Time-domain characterization and correction of on-chip distortion of control pulses in a quantum processor

  1. M. A. Rol,
  2. L. Ciorciaro,
  3. F. K. Malinowski,
  4. B. M. Tarasinski,
  5. R. E. Sagastizabal,
  6. C. C. Bultink,
  7. Y. Salathe,
  8. N. Haandbaek,
  9. J. Sedivy,
  10. and L. DiCarlo
We introduce Cryoscope, a method for sampling on-chip baseband pulses used to dynamically control qubit frequency in a quantum processor. We specifically use Cryoscope to measure the

Realizing Rapid, High-Fidelity, Single-Shot Dispersive Readout of Superconducting Qubits

  1. T. Walter,
  2. P. Kurpiers,
  3. S. Gasparinetti,
  4. P. Magnard,
  5. A. Potocnik,
  6. Y. Salathe,
  7. M. Pechal,
  8. M. Mondal,
  9. M. Oppliger,
  10. C. Eichler,
  11. and A. Wallraff
The speed of quantum gates and measurements is a decisive factor for the overall fidelity of quantum protocols when performed on physical qubits with finite coherence time. Reducing

Characterizing the attenuation of coaxial and rectangular microwave-frequency waveguides at cryogenic temperatures

  1. P. Kurpiers,
  2. T. Walter,
  3. P. Magnard,
  4. Y. Salathe,
  5. and A. Wallraff
Low-loss waveguides are required for quantum communication at distances beyond the chip-scale for any low-temperature solid-state implementation of quantum information processors. We

Digital quantum simulation of spin models with circuit quantum electrodynamics

  1. Y. Salathé,
  2. M. Mondal,
  3. M. Oppliger,
  4. J. Heinsoo,
  5. P. Kurpiers,
  6. A. Potočnik,
  7. A. Mezzacapo,
  8. U. Las Heras,
  9. L. Lamata,
  10. E. Solano,
  11. S. Filipp,
  12. and A. Wallraff
Systems of interacting quantum spins show a rich spectrum of quantum phases and display interesting many-body dynamics. Computing characteristics of even small systems on conventional

Quantum limited amplification and entanglement in coupled nonlinear resonators

  1. C. Eichler,
  2. Y. Salathe,
  3. J. Mlynek,
  4. S. Schmidt,
  5. and A. Wallraff
We demonstrate a coupled cavity realization of a Bose Hubbard dimer to achieve quantum limited amplification and to generate frequency entangled microwave fields with squeezing parameters

Realization of Deterministic Quantum Teleportation with Solid State Qubits

  1. L. Steffen,
  2. A. Fedorov,
  3. M. Oppliger,
  4. Y. Salathe,
  5. P. Kurpiers,
  6. M. Baur,
  7. G. Puebla-Hellmann,
  8. C. Eichler,
  9. and A. Wallraff
Transferring the state of an information carrier from a sender to a receiver is an essential primitive in both classical and quantum communication and information processing. In a quantum