I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Transmon probe for quantum characteristics of magnons in antiferromagnets
The detection of magnons and their quantum properties, especially in antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials, is a substantial step to realize many ambitious advances in the study of nanomagnetism
and the development of energy efficient quantum technologies. The recent development of hybrid systems based on superconducting circuits provides the possibility of engineering quantum sensors that exploit different degrees of freedom. Here, we examine the magnon-photon-transmon hybridisation based on bipartite AFM materials, which gives rise to an effective coupling between a transmon qubit and magnons in a bipartite AFM. We demonstrate how magnetically invisible magnon modes, their chiralities and quantum properties such as nonlocality and two-mode magnon entanglement in bipartite AFMs can be characterized through the Rabi frequency of the superconducting transmon qubit.
Coexistence of nonequilibrium density and equilibrium energy distribution of quasiparticles in a superconducting qubit
The density of quasiparticles typically observed in superconducting qubits exceeds the value expected in equilibrium by many orders of magnitude. Can this out-of-equilibrium quasiparticle
density still possess an energy distribution in equilibrium with the phonon bath? Here, we answer this question affirmatively by measuring the thermal activation of charge-parity switching in a transmon qubit with a difference in superconducting gap on the two sides of the Josephson junction. We then demonstrate how the gap asymmetry of the device can be exploited to manipulate its parity.
Model for 1/f Flux noise in Superconducting Aluminum Devices: Impact of External Magnetic Fields
Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) and related circuits made of aluminum are known to display 1/ω flux noise, where ω is frequency. A recent experiment showed that
the application of an external magnetic field in the 10−100~G range changed the noise to a single Lorentzian peaked at ω=0. Here it is shown that a model based on independent impurity spin flips with coexisting cross and direct mechanisms of spin relaxation may explain these experiments. The model shows that application of an external magnetic field can be used to reduce the impact of flux noise in qubits.
Characterization of Asymmetric Gap-Engineered Josephson Junctions and 3D Transmon Qubits
We have fabricated and characterized asymmetric gap-engineered junctions and transmon devices. To create Josephson junctions with asymmetric gaps, Ti was used to proximitize and lower
the superconducting gap of the Al counter-electrode. DC IV measurements of these small, proximitized Josephson junctions show a reduced gap and larger excess current for voltage biases below the superconducting gap when compared to standard Al/AlOx/Al junctions. The energy relaxation time constant for an Al/AlOx/Al/Ti 3D transmon was T1 = 1 {\mu}s, over two orders of magnitude shorter than the measured T1 = 134 {\mu}s of a standard Al/AlOx/Al 3D transmon. Intentionally adding disorder between the Al and Ti layers reduces the proximity effect and subgap current while increasing the relaxation time to T1 = 32 {\mu}s.
Using Cryogenic CMOS Control Electronics To Enable A Two-Qubit Cross-Resonance Gate
Qubit control electronics composed of CMOS circuits are of critical interest for next generation quantum computing systems. A CMOS-based application specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
fabricated in 14nm FinFET technology was used to generate and sequence qubit control waveforms and demonstrate a two-qubit cross resonance gate between fixed frequency transmons. The controller was thermally anchored to the T = 4K stage of a dilution refrigerator and the measured power was 23 mW per qubit under active control. The chip generated single–side banded output frequencies between 4.5 and 5.5 GHz with a maximum power output of -18 dBm. Randomized benchmarking (RB) experiments revealed an average number of 1.71 instructions per Clifford (IPC) for single-qubit gates, and 17.51 IPC for two-qubit gates. A single-qubit error per gate of ϵ1Q=8e-4 and two-qubit error per gate of ϵ2Q=1.4e-2 is shown. A drive-induced Z-rotation is observed by way of a rotary echo experiment; this observation is consistent with expected qubit behavior given measured excess local oscillator (LO) leakage from the CMOS chip. The effect of spurious drive induced Z-errors is numerically evaluated with a two-qubit model Hamiltonian, and shown to be in good agreement with measured RB data. The modeling results suggest the Z-error varies linearly with pulse amplitude.
Post-fabrication frequency trimming of coplanar-waveguide resonators in circuit QED quantum processors
We present the use of grounding airbridge arrays to trim the frequency of microwave coplanar-waveguide (CPW) resonators post fabrication. This method is compatible with the fabrication
steps of conventional CPW airbridges and crossovers and increases device yield by allowing compensation of design and fabrication uncertainty with 100 MHz range and 10 MHz resolution. We showcase two applications in circuit QED. The first is elimination of frequency crowding between resonators intended to readout different transmons by frequency-division multiplexing. The second is frequency matching of readout and Purcell-filter resonator pairs. Combining this matching with transmon frequency trimming by laser annealing reliably achieves fast and high-fidelity readout across 17-transmon quantum processors.
Detecting virtual phothons in ultrastrongly coupled superconducting quantum circuits
Light-matter interaction, and understanding the fundamental physics behind, is essential for emerging quantum technologies. Solid-state devices may explore new regimes where coupling
strengths are „ultrastrong“, i.e. comparable to the energies of the subsystems. New exotic phenomena occur the common root of many of them being the fact that the entangled vacuum contains virtual photons. They herald the lack of conservation of the number of excitations which is the witness of ultrastrong coupling breaking the U(1) symmetry. Despite more than a decade of research, the detection of ground-state virtual photons still awaits demonstration. In this work, we provide a solution for this long-standing problem. Facing the main experimental obstacles, we find a design of an unconventional „light fluxonium“-like superconducting quantum circuit implemented by superinductors and a protocol of coherent amplification which yields a highly efficient, faithful and selective conversion of virtual photons into real ones. This enables their detection with resources available to present-day quantum technologies.
Coupler microwave-activated controlled phase gate on fluxonium qubits
Tunable couplers have recently become one of the most powerful tools for implementing two-qubit gates between superconducting qubits. A tunable coupler typically includes a nonlinear
element, such as a SQUID, which is used to tune the resonance frequency of an LC circuit connecting two qubits. Here we propose a complimentary approach where instead of tuning the resonance frequency of the tunable coupler by applying a quasistatic control signal, we excite by microwave the degree of freedom associated with the coupler itself. Due to strong effective longitudinal coupling between the coupler and the qubits, the frequency of this transition strongly depends on the computational state, leading to different phase accumulations in different states. Using this method, we experimentally demonstrate a CZ gate of 44 ns duration on a fluxonium-based quantum processor, obtaining a fidelity of 97.6±0.4% characterized by cross-entropy benchmarking.
All-microwave leakage reduction units for quantum error correction with superconducting transmon qubits
Minimizing leakage from computational states is a challenge when using many-level systems like superconducting quantum circuits as qubits. We realize and extend the quantum-hardware-efficient,
all-microwave leakage reduction unit (LRU) for transmons in a circuit QED architecture proposed by Battistel et al. This LRU effectively reduces leakage in the second- and third-excited transmon states with up to 99% efficacy in 220 ns, with minimum impact on the qubit subspace. As a first application in the context of quantum error correction, we demonstrate the ability of multiple simultaneous LRUs to reduce the error detection rate and to suppress leakage buildup within 1% in data and ancilla qubits over 50 cycles of a weight-2 parity measurement.
Error per single-qubit gate below 10−4 in a superconducting qubit
Implementing arbitrary single-qubit gates with near perfect fidelity is among the most fundamental requirements in gate-based quantum information processing. In this work, we fabric
a transmon qubit with long coherence times and demonstrate single-qubit gates with the average gate error below 10−4, i.e. (7.42±0.04)×10−5 by randomized benchmarking (RB). To understand the error sources, we experimentally obtain an error budget, consisting of the decoherence errors lower bounded by (4.62±0.04)×10−5 and the leakage rate per gate of (1.16±0.04)×10−5. Moreover, we reconstruct the process matrices for the single-qubit gates by the gate set tomography (GST), with which we simulate RB sequences and obtain single-qubit fedlities consistent with experimental results. We also observe non-Markovian behavior in the experiment of long-sequence GST, which may provide guidance for further calibration. The demonstration extends the upper limit that the average fidelity of single-qubit gates can reach in a transmon-qubit system, and thus can be an essential step towards practical and reliable quantum computation in the near future.