I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Multiplexed control scheme for scalable quantum information processing with superconducting qubits
The advancement of scalable quantum information processing relies on the accurate and parallel manipulation of a vast number of qubits, potentially reaching into the millions. Superconducting
qubits, traditionally controlled through individual circuitry, currently face a formidable scalability challenge due to the excessive use of wires. This challenge is nearing a critical point where it might soon surpass the capacities of on-chip routing, I/O packaging, testing platforms, and economically feasible solutions. Here we introduce a multiplexed control scheme that efficiently utilizes shared control lines for operating multiple qubits and couplers. By integrating quantum hardware-software co-design, our approach utilizes advanced techniques like frequency multiplexing and individual tuning. This enables simultaneous and independent execution of single- and two-qubit gates with significantly simplified wiring. This scheme has the potential to diminish the number of control lines by one to two orders of magnitude in the near future, thereby substantially enhancing the scalability of superconducting quantum processors.
Coherent control of a few-channel hole type gatemon qubit
Gatemon qubits are the electrically tunable cousins of superconducting transmon qubits. In this work, we demonstrate the full coherent control of a gatemon qubit based on hole carriers
in a Ge/Si core/shell nanowire, with the longest coherence times in group IV material gatemons to date. The key to these results is a high-quality Josephson junction obtained in a straightforward and reproducible annealing technique. We demonstrate that the transport through the narrow junctions is dominated by only two quantum channels, with transparencies up to unity. This novel qubit platform holds great promise for quantum information applications, not only because it incorporates technologically relevant materials, but also because it provides new opportunities, like an ultrastrong spin-orbit coupling in the few-channel regime of Josephson junctions.
Optimizing Resonator Frequency Stability in Flip-Chip Architectures: A Novel Experimental Design Approach
In multi-qubit superconducting systems utilizing flip-chip technology, achieving high accuracy in resonator frequencies is of paramount importance, particularly when multiple resonators
share a common Purcell filter with restricted bandwidth. Nevertheless, variations in inter-chip spacing can considerably influence these frequencies. To tackle this issue, we present and experimentally validate the effectiveness of a resonator design. In our design, we etch portions of the metal on the bottom chip that faces the resonator structure on the top chip. This enhanced design substantially improves frequency stability by a factor of over 3.5 compared to the non-optimized design, as evaluated by the root mean square error of a linear fitting of the observed frequency distribution, which is intended to be linear. This advancement is crucial for successful scale-up and achievement of high-fidelity quantum operations.
Quasiparticle dynamics in a superconducting qubit irradiated by a localized infrared source
A known source of decoherence in superconducting qubits is the presence of broken Cooper pairs, or quasiparticles. These can be generated by high-energy radiation, either present in
the environment or purposefully introduced, as in the case of some hybrid quantum devices. Here, we systematically study the properties of a transmon qubit under illumination by focused infrared radiation with various powers, durations, and spatial locations. Despite the high energy of incident photons, our observations agree well with a model of low-energy quasiparticle dynamics dominated by trapping. This technique can be used for understanding and potentially mitigating the effects of high-energy radiation on superconducting circuits with a variety of geometries and materials.
Lecture Notes on Quantum Electrical Circuits
During the last 30 years, stimulated by the quest to build superconducting quantum processors, a theory of quantum electrical circuits has emerged and this theory goes under the name
of circuit quantum electrodynamics or circuit-QED. The goal of the theory is to provide a quantum description of the most relevant degrees of freedom. The central objects to be derived and studied are the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian governing these degrees of freedom. Central concepts in classical network theory such as impedance and scattering matrices can be used to obtain the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian description for the lossless (linear) part of the circuits. Methods of analysis, both classical and quantum, can also be developed for nonreciprocal circuits. These lecture notes aim at giving a pedagogical overview of this subject for theoretically-oriented Master or PhD students in physics and electrical engineering, as well as Master and PhD students who work on experimental superconducting quantum devices and wish to learn more theory.
Universal readout error mitigation scheme characterized on superconducting qubits
Quantum technologies rely heavily on accurate control and reliable readout of quantum systems. Current experiments are limited by numerous sources of noise that can only be partially
captured by simple analytical models and additional characterization of the noise sources is required. We test the ability of readout error mitigation to correct realistic noise found in systems composed of quantum two-level objects (qubits). To probe the limit of such methods, we designed a universal readout error mitigation protocol based on quantum state tomography (QST), which estimates the density matrix of a quantum system, and quantum detector tomography (QDT), which characterizes the measurement procedure. By treating readout error mitigation in the context of state tomography the method becomes largely device-, architecture-, noise source-, and quantum state-independent. We implement this method on a superconducting qubit and benchmark the increase in reconstruction fidelity for QST. We characterize the performance of the method by varying important noise sources, such as suboptimal readout signal amplification, insufficient resonator photon population, off-resonant qubit drive, and effectively shortened T1 and T2 decay times. As a result, we identified noise sources for which readout error mitigation worked well, and observed decreases in readout infidelity by a factor of up to 30.
Universal flux-based control of a π-SQUID
We describe a protocol for the universal control of non-ideal π-periodic superconducting qubits. Our proposal relies on a π-SQUID: a superconducting loop formed by two π-periodic
circuit elements, with an external magnetic flux threading the circuit. The system exhibits an extensive sweet spot around half-flux where residual 2π-periodic Cooper pair tunneling is highly suppressed. We demonstrate that universal single-qubit operations can be realised by tuning the flux adiabatically and diabatically within this broad sweet spot. We also assess how residual 2π-periodicity in π-SQUIDs impacts holonomic phase gates.
Superconducting processor design optimization for quantum error correction performance
In the quest for fault-tolerant quantum computation using superconducting processors, accurate performance assessment and continuous design optimization stands at the forefront. To
facilitate both meticulous simulation and streamlined design optimization, we introduce a multi-level simulation framework that spans both Hamiltonian and quantum error correction levels, and is equipped with the capability to compute gradients efficiently. This toolset aids in design optimization, tailored to specific objectives like quantum memory performance. Within our framework, we investigate the often-neglected spatially correlated unitary errors, highlighting their significant impact on logical error rates. We exemplify our approach through the multi-path coupling scheme of fluxonium qubits.
Flux tunable graphene-based superconducting quantum circuits coupled to 3D cavity
Correlation between transmon and its composite Josephson junctions (JJ) plays an important role in designing new types of superconducting qubits based on quantum materials. It is desirable
to have a type of device that not only allows exploration for use in quantum information processing but also probing intrinsic properties in the composite JJs. Here, we construct a flux-tunable 3D transmon-type superconducting quantum circuit made of graphene as a proof-of-concept prototype device. This 3D transmon-type device not only enables coupling to 3D cavities for microwave probes but also permits DC transport measurements on the same device, providing useful connections between transmon properties and critical currents associated with JJ’s properties. We have demonstrated how flux-modulation in cavity frequency and DC critical current can be correlated under the influence of Fraunhofer pattern of JJs in an asymmetric SQUID. The correlation analysis was further extended to link the flux-modulated transmon properties, such as flux-tunability in qubit and cavity frequencies, with SQUID symmetry analysis based on DC measurements. Our study paves the way towards integrating novel materials for exploration of new types of quantum devices for future technology while probing underlying physics in the composite materials.
Stochastic Model of Qudit Measurement for Superconducting Quantum Information Processing
The field of superconducting quantum computing, based on Josephson junctions, has recently seen remarkable strides in scaling the number of logical qubits. In particular, the fidelities
of one- and two-qubit gates are close to the breakeven point with the novel error mitigation and correction methods. Parallel to these advances is the effort to expand the Hilbert space within a single device by employing high-dimensional qubits, otherwise known as qudits. Research has demonstrated the possibility of driving higher-order transitions in a transmon or designing innovative multimode superconducting circuits, termed multimons. These advances can significantly expand the computational basis while simplifying the interconnects in a large-scale quantum processor. This thesis provides a detailed introduction to the superconducting qudit and demonstrates a comprehensive analysis of decoherence in an artificial atom with more than two levels using Lindblad master equations and stochastic master equations (SMEs). After extending the theory of the design, control, and readout of a conventional superconducting qubit to that of a qudit, the thesis focuses on modeling the dispersive measurement of a transmon qutrit in an open quantum system using quadrature detections. Under the Markov assumption, master equations with different levels of abstraction are proposed and solved; in addition, both the ensemble-averaged and the quantum-jump approach of decoherence analysis are presented and compared analytically and numerically. The thesis ends with a series of experimental results on a transmon-type qutrit, verifying the validity of the stochastic model.