A Linear Quantum Coupler for Clean Bosonic Control

  1. Aniket Maiti,
  2. John W.O. Garmon,
  3. Yao Lu,
  4. Alessandro Miano,
  5. Luigi Frunzio,
  6. and Robert J. Schoelkopf
Quantum computing with superconducting circuits relies on high-fidelity driven nonlinear processes. An ideal quantum nonlinearity would selectively activate desired coherent processes
at high strength, without activating parasitic mixing products or introducing additional decoherence. The wide bandwidth of the Josephson nonlinearity makes this difficult, with undesired drive-induced transitions and decoherence limiting qubit readout, gates, couplers and amplifiers. Significant strides have been recently made into building better `quantum mixers‘, with promise being shown by Kerr-free three-wave mixers that suppress driven frequency shifts, and balanced quantum mixers that explicitly forbid a significant fraction of parasitic processes. We propose a novel mixer that combines both these strengths, with engineered selection rules that make it essentially linear (not just Kerr-free) when idle, and activate clean parametric processes even when driven at high strength. Further, its ideal Hamiltonian is simple to analyze analytically, and we show that this ideal behavior is first-order insensitive to dominant experimental imperfections. We expect this mixer to allow significant advances in high-Q control, readout, and amplification.

High-frequency readout free from transmon multi-excitation resonances

  1. Pavel D. Kurilovich,
  2. Thomas Connolly,
  3. Charlotte G. L. Bøttcher,
  4. Daniel K. Weiss,
  5. Sumeru Hazra,
  6. Vidul R. Joshi,
  7. Andy Z. Ding,
  8. Heekun Nho,
  9. Spencer Diamond,
  10. Vladislav D. Kurilovich,
  11. Wei Dai,
  12. Valla Fatemi,
  13. Luigi Frunzio,
  14. Leonid I. Glazman,
  15. and Michel H. Devoret
Quantum computation will rely on quantum error correction to counteract decoherence. Successfully implementing an error correction protocol requires the fidelity of qubit operations
to be well-above error correction thresholds. In superconducting quantum computers, measurement of the qubit state remains the lowest-fidelity operation. For the transmon, a prototypical superconducting qubit, measurement is carried out by scattering a microwave tone off the qubit. Conventionally, the frequency of this tone is of the same order as the transmon frequency. The measurement fidelity in this approach is limited by multi-excitation resonances in the transmon spectrum which are activated at high readout power. These resonances excite the qubit outside of the computational basis, violating the desired quantum non-demolition character of the measurement. Here, we find that strongly detuning the readout frequency from that of the transmon exponentially suppresses the strength of spurious multi-excitation resonances. By increasing the readout frequency up to twelve times the transmon frequency, we achieve a quantum non-demolition measurement fidelity of 99.93% with a residual probability of leakage to non-computational states of only 0.02%.

Low loss lumped-element inductors made from granular aluminum

  1. Vishakha Gupta,
  2. Patrick Winkel,
  3. Neel Thakur,
  4. Peter van Vlaanderen,
  5. Yanhao Wang,
  6. Suhas Ganjam,
  7. Luigi Frunzio,
  8. and Robert J. Schoelkopf
Lumped-element inductors are an integral component in the circuit QED toolbox. However, it is challenging to build inductors that are simultaneously compact, linear and low-loss with
standard approaches that either rely on the geometric inductance of superconducting thin films or on the kinetic inductance of Josephson junctions arrays. In this work, we overcome this challenge by utilizing the high kinetic inductance offered by superconducting granular aluminum (grAl). We demonstrate lumped-element inductors with a few nH of inductance that are up to 100 times more compact than inductors built from pure aluminum (Al). To characterize the properties of these linear inductors, we first report on the performance of lumped-element resonators built entirely out of grAl with sheet inductances varying from 30−320pH/sq and self-Kerr non-linearities of 0.2−20Hz/photon. Further, we demonstrate ex-situ integration of these grAl inductors into hybrid resonators with Al or tantalum (Ta) capacitor electrodes without increasing total internal losses. Interestingly, the measured internal quality factors systematically decrease with increasing room-temperature resistivity of the grAl film for all devices, indicating a trade-off between compactness and internal loss. For our lowest resistivity grAl films, we measure quality factors reaching 3.5×106 for the all-grAl devices and 4.5×106 for the hybrid grAl/Ta devices, similar to state-of-the-art quantum circuits. Our loss analysis suggests that the surface loss factor of grAl is similar to that of pure Al for our lowest resistivity films, while the increasing losses with resistivity could be explained by increasing conductor loss in the grAl film.

Quantum Error Correction of Qudits Beyond Break-even

  1. Benjamin L. Brock,
  2. Shraddha Singh,
  3. Alec Eickbusch,
  4. Volodymyr V. Sivak,
  5. Andy Z. Ding,
  6. Luigi Frunzio,
  7. Steven M. Girvin,
  8. and Michel H. Devoret
Hilbert space dimension is a key resource for quantum information processing. A large Hilbert space is not only an essential requirement for quantum error correction, but it can also
be advantageous for realizing gates and algorithms more efficiently. There has thus been considerable experimental effort in recent years to develop quantum computing platforms using qudits (d-dimensional quantum systems with d>2) as the fundamental unit of quantum information. Just as with qubits, quantum error correction of these qudits will be necessary in the long run, but to date error correction of logical qudits has not been demonstrated experimentally. Here we report the experimental realization of error-corrected logical qutrits (d=3) and ququarts (d=4) by employing the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) bosonic code in a circuit QED architecture. Using a reinforcement learning agent, we optimize the GKP qutrit (ququart) as a ternary (quaternary) quantum memory and achieve beyond break-even error correction with a gain of 1.82 +/- 0.03 (1.87 +/- 0.03). This work represents a new way of leveraging the large Hilbert space of a harmonic oscillator for hardware-efficient quantum error correction.

Quantum Control of an Oscillator with a Kerr-cat Qubit

  1. Andy Z. Ding,
  2. Benjamin L. Brock,
  3. Alec Eickbusch,
  4. Akshay Koottandavida,
  5. Nicholas E. Frattini,
  6. Rodrigo G. Cortinas,
  7. Vidul R. Joshi,
  8. Stijn J. de Graaf,
  9. Benjamin J. Chapman,
  10. Suhas Ganjam,
  11. Luigi Frunzio,
  12. Robert J. Schoelkopf,
  13. and Michel H. Devoret
Bosonic codes offer a hardware-efficient strategy for quantum error correction by redundantly encoding quantum information in the large Hilbert space of a harmonic oscillator. However,
experimental realizations of these codes are often limited by ancilla errors propagating to the encoded logical qubit during syndrome measurements. The Kerr-cat qubit has been proposed as an ancilla for these codes due to its theoretically-exponential noise bias, which would enable fault-tolerant error syndrome measurements, but the coupling required to perform these syndrome measurements has not yet been demonstrated. In this work, we experimentally realize driven parametric coupling of a Kerr-cat qubit to a high-quality-factor microwave cavity and demonstrate a gate set enabling universal quantum control of the cavity. We measure the decoherence of the cavity in the presence of the Kerr-cat and discover excess dephasing due to heating of the Kerr-cat to excited states. By engineering frequency-selective dissipation to counteract this heating, we are able to eliminate this dephasing, thereby demonstrating a high on-off ratio of control. Our results pave the way toward using the Kerr-cat to fault-tolerantly measure error syndromes of bosonic codes.

A mid-circuit erasure check on a dual-rail cavity qubit using the joint-photon number-splitting regime of circuit QED

  1. Stijn J. de Graaf,
  2. Sophia H. Xue,
  3. Benjamin J. Chapman,
  4. James D. Teoh,
  5. Takahiro Tsunoda,
  6. Patrick Winkel,
  7. John W.O. Garmon,
  8. Kathleen M. Chang,
  9. Luigi Frunzio,
  10. Shruti Puri,
  11. and Robert J. Schoelkopf
Quantum control of a linear oscillator using a static dispersive coupling to a nonlinear ancilla underpins a wide variety of experiments in circuit QED. Extending this control to more
than one oscillator while minimizing the required connectivity to the ancilla would enable hardware-efficient multi-mode entanglement and measurements. We show that the spectrum of an ancilla statically coupled to a single mode can be made to depend on the joint photon number in two modes by applying a strong parametric beamsplitter coupling between them. This `joint-photon number-splitting‘ regime extends single-oscillator techniques to two-oscillator control, which we use to realize a hardware-efficient erasure check for a dual-rail qubit encoded in two superconducting cavities. By leveraging the beamsplitter coupling already required for single-qubit gates, this scheme permits minimal connectivity between circuit elements. Furthermore, the flexibility to choose the pulse shape allows us to limit the susceptibility to different error channels. We use this scheme to detect leakage errors with a missed erasure fraction of (9.0±0.5)×10−4, while incurring an erasure rate of 2.92±0.01% and a Pauli error rate of 0.31±0.01%, both of which are dominated by cavity errors.

Demonstrating a superconducting dual-rail cavity qubit with erasure-detected logical measurements

  1. Kevin S. Chou,
  2. Tali Shemma,
  3. Heather McCarrick,
  4. Tzu-Chiao Chien,
  5. James D. Teoh,
  6. Patrick Winkel,
  7. Amos Anderson,
  8. Jonathan Chen,
  9. Jacob Curtis,
  10. Stijn J. de Graaf,
  11. John W.O. Garmon,
  12. Benjamin Gudlewski,
  13. William D. Kalfus,
  14. Trevor Keen,
  15. Nishaad Khedkar,
  16. Chan U Lei,
  17. Gangqiang Liu,
  18. Pinlei Lu,
  19. Yao Lu,
  20. Aniket Maiti,
  21. Luke Mastalli-Kelly,
  22. Nitish Mehta,
  23. Shantanu O. Mundhada,
  24. Anirudh Narla,
  25. Taewan Noh,
  26. Takahiro Tsunoda,
  27. Sophia H. Xue,
  28. Joseph O. Yuan,
  29. Luigi Frunzio,
  30. Jose Aumentado,
  31. Shruti Puri,
  32. Steven M. Girvin,
  33. S. Harvey Moseley Jr.,
  34. and Robert J. Schoelkopf
A critical challenge in developing scalable error-corrected quantum systems is the accumulation of errors while performing operations and measurements. One promising approach is to
design a system where errors can be detected and converted into erasures. A recent proposal aims to do this using a dual-rail encoding with superconducting cavities. In this work, we implement such a dual-rail cavity qubit and use it to demonstrate a projective logical measurement with erasure detection. We measure logical state preparation and measurement errors at the 0.01%-level and detect over 99% of cavity decay events as erasures. We use the precision of this new measurement protocol to distinguish different types of errors in this system, finding that while decay errors occur with probability ∼0.2% per microsecond, phase errors occur 6 times less frequently and bit flips occur at least 170 times less frequently. These findings represent the first confirmation of the expected error hierarchy necessary to concatenate dual-rail erasure qubits into a highly efficient erasure code.

A high-fidelity microwave beamsplitter with a parity-protected converter

  1. Yao Lu,
  2. Aniket Maiti,
  3. John W.O. Garmon,
  4. Suhas Ganjam,
  5. Yaxing Zhang,
  6. Jahan Claes,
  7. Luigi Frunzio,
  8. S. M. Girvin,
  9. and Robert J. Schoelkopf
Fast, high-fidelity operations between microwave resonators are an important tool for bosonic quantum computation and simulation with superconducting circuits. An attractive approach
for implementing these operations is to couple these resonators via a nonlinear converter and actuate parametric processes with RF drives. It can be challenging to make these processes simultaneously fast and high fidelity, since this requires introducing strong drives without activating parasitic processes or introducing additional decoherence channels. We show that in addition to a careful management of drive frequencies and the spectrum of environmental noise, leveraging the inbuilt symmetries of the converter Hamiltonian can suppress unwanted nonlinear interactions, preventing converter-induced decoherence. We demonstrate these principles using a differentially-driven DC-SQUID as our converter, coupled to two high-Q microwave cavities. Using this architecture, we engineer a highly-coherent beamsplitter and fast (∼ 100 ns) swaps between the cavities, limited primarily by their intrinsic single-photon loss. We characterize this beamsplitter in the cavities‘ joint single-photon subspace, and show that we can detect and post-select photon loss events to achieve a beamsplitter gate fidelity exceeding 99.98%, which to our knowledge far surpasses the current state of the art.

A high on-off ratio beamsplitter interaction for gates on bosonically encoded qubits

  1. Benjamin J. Chapman,
  2. Stijn J. de Graaf,
  3. Sophia H. Xue,
  4. Yaxing Zhang,
  5. James Teoh,
  6. Jacob C. Curtis,
  7. Takahiro Tsunoda,
  8. Alec Eickbusch,
  9. Alexander P. Read,
  10. Akshay Koottandavida,
  11. Shantanu O. Mundhada,
  12. Luigi Frunzio,
  13. M. H. Devoret,
  14. S. M. Girvin,
  15. and R. J. Schoelkopf
Encoding a qubit in a high quality superconducting microwave cavity offers the opportunity to perform the first layer of error correction in a single device, but presents a challenge:
how can quantum oscillators be controlled while introducing a minimal number of additional error channels? We focus on the two-qubit portion of this control problem by using a 3-wave mixing coupling element to engineer a programmable beamsplitter interaction between two bosonic modes separated by more than an octave in frequency, without introducing major additional sources of decoherence. Combining this with single-oscillator control provided by a dispersively coupled transmon provides a framework for quantum control of multiple encoded qubits. The beamsplitter interaction gbs is fast relative to the timescale of oscillator decoherence, enabling over 103 beamsplitter operations per coherence time, and approaching the typical rate of the dispersive coupling χ used for individual oscillator control. Further, the programmable coupling is engineered without adding unwanted interactions between the oscillators, as evidenced by the high on-off ratio of the operations, which can exceed 105. We then introduce a new protocol to realize a hybrid controlled-SWAP operation in the regime gbs≈χ, in which a transmon provides the control bit for the SWAP of two bosonic modes. Finally, we use this gate in a SWAP test to project a pair of bosonic qubits into a Bell state with measurement-corrected fidelity of 95.5%±0.2%.

Dual-rail encoding with superconducting cavities

  1. James D. Teoh,
  2. Patrick Winkel,
  3. Harshvardhan K. Babla,
  4. Benjamin J. Chapman,
  5. Jahan Claes,
  6. Stijn J. de Graaf,
  7. John W.O. Garmon,
  8. William D. Kalfus,
  9. Yao Lu,
  10. Aniket Maiti,
  11. Kaavya Sahay,
  12. Neel Thakur,
  13. Takahiro Tsunoda,
  14. Sophia H. Xue,
  15. Luigi Frunzio,
  16. Steven M. Girvin,
  17. Shruti Puri,
  18. and Robert J. Schoelkopf
The design of quantum hardware that reduces and mitigates errors is essential for practical quantum error correction (QEC) and useful quantum computations. To this end, we introduce
the circuit-QED dual-rail qubit in which our physical qubit is encoded in the single-photon subspace of two superconducting cavities. The dominant photon loss errors can be detected and converted into erasure errors, which are much easier to correct. In contrast to linear optics, a circuit-QED implementation of the dual-rail code offers completely new capabilities. Using a single transmon ancilla, we describe a universal gate set that includes state preparation, logical readout, and parametrizable single and two-qubit gates. Moreover, first-order hardware errors due to the cavity and transmon in all of these operations can be detected and converted to erasure errors, leaving background Pauli errors that are orders of magnitude smaller. Hence, the dual-rail cavity qubit delivers an optimal hierarchy of errors and rates, and is expected to be well below the relevant QEC thresholds with today’s devices.