Decoherence of a tunable capacitively shunted flux qubit

  1. R. Trappen,
  2. X. Dai,
  3. M. A. Yurtalan,
  4. D. Melanson,
  5. D. M. Tennant,
  6. A. J. Martinez,
  7. Y. Tang,
  8. J. Gibson,
  9. J. A. Grover,
  10. S. M. Disseler,
  11. J. I. Basham,
  12. R. Das,
  13. D. K. Kim,
  14. A. J. Melville,
  15. B. M. Niedzielski,
  16. C. F. Hirjibehedin,
  17. K. Serniak,
  18. S. J. Weber,
  19. J.L. Yoder,
  20. W. D. Oliver,
  21. D. A. Lidar,
  22. and A. Lupascu
We present a detailed study of the coherence of a tunable capacitively-shunted flux qubit, designed for coherent quantum annealing applications. The measured relaxation at the qubit
symmetry point is mainly due to intrinsic flux noise in the main qubit loop for qubit frequencies below ∼3 GHz. At higher frequencies, thermal noise in the bias line makes a significant contribution to the relaxation, arising from the design choice to experimentally explore both fast annealing and high-frequency control. The measured dephasing rate is primarily due to intrinsic low-frequency flux noise in the two qubit loops, with additional contribution from the low-frequency noise of control electronics used for fast annealing. The flux-bias dependence of the dephasing time also reveals apparent noise correlation between the two qubit loops, possibly due to non-local sources of flux noise or junction critical-current noise. Our results are relevant for ongoing efforts toward building superconducting quantum annealers with increased coherence.

Dissipative Landau-Zener tunneling: crossover from weak to strong environment coupling

  1. X. Dai,
  2. R. Trappen,
  3. H. Chen,
  4. D. Melanson,
  5. M. A. Yurtalan,
  6. D. M. Tennant,
  7. A. J. Martinez,
  8. Y. Tang,
  9. E. Mozgunov,
  10. J. Gibson,
  11. J. A. Grover,
  12. S. M. Disseler,
  13. J. I. Basham,
  14. S. Novikov,
  15. R. Das,
  16. A. J. Melville,
  17. B. M. Niedzielski,
  18. C. F. Hirjibehedin,
  19. K. Serniak,
  20. S. J. Weber,
  21. J.L. Yoder,
  22. W. D. Oliver,
  23. K. M. Zick,
  24. D. A. Lidar,
  25. and A. Lupascu
Landau-Zener (LZ) tunneling, describing transitions in a two-level system during a sweep through an anti-crossing, is a model applicable to a wide range of physical phenomena, such
as atomic collisions, chemical reactions, and molecular magnets, and has been extensively studied theoretically and experimentally. Dissipation due to coupling between the system and environment is an important factor in determining the transition rates. Here we report experimental results on the dissipative LZ transition. Using a tunable superconducting flux qubit, we observe for the first time the crossover from weak to strong coupling to the environment. The weak coupling limit corresponds to small system-environment coupling and leads to environment-induced thermalization. In the strong coupling limit, environmental excitations dress the system and transitions occur between the dressed states. Our results confirm previous theoretical studies of dissipative LZ tunneling in the weak and strong coupling limits. Our results for the intermediate regime are novel and could stimulate further theoretical development of open system dynamics. This work provides insight into the role of open system effects on quantum annealing, which employs quantum tunneling to search for low-energy solutions to hard computational problems.

Demonstration of long-range correlations via susceptibility measurements in a one-dimensional superconducting Josephson spin chain

  1. Daniel M. Tennant,
  2. Xi Dai,
  3. Antonio J. Martinez,
  4. Robbyn Trappen,
  5. Denis Melanson,
  6. M. A. Yurtalan,
  7. Yongchao Tang,
  8. Salil Bedkihal,
  9. Rui Yang,
  10. Sergei Novikov,
  11. Jeffery A. Grover,
  12. Steven M. Disseler,
  13. James I. Basham,
  14. Rabindra Das,
  15. David K. Kim,
  16. Alexander J. Melville,
  17. Bethany M. Niedzielski,
  18. Steven J. Weber,
  19. Jonilyn L. Yoder,
  20. Andrew J. Kerman,
  21. Evgeny Mozgunov,
  22. Daniel A. Lidar,
  23. and Adrian Lupascu
Spin chains have long been considered an effective medium for long-range interactions, entanglement generation, and quantum state transfer. In this work, we explore the properties of
a spin chain implemented with superconducting flux circuits, designed to act as a connectivity medium between two superconducting qubits. The susceptibility of the chain is probed and shown to support long-range, cross chain correlations. In addition, interactions between the two end qubits, mediated by the coupler chain, are demonstrated. This work has direct applicability in near term quantum annealing processors as a means of generating long-range, coherent coupling between qubits.

Calibration of flux crosstalk in large-scale flux-tunable superconducting quantum circuits

  1. X. Dai,
  2. D. M. Tennant,
  3. R. Trappen,
  4. A. J. Martinez,
  5. D. Melanson,
  6. M. A. Yurtalan,
  7. Y. Tang,
  8. S. Novikov,
  9. J. A. Grover,
  10. S. M. Disseler,
  11. J. I. Basham,
  12. R. Das,
  13. D. K. Kim,
  14. A. J. Melville,
  15. B. M. Niedzielski,
  16. S. J. Weber,
  17. J.L. Yoder,
  18. D. A. Lidar,
  19. and A. Lupascu
Magnetic flux tunability is an essential feature in most approaches to quantum computing based on superconducting qubits. Independent control of the fluxes in multiple loops is hampered
by crosstalk. Calibrating flux crosstalk becomes a challenging task when the circuit elements interact strongly. We present a novel approach to flux crosstalk calibration, which is circuit model independent and relies on an iterative process to gradually improve calibration accuracy. This method allows us to reduce errors due to the inductive coupling between loops. The calibration procedure is automated and implemented on devices consisting of tunable flux qubits and couplers with up to 27 control loops. We devise a method to characterize the calibration error, which is used to show that the errors of the measured crosstalk coefficients are all below 0.17%.

Characterization of multi-level dynamics and decoherence in a high-anharmonicity capacitively shunted flux circuit

  1. M. A. Yurtalan,
  2. J. Shi,
  3. G.J.K. Flatt,
  4. and A. Lupascu
We present the design and characterization of a three-Josephson-junction superconducting loop circuit with three large shunt capacitors. The circuit used as a qubit shows long energy
relaxation times, of the order of 40 μs, and a spin-echo dephasing time of 9.4 μs. The circuit has high anharmonicity, of 2π×3.69 GHz. We extract the multi-level relaxation and dephasing rates of the circuit used as a qutrit and discuss the possible sources for the decoherence. The high anharmonicity allows for fast qubit control with 99.92% average gate fidelity, characterized by randomized benchmarking. These results demonstrate interesting potential use for fast nanosecond time scale two-qubit gates and multi-level quantum logic

Implementation of a Walsh-Hadamard gate in a superconducting qutrit

  1. M. A. Yurtalan,
  2. J. Shi,
  3. M. Kononenko,
  4. A. Lupascu,
  5. and S. Ashhab
We have implemented a Walsh-Hadamard gate, which performs a quantum Fourier transform, in a superconducting qutrit. The qutrit is encoded in the lowest three energy levels of a capacitively
shunted flux device, operated at the optimal flux-symmetry point. We use an efficient decomposition of the Walsh-Hadamard gate into two unitaries, generated by off-diagonal and diagonal Hamiltonians respectively. The gate implementation utilizes simultaneous driving of all three transitions between the three pairs of energy levels of the qutrit, one of which is implemented with a two-photon process. The gate has a duration of 35 ns and an average fidelity over a representative set of states, including preparation and tomography errors, of 99.2%, characterized with quantum state tomography. Compensation of ac-Stark and Bloch-Siegert shifts is essential for reaching high gate fidelities.

Probing the strongly driven spin-boson model in a superconducting quantum circuit

  1. L. Magazzù,
  2. P. Forn-Díaz,
  3. R. Belyansky,
  4. J.-L. Orgiazzi,
  5. M. A. Yurtalan,
  6. M. R. Otto,
  7. A. Lupascu,
  8. C. M. Wilson,
  9. and M. Grifoni
Quantum two-level systems interacting with the surroundings are ubiquitous in nature. The interaction suppresses quantum coherence and forces the system towards a steady state. Such
dissipative processes are captured by the paradigmatic spin-boson model, describing a two-state particle, the „spin“, interacting with an environment formed by harmonic oscillators. A fundamental question to date is to what extent intense coherent driving impacts a strongly dissipative system. Here we investigate experimentally and theoretically a superconducting qubit strongly coupled to an electromagnetic environment and subjected to a coherent drive. This setup realizes the driven Ohmic spin-boson model. We show that the drive reinforces environmental suppression of quantum coherence, and that a coherent-to-incoherent transition can be achieved by tuning the drive amplitude. An out-of-equilibrium detailed balance relation is demonstrated. These results advance fundamental understanding of open quantum systems and bear potential for applications in quantum technologies.

Ultrastrong coupling of a single artificial atom to an electromagnetic continuum

  1. P. Forn-Díaz,
  2. J.J. García-Ripoll,
  3. B. Peropadre,
  4. M. A. Yurtalan,
  5. J.-L. Orgiazzi,
  6. R. Belyansky,
  7. C. M. Wilson,
  8. and A. Lupascu
The study of the interaction of light and matter has led to many fundamental discoveries as well as numerous important technologies. Over the last decades, great strides have been made
in increasing the strength of this interaction at the single-photon level, leading to a continual exploration of new physics and applications. In recent years, a major achievement has been the demonstration of the so-called strong coupling regime, a key advancement enabling great progress in quantum information science. In this work, we demonstrate light-matter interaction over an order of magnitude stronger than previously reported, reaching a new regime of ultrastrong coupling (USC). We achieve this using a superconducting artificial atom tunably coupled to the electromagnetic continuum of a one-dimensional waveguide. For the largest values of the coupling, the spontaneous emission rate of the atom is comparable to its transition frequency. In this USC regime, the conventional quantum description of the atom and light as distinct entities breaks down, and a new description in terms of hybrid states is required. Our results open the door to a wealth of new physics and applications. Beyond light-matter interaction itself, the tunability of our system makes it promising as a tool to study a number of important physical systems such as the well-known spin-boson and Kondo models.