I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Optimizing quantum gates towards the scale of logical qubits
A foundational assumption of quantum error correction theory is that quantum gates can be scaled to large processors without exceeding the error-threshold for fault tolerance. Two major
challenges that could become fundamental roadblocks are manufacturing high performance quantum hardware and engineering a control system that can reach its performance limits. The control challenge of scaling quantum gates from small to large processors without degrading performance often maps to non-convex, high-constraint, and time-dependent control optimization over an exponentially expanding configuration space. Here we report on a control optimization strategy that can scalably overcome the complexity of such problems. We demonstrate it by choreographing the frequency trajectories of 68 frequency-tunable superconducting qubits to execute single- and two-qubit gates while mitigating computational errors. When combined with a comprehensive model of physical errors across our processor, the strategy suppresses physical error rates by ∼3.7× compared with the case of no optimization. Furthermore, it is projected to achieve a similar performance advantage on a distance-23 surface code logical qubit with 1057 physical qubits. Our control optimization strategy solves a generic scaling challenge in a way that can be adapted to other quantum algorithms, operations, and computing architectures.
Model-based Optimization of Superconducting Qubit Readout
Measurement is an essential component of quantum algorithms, and for superconducting qubits it is often the most error prone. Here, we demonstrate model-based readout optimization achieving
low measurement errors while avoiding detrimental side-effects. For simultaneous and mid-circuit measurements across 17 qubits, we observe 1.5% error per qubit with a 500ns end-to-end duration and minimal excess reset error from residual resonator photons. We also suppress measurement-induced state transitions achieving a leakage rate limited by natural heating. This technique can scale to hundreds of qubits and be used to enhance the performance of error-correcting codes and near-term applications.
Dissipative Dynamics of Graph-State Stabilizers with Superconducting Qubits
We study the noisy evolution of multipartite entangled states, focusing on superconducting-qubit devices accessible via the cloud. We experimentally characterize the single-qubit coherent
and incoherent error parameters together with the effective two-qubit interactions, whose combined action dominates the decoherence of quantum memory states. We find that a valid modeling of the dynamics of superconducting qubits requires one to properly account for coherent frequency shifts, caused by stochastic charge-parity fluctuations. We present a numerical approach that is scalable to tens of qubits, allowing us to simulate efficiently the dissipative dynamics of some large multiqubit states. Comparing our simulations to measurements of stabilizers dynamics of graph states realized experimentally with up to 12 qubits on a ring, we find that a very good agreement is achievable. Our approach allows us to probe nonlocal state characteristics that are inaccessible in the experiment. We show evidence for a significant improvement of the many-body state fidelity using dynamical decoupling sequences, mitigating the effect of charge-parity oscillations and two-qubit crosstalk.
A general flux-Based Circuit Theory for Superconducting Josephson Junction Circuits
Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), single flux-quantum (SFQ) logic circuits, and quantum Josephson junction circuits have been developed into a family of superconductor
integrated circuit, and are widely applied for subtle magnetic-field measurements, energy-efficient computing, and quantum computing, respectively. They are Josephson junction networks composed of Josephson junctions and normal resistor-inductor-capacitor (RLC) components, working with the fluxoid-quantization principle and Josephson effects to achieve unique flux-modulated dynamics and characteristics; they react to the vector potential of magnetic fields rather than the electric potential. However, the conventional circuit diagrams and nodal analysis methods focus on the electric charges flowing though branches and nodes, ignoring dynamics of the magnetic fluxes flowing from loop to loop. This article introduces a general flux-based circuit theory to unify the analyses of Josephson junction circuits and normal RLC circuits. This theory presents a magnetic-flux-generator (MFG) concept to unify Josephson junctions and normal circuit elements, and abstract both Josephson junction circuits and normal RLC circuits as MFG network; it derives a general network equation to describe dynamics of Josephson junction circuits, and invents a kind of magnetic-flux flow (MFF) diagram to depict the working principles of magnetic-flux flows inside Josephson junction circuits. The flux-based theory is complementary to the conventional circuit theories in the design and analysis of superconductor integrated circuits.
Quantum-circuit refrigeration of a superconducting microwave resonator well below a single quantum
We experimentally demonstrate a recently proposed single-junction quantum-circuit refrigerator (QCR) as an in-situ-tunable low-temperature environment for a superconducting 4.7-GHz
resonator. With the help of a transmon qubit, we measure the populations of the different resonator Fock states, thus providing reliable access to the temperature of the engineered electromagnetic environment and its effect on the resonator. We demonstrate coherent and thermal resonator states and that the on-demand dissipation provided by the QCR can drive these to a small fraction of a photon on average, even if starting above 1 K. We observe that the QCR can be operated either with a dc bias voltage or a gigahertz rf drive, or a combination of these. The bandwidth of the rf drive is not limited by the circuit itself and consequently, we show that 2.9-GHz continuous and 10-ns-pulsed drives lead to identical desired refrigeration of the resonator. These observations answer to the shortcomings of previous works where the Fock states were not resolvable and the QCR exhibited slow charging dynamics. Thus this work introduces a versatile tool to study open quantum systems, quantum thermodynamics, and to quickly reset superconducting qubits.
Superconducting qubit based on twisted cuprate van der Waals heterostructures
Van-der-Waals (vdW) assembly enables the fabrication of novel Josephson junctions utilizing an atomically sharp interface between two exfoliated and relatively twisted Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x
(Bi2212) flakes. In a range of twist angles around 45∘, the junction provides a regime where the interlayer two-Cooper pair tunneling dominates the current-phase relation. Here we propose to employ this novel junction to realize a capacitively shunted qubit that we call flowermon. The d-wave nature of the order parameter endows the flowermon with inherent protection against charge-noise-induced relaxation and quasiparticle-induced dissipation. This inherently protected qubit paves the way to a new class of high-coherence hybrid superconducting quantum devices based on unconventional superconductors.
Entangling interactions between artificial atoms mediated by a multimode left-handed superconducting ring resonator
Superconducting metamaterial transmission lines implemented with lumped circuit elements can exhibit left-handed dispersion, where the group and phase velocity have opposite sign, in
a frequency range relevant for superconducting artificial atoms. Forming such a metamaterial transmission line into a ring and coupling it to qubits at different points around the ring results in a multimode bus resonator with a compact footprint. Using flux-tunable qubits, we characterize and theoretically model the variation in the coupling strength between the two qubits and each of the ring resonator modes. Although the qubits have negligible direct coupling between them, their interactions with the multimode ring resonator result in both a transverse exchange coupling and a higher order ZZ interaction between the qubits. As we vary the detuning between the qubits and their frequency relative to the ring resonator modes, we observe significant variations in both of these inter-qubit interactions, including zero crossings and changes of sign. The ability to modulate interaction terms such as the ZZ scale between zero and large values for small changes in qubit frequency provides a promising pathway for implementing entangling gates in a system capable of hosting many qubits.
Decoherence of a tunable capacitively shunted flux qubit
We present a detailed study of the coherence of a tunable capacitively-shunted flux qubit, designed for coherent quantum annealing applications. The measured relaxation at the qubit
symmetry point is mainly due to intrinsic flux noise in the main qubit loop for qubit frequencies below ∼3 GHz. At higher frequencies, thermal noise in the bias line makes a significant contribution to the relaxation, arising from the design choice to experimentally explore both fast annealing and high-frequency control. The measured dephasing rate is primarily due to intrinsic low-frequency flux noise in the two qubit loops, with additional contribution from the low-frequency noise of control electronics used for fast annealing. The flux-bias dependence of the dephasing time also reveals apparent noise correlation between the two qubit loops, possibly due to non-local sources of flux noise or junction critical-current noise. Our results are relevant for ongoing efforts toward building superconducting quantum annealers with increased coherence.
Quasiparticle Dynamics in Superconducting Quantum-Classical Hybrid Circuits
Single flux quantum (SFQ) circuitry is a promising candidate for a scalable and integratable cryogenic quantum control system. However, the operation of SFQ circuits introduces non-equilibrium
quasiparticles (QPs), which are a significant source of qubit decoherence. In this study, we investigate QP behavior in a superconducting quantum-classical hybrid chip that comprises an SFQ circuit and a qubit circuit. By monitoring qubit relaxation time, we explore the dynamics of SFQ-circuit-induced QPs. Our findings reveal that the QP density near the qubit reaches its peak after several microseconds of SFQ circuit operation, which corresponds to the phonon-mediated propagation time of QPs in the hybrid circuits. This suggests that phonon-mediated propagation dominates the spreading of QPs in the hybrid circuits. Our results lay the foundation to suppress QP poisoning in quantum-classical hybrid systems.
Single-flux-quantum-based Qubit Control with Tunable Driving Strength
Single-flux-quantum (SFQ) circuits have great potential in building cryogenic quantum-classical interfaces for scaling up superconducting quantum processors. SFQ-based quantum gates
have been designed and realized. However, current control schemes are difficult to tune the driving strength to qubits, which restricts the gate length and usually induces leakage to unwanted levels. In this study, we design the scheme and corresponding pulse generator circuit to continuously adjust the driving strength by coupling SFQ pulses with variable intervals. This scheme not only provides a way to adjust the SFQ-based gate length, but also proposes the possibility to tune the driving strength envelope. Simulations show that our scheme can suppress leakage to unwanted levels and reduce the error of SFQ-based Clifford gates by more than an order of magnitude.