum computing platforms, making it implementable in a wide range of architectures.