Quantum error correction is needed for quantum computers to be capable of fault-tolerantly executing algorithms using hundreds of logical qubits. Recent experiments have demonstratedsubthreshold error rates for state preservation of a single logical qubit. In addition, the realization of universal quantum computation requires the implementation of logical entangling gates. Lattice surgery offers a practical approach for implementing such gates, particularly in planar quantum processor layouts. In this work, we demonstrate lattice surgery between two distance-three repetition-code qubits by splitting a single distance-three surface-code qubit. Using a quantum circuit fault-tolerant to bit-flip errors, we achieve an improvement in the value of the decoded ZZ logical two-qubit observable compared to a similar non-encoded circuit. By preparing the surface-code qubit in initial states parametrized by a varying polar angle, we evaluate the performance of the lattice surgery operation for non-cardinal states on the logical Bloch sphere and employ logical two-qubit tomography to reconstruct the Pauli transfer matrix of the operation. In this way, we demonstrate the functional building blocks needed for lattice surgery operations on larger-distance codes based on superconducting circuits.
When using unitary gate sequences, the growth in depth of many quantum circuits with output size poses significant obstacles to practical quantum computation. The quantum fan-out operation,which reduces the circuit depth of quantum algorithms such as the quantum Fourier transform and Shor’s algorithm, is an example that can be realized in constant depth independent of the output size. Here, we demonstrate a quantum fan-out gate with real-time feedforward on up to four output qubits using a superconducting quantum processor. By performing quantum state tomography on the output states, we benchmark our gate with input states spanning the entire Bloch sphere. We decompose the output-state error into a set of independently characterized error contributions. We extrapolate our constant-depth circuit to offer a scaling advantage compared to the unitary fan-out sequence beyond 25 output qubits with feedforward control, or beyond 17 output qubits if the classical feedforward latency is negligible. Our work highlights the potential of mid-circuit measurements combined with real-time conditional operations to improve the efficiency of complex quantum algorithms.
Multidimensional cluster states are a key resource for robust quantum communication, measurement-based quantum computing and quantum metrology. Here, we present a device capable ofemitting large-scale entangled microwave photonic states in a two dimensional ladder structure. The device consists of a pair of coupled superconducting transmon qubits which are each tuneably coupled to a common output waveguide. This architecture permits entanglement between each transmon and a deterministically emitted photonic qubit. By interleaving two-qubit gates with controlled photon emission, we generate 2 x n grids of time- and frequency-multiplexed cluster states of itinerant microwave photons. We measure a signature of localizable entanglement across up to 20 photonic qubits. We expect the device architecture to be capable of generating a wide range of other tensor network states such as tree graph states, repeater states or the ground state of the toric code, and to be readily scalable to generate larger and higher dimensional states.
The dominant contribution to the energy relaxation of state-of-the-art superconducting qubits is often attributed to their coupling to an ensemble of material defects which behave astwo-level systems. These defects have varying microscopic characteristics which result in a large range of observable defect properties such as resonant frequencies, coherence times and coupling rates to qubits g. Here, we investigate strategies to mitigate losses to the family of defects that strongly couple to qubits (g/2π≥ 0.5 MHz). Such strongly coupled defects are particularly detrimental to the coherence of qubits and to the fidelities of operations relying on frequency excursions, such as flux-activated two-qubit gates. To assess their impact, we perform swap spectroscopy on 92 frequency-tunable qubits and quantify the spectral density of these strongly coupled modes. We show that the frequency configuration of the defects is rearranged by warming up the sample to room temperature, whereas the total number of defects on a processor tends to remain constant. We then explore methods for fabricating qubits with a reduced number of strongly coupled defect modes by systematically measuring their spectral density for decreasing Josephson junction dimensions and for various surface cleaning methods. Our results provide insights into the properties of strongly coupled defect modes and show the benefits of minimizing Josephson junction dimensions to improve qubit properties.
Quantum computers will require quantum error correction to reach the low error rates necessary for solving problems that surpass the capabilities of conventional computers. One of thedominant errors limiting the performance of quantum error correction codes across multiple technology platforms is leakage out of the computational subspace arising from the multi-level structure of qubit implementations. Here, we present a resource-efficient universal leakage reduction unit for superconducting qubits using parametric flux modulation. This operation removes leakage down to our measurement accuracy of 7⋅10−4 in approximately 50ns with a low error of 2.5(1)⋅10−3 on the computational subspace, thereby reaching durations and fidelities comparable to those of single-qubit gates. We demonstrate that using the leakage reduction unit in repeated weight-two stabilizer measurements reduces the total number of detected errors in a scalable fashion to close to what can be achieved using leakage-rejection methods which do not scale. Our approach does neither require additional control electronics nor on-chip components and is applicable to both auxiliary and data qubits. These benefits make our method particularly attractive for mitigating leakage in large-scale quantum error correction circuits, a crucial requirement for the practical implementation of fault-tolerant quantum computation.
The ability to execute high-fidelity operations is crucial to scaling up quantum devices to large numbers of qubits. However, signal distortions originating from non-linear componentsin the control lines can limit the performance of single-qubit gates. In this work, we use a measurement based on error amplification to characterize and correct the small single-qubit rotation errors originating from the non-linear scaling of the qubit drive rate with the amplitude of the programmed pulse. With our hardware, and for a 15-ns pulse, the rotation angles deviate by up to several degrees from a linear model. Using purity benchmarking, we find that control errors reach 2×10−4, which accounts for half of the total gate error. Using cross-entropy benchmarking, we demonstrate arbitrary-angle single-qubit gates with coherence-limited errors of 2×10−4 and leakage below 6×10−5. While the exact magnitude of these errors is specific to our setup, the presented method is applicable to any source of non-linearity. Our work shows that the non-linearity of qubit drive line components imposes a limit on the fidelity of single-qubit gates, independent of improvements in coherence times, circuit design, or leakage mitigation when not corrected for.