Quantum simulations of light-matter interactions in arbitrary coupling regimes

  1. L. Lamata
Light-matter interactions are an established field that is experiencing a renaissance in recent years due to the introduction of exotic coupling regimes. These include the ultrastrong
and deep strong coupling regimes, where the coupling constant is smaller and of the order of the frequency of the light mode, or larger than this frequency, respectively. In the past few years, quantum simulations of light-matter interactions in all possible coupling regimes have been proposed and experimentally realized, in quantum platforms such as trapped ions, superconducting circuits, cold atoms, and quantum photonics. We review this fledgling field, illustrating the benefits and challenges of the quantum simulations of light-matter interactions with quantum technologies.

Parity-assisted generation of nonclassical states of light in circuit quantum electrodynamics

  1. F. A. Cárdenas-López,
  2. G. Romero,
  3. L. Lamata,
  4. E. Solano,
  5. and J. C. Retamal
We propose a method to generate nonclassical states of light in multimode microwave cavities. Our approach considers two-photon processes that take place in a system composed of two
extended cavities and an ultrastrongly coupled light-matter system. Under specific resonance conditions, our method generates, in a deterministic manner, product states of uncorrelated photon pairs, Bell states, and W states. We demonstrate improved generation times when increasing the number of multimode cavities, and prove the generation of genuine multipartite entangled states when coupling an ancillary system to each cavity. Finally, we discuss the feasibility of our proposal in circuit quantum electrodynamics.

One-way Quantum Computing in Superconducting Circuits

  1. F. Albarrán-Arriagada,
  2. G. Alvarado-Barrios,
  3. M. Sanz,
  4. G. Romero,
  5. L. Lamata,
  6. J. C. Retamal,
  7. and E. Solano
We propose a method for the implementation of one-way quantum computing in superconducting circuits. Measurement-based quantum computing is a universal quantum computation paradigm
in which an initial cluster-state provides the quantum resource, while the iteration of sequential measurements and local rotations encodes the quantum algorithm. Up to now, technical constraints have limited a scalable approach to this quantum computing alternative. The initial cluster state can be generated with available controlled-phase gates, while the quantum algorithm make use of high-fidelity readout and coherent feedback. With current technology, we estimate that quantum algorithms with above 20 qubits may be implemented in the path towards quantum supremacy. Moreover, we propose an alternative initial state with properties of maximal persistence and maximal connectedness, reducing the required resources of one-way quantum computing protocols.

Spin-1 models in the ultrastrong coupling regime of circuit QED

  1. F. Albarrán-Arriagada,
  2. L. Lamata,
  3. E. Solano,
  4. G. Romero,
  5. and J. C. Retamal
We propose a superconducting circuit platform for simulating spin-1 models. To this purpose we consider a chain of N ultrastrongly coupled qubit-resonator systems interacting through
a grounded SQUID. The anharmonic spectrum of the qubit-resonator system and the selection rules imposed by the global parity symmetry allow us to activate well controlled two-body quantum gates via AC-pulses applied to the SQUID. We show that our proposal has the same simulation time for any number of spin-1 interacting particles. This scheme may be implemented within the state-of-the-art circuit QED in the ultrastrong coupling regime.

Quantum simulations with circuit quantum electrodynamics

  1. G. Romero,
  2. E. Solano,
  3. and L. Lamata
Superconducting circuits have become a leading quantum technology for testing fundamentals of quantum mechanics and for the implementation of advanced quantum information protocols.
In this chapter, we revise the basic concepts of circuit network theory and circuit quantum electrodynamics for the sake of digital and analog quantum simulations of quantum field theories, relativistic quantum mechanics, and many-body physics, involving fermions and bosons. Based on recent improvements in scalability, controllability, and measurement, superconducting circuits can be considered as a promising quantum platform for building scalable digital and analog quantum simulators, enjoying unique and distinctive properties when compared to other advanced platforms as trapped ions, quantum photonics and optical lattices.

Quantum chemistry and charge transport in biomolecules with superconducting circuits

  1. L. García-Álvarez,
  2. U. Las Heras,
  3. A. Mezzacapo,
  4. M. Sanz,
  5. E. Solano,
  6. and L. Lamata
We propose an efficient protocol for digital quantum simulation of quantum chemistry problems and enhanced digital-analog quantum simulation of transport phenomena in biomolecules with
superconducting circuits. Along these lines, we prove that fermionic models of molecular structure can be optimally digitalized with single-qubit and two-qubit gates, by means of Trotter-Suzuki decomposition and Jordan-Wigner transformation. Furthermore, we address the modelling of system-environment interactions of biomolecules involving bosonic degrees of freedom with a digital-analog approach. Finally, we consider gate-truncated quantum algorithms to allow the study of environmental effects.

Digitized adiabatic quantum computing with a superconducting circuit

  1. R. Barends,
  2. A. Shabani,
  3. L. Lamata,
  4. J. Kelly,
  5. A. Mezzacapo,
  6. U. Las Heras,
  7. R. Babbush,
  8. A. G. Fowler,
  9. B. Campbell,
  10. Yu Chen,
  11. Z. Chen,
  12. B. Chiaro,
  13. A. Dunsworth,
  14. E. Jeffrey,
  15. E. Lucero,
  16. A. Megrant,
  17. J. Y. Mutus,
  18. M. Neeley,
  19. C. Neill,
  20. P. J. J. O'Malley,
  21. C. Quintana,
  22. P. Roushan,
  23. D. Sank,
  24. A. Vainsencher,
  25. J. Wenner,
  26. T. C. White,
  27. E. Solano,
  28. H. Neven,
  29. and John M. Martinis
A major challenge in quantum computing is to solve general problems with limited physical hardware. Here, we implement digitized adiabatic quantum computing, combining the generality
of the adiabatic algorithm with the universality of the digital approach, using a superconducting circuit with nine qubits. We probe the adiabatic evolutions, and quantify the success of the algorithm for random spin problems. We find that the system can approximate the solutions to both frustrated Ising problems and problems with more complex interactions, with a performance that is comparable. The presented approach is compatible with small-scale systems as well as future error-corrected quantum computers.

Quantum Simulation of Spin Chains Coupled to Bosonic Modes with Superconducting Circuits

  1. U. Las Heras,
  2. L. García-Álvarez,
  3. A. Mezzacapo,
  4. E. Solano,
  5. and L. Lamata
We propose the implementation of a digital quantum simulation of spin chains coupled to bosonic field modes in superconducting circuits. Gates with high fidelities allows one to simulate
a variety of Ising magnetic pairing interactions with transverse field, Tavis-Cummings interaction between spins and a bosonic mode, and a spin model with three-body terms. We analyze the feasibility of the implementation in realistic circuit quantum electrodynamics setups, where the interactions are either realized via capacitive couplings or mediated by microwave resonators.

Non-Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories in Superconducting Circuits

  1. A. Mezzacapo,
  2. E. Rico,
  3. C. Sabín,
  4. I. L. Egusquiza,
  5. L. Lamata,
  6. and E. Solano
We propose a digital quantum simulator of non-Abelian pure-gauge models with a superconducting circuit setup. Within the framework of quantum link models, we build a minimal instance
of a pure SU(2) gauge theory, using triangular plaquettes involving geometric frustration. This realization is the least demanding, in terms of quantum simulation resources, of a non-Abelian gauge dynamics. We present two superconducting architectures that can host the quantum simulation, estimating the requirements needed to run possible experiments. The proposal establishes a path to the experimental simulation of non-Abelian physics with solid-state quantum platforms.

Relativistic Motion with Superconducting Qubits

  1. S. Felicetti,
  2. C. Sabín,
  3. I. Fuentes,
  4. L. Lamata,
  5. G. Romero,
  6. and E. Solano
We show how the dynamical modulation of the qubit-field coupling strength in a circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture mimics the motion of the qubit at relativistic speeds. This
allows us to propose a realistic experiment to detect microwave photons coming from simulated acceleration radiation. Moreover, by combining this technique with the dynamical Casimir physics, we enhance the toolbox for studying relativistic phenomena in quantum field theory with superconducting circuits.