I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Single-Shot Readout of a Superconducting Qubit Using a Thermal Detector
Measuring the state of qubits is one of the fundamental operations of a quantum computer. Currently, state-of-the-art high-fidelity single-shot readout of superconducting qubits relies
on parametric amplifiers at the millikelvin stage. However, parametric amplifiers are challenging to scale beyond hundreds of qubits owing to practical size and power limitations. Nanobolometers have properties that are advantageous for scalability and have recently shown sensitivity and speed promising for qubit readout, but such thermal detectors have not been demonstrated for this purpose. In this work, we utilize an ultrasensitive bolometer in place of a parametric amplifier to experimentally demonstrate single-shot qubit readout. With a modest readout duration of 13.9 μs, we achieve a single-shot fidelity of 0.618 which is mainly limited by the energy relaxation time of the qubit, T1=28 μs. Without the T1 errors, we find the fidelity to be 0.927. In the future, high-fidelity single-shot readout may be achieved by straightforward improvements to the chip design and experimental setup, and perhaps most interestingly by the change of the bolometer absorber material to reduce the readout time to the hundred-nanosecond level.
Direct pulse-level compilation of arbitrary quantum logic gates on superconducting qutrits
Advanced simulations and calculations on quantum computers require high fidelity implementations of quantum circuits. The universal gateset approach builds complex unitaries from many
gates drawn from a small set of calibrated high-fidelity primitive gates, which results in a lower combined fidelity. Compiling a complex unitary for processors with higher-dimensional logical elements, such as qutrits, exacerbates the accumulated error per unitary because a longer gate sequence is needed. Optimal control methods promise time and resource efficient compact gate sequences and, therefore, higher fidelity. These methods generate pulses that can, in principle, directly implement any complex unitary on a quantum device. In this work, we demonstrate that any arbitrary qutrit gate can be realized with high fidelity. We generated and tested pulses for a large set of randomly selected arbitrary unitaries on two separate qutrit compatible processors, LLNL Quantum Device and Integration Testbed (QuDIT) standard QPU and Rigetti Aspen-11, achieving an average fidelity around 99 %. We show that the optimal control gates do not require recalibration for at least three days and the same calibration parameters can be used for all implemented gates. Our work shows that the calibration overheads for optimal control gates can be made small enough to enable efficient quantum circuits based on this technique.
Dynamically Reconfigurable Photon Exchange in a Superconducting Quantum Processor
Realizing the advantages of quantum computation requires access to the full Hilbert space of states of many quantum bits (qubits). Thus, large-scale quantum computation faces the challenge
of efficiently generating entanglement between many qubits. In systems with a limited number of direct connections between qubits, entanglement between non-nearest neighbor qubits is generated by a series of nearest neighbor gates, which exponentially suppresses the resulting fidelity. Here we propose and demonstrate a novel, on-chip photon exchange network. This photonic network is embedded in a superconducting quantum processor (QPU) to implement an arbitrarily reconfigurable qubit connectivity graph. We show long-range qubit-qubit interactions between qubits with a maximum spatial separation of 9.2 cm along a meandered bus resonator and achieve photon exchange rates up to gqq=2π×0.9 MHz. These experimental demonstrations provide a foundation to realize highly connected, reconfigurable quantum photonic networks and opens a new path towards modular quantum computing.
Learning-based Calibration of Flux Crosstalk in Transmon Qubit Arrays
Superconducting quantum processors comprising flux-tunable data and coupler qubits are a promising platform for quantum computation. However, magnetic flux crosstalk between the flux-control
lines and the constituent qubits impedes precision control of qubit frequencies, presenting a challenge to scaling this platform. In order to implement high-fidelity digital and analog quantum operations, one must characterize the flux crosstalk and compensate for it. In this work, we introduce a learning-based calibration protocol and demonstrate its experimental performance by calibrating an array of 16 flux-tunable transmon qubits. To demonstrate the extensibility of our protocol, we simulate the crosstalk matrix learning procedure for larger arrays of transmon qubits. We observe an empirically linear scaling with system size, while maintaining a median qubit frequency error below 300 kHz.
Deterministic generation of shaped single microwave photons using a parametrically driven coupler
A distributed quantum computing system requires a quantum communication channel between spatially separated processing units. In superconducting circuits, such a channel can be realized
by using propagating microwave photons to encode and transfer quantum information between an emitter and a receiver node. Here we experimentally demonstrate a superconducting circuit that deterministically transfers the state of a data qubit into a propagating microwave mode, with a process fidelity of 94.5%. We use a time-varying parametric drive to shape the temporal profile of the propagating mode to be time-symmetric and with constant phase, so that reabsorption by the receiving processor can be implemented as a time-reversed version of the emission. We demonstrate a self-calibrating routine to correct for time-dependent shifts of the emitted frequencies due to the modulation of the parametric drive. Our work provides a reliable method to implement high-fidelity quantum state transfer and remote entanglement operations in a distributed quantum computing network.
Microwave photon-number amplification
So far, quantum-limited power meters are not available in the microwave domain, hindering measurement of photon number in itinerant quantum states. On the one hand, single photon detectors
accurately detect single photons, but saturate as soon as two photons arrive simultaneously. On the other hand, more linear watt meters, such as bolometers, are too noisy to accurately detect single microwave photons. Linear amplifiers probe non-commuting observables of a signal so that they must add noise and cannot be used to detect single photons, either. Here we experimentally demonstrate a microwave photon-multiplication scheme which combines the advantages of a single photon detector and a power meter by multiplying the incoming photon number by an integer factor. Our first experimental implementation achieves a n = 3-fold multiplication with 0.69 efficiency in a 116 MHz bandwidth up to a input photon rate of 400 MHz. It loses phase information but does not require any dead time or time binning. We expect an optimised device cascading such multipliers to achieve number-resolving measurement of itinerant photons with low dark count, which would offer new possibilities in a wide range of quantum sensing and quantum computing applications.
Qubit Energy Tuner Based on Single Flux Quantum Circuits
A device called qubit energy tuner (QET) based on single flux quantum (SFQ) circuits is proposed for Z control of superconducting qubits. Created from the improvement of flux digital-to-analog
converters (flux DACs), a QET is able to set the energy levels or the frequencies of qubits, especially flux-tunable transmons, and perform gate operations requiring Z control. The circuit structure of QET is elucidated, which consists of an inductor loop and flux bias units for coarse tuning or fine tuning. The key feature of a QET is analyzed to understand how SFQ pulses change the inductor loop current, which provides external flux for qubits. To verify the functionality of the QET, three simulations are carried out. The first one verifies the responses of the inductor loop current to SFQ pulses. The results show that there is about 4.2% relative deviation between analytical solutions of the inductor loop current and the solutions from WRSpice time-domain simulation. The second and the third simulations with QuTip show how a Z gate and an iSWAP gate can be performed by this QET, respectively, with corresponding fidelities 99.99884% and 99.93906% for only once gate operation to specific initial states. These simulations indicate that the SFQ-based QET could act as an efficient component of SFQ-based quantum-classical interfaces for digital Z control of large-scale superconducting quantum computers.
Bures and Sjoqvist Metrics over Thermal State Manifolds for Spin Qubits and Superconducting Flux Qubits
The interplay among differential geometry, statistical physics, and quantum information science has been increasingly gaining theoretical interest in recent years. In this paper, we
present an explicit analysis of the Bures and Sjoqvist metrics over the manifolds of thermal states for specific spin qubit and the superconducting flux qubit Hamiltonian models. While the two metrics equally reduce to the Fubini-Study metric in the asymptotic limiting case of the inverse temperature approaching infinity for both Hamiltonian models, we observe that the two metrics are generally different when departing from the zero-temperature limit. In particular, we discuss this discrepancy in the case of the superconducting flux Hamiltonian model. We conclude the two metrics differ in the presence of a nonclassical behavior specified by the noncommutativity of neighboring mixed quantum states. Such a noncommutativity, in turn, is quantified by the two metrics in different manners. Finally, we briefly discuss possible observable consequences of this discrepancy between the two metrics when using them to predict critical and/or complex behavior of physical systems of interest in quantum information science.
Interaction-induced escape from an Aharonov-Bohm cage
Advances in quantum engineering have enabled the design, measurement, and precise control of synthetic condensed matter systems. The platform of superconducting circuits offers two
particular capabilities: flexible connectivity of circuit elements that enables a variety of lattice geometries, and circuit nonlinearity that provides access to strongly interacting physics. Separately, these features have allowed for the creation of curved-space lattices and the realization of strongly correlated phases and dynamics in one-dimensional chains and square lattices. Missing in this suite of simulations is the simultaneous integration of interacting particles into lattices with unique band dispersions, such as dispersionless flat bands. An ideal building block for flat-band physics is the Aharonov-Bohm cage: a single plaquette of a lattice whose band structure consists entirely of flat bands. Here, we experimentally construct an Aharonov-Bohm cage and observe the localization of a single photon, the hallmark of all-bands-flat physics. Upon placing an interaction-bound photon pair into the cage, we see a delocalized walk indicating an escape from Aharonov-Bohm caging. We further find that a variation of caging persists for two particles initialized on opposite sites of the cage. These results mark the first experimental work where interacting particles circumvent an Aharonov-Bohm cage and establish superconducting circuits for studies of flat-band-lattice dynamics with strong interactions.
Fast universal control of a flux qubit via exponentially tunable wave-function overlap
Fast, high fidelity control and readout of protected superconducting qubits are fundamentally challenging due to their inherent insensitivity. We propose a flux qubit variation which
enjoys a tunable level of protection against relaxation to resolve this outstanding issue. Our qubit design, the double-shunted flux qubit (DSFQ), realizes a generic double-well potential through its three junction ring geometry. One of the junctions is tunable, making it possible to control the barrier height and thus the level of protection. We analyze single- and two-qubit gate operations that rely on lowering the barrier. We show that this is a viable method that results in high fidelity gates as the non-computational states are not occupied during operations. Further, we show how the effective coupling to a readout resonator can be controlled by adjusting the externally applied flux while the DSFQ is protected from decaying into the readout resonator. Finally, we also study a double-loop gradiometric version of the DSFQ which is exponentially insensitive to variations in the global magnetic field, even when the loop areas are non-identical.