Observation of collapse and revival in a superconducting atomic frequency comb

  1. E.S. Redchenko,
  2. M. Zens,
  3. M. Zemlicka,
  4. M. Peruzzo,
  5. F. Hassani,
  6. H.S. Dhar,
  7. D.O. Krimer,
  8. S. Rotter,
  9. and J. M. Fink
Recent advancements in superconducting circuits have enabled the experimental study of collective behavior of precisely controlled intermediate-scale ensembles of qubits. In this work, we demonstrate an atomic frequency comb formed by individual artificial atoms strongly coupled to a single resonator mode. We observe periodic microwave pulses that originate from a single coherent excitation dynamically interacting with the multi-qubit ensemble. We show that this revival dynamics emerges as a consequence of the constructive and periodic rephasing of the five superconducting qubits forming the vacuum Rabi split comb. In the future, similar devices could be used as a memory with in-situ tunable storage time or as an on-chip periodic pulse generator with non-classical photon statistics.

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