Materials loss measurements using superconducting microwave resonators

  1. Corey Rae Harrington McRae,
  2. Haozhi Wang,
  3. Jiansong Gao,
  4. Michael Vissers,
  5. Teresa Brecht,
  6. Andrew Dunsworth,
  7. David Pappas,
  8. and Josh Mutus
The performance of superconducting circuits for quantum computing is limited by materials losses. In particular, coherence times are typically bounded by two-level system (TLS) losses
at single photon powers and millikelvin temperatures. The identification of low loss fabrication techniques, materials, and thin film dielectrics is critical to achieving scalable architectures for superconducting quantum computing. Superconducting microwave resonators provide a convenient qubit proxy for assessing performance and studying TLS loss and other mechanisms relevant to superconducting circuits such as non-equilibrium quasiparticles and magnetic flux vortices. In this review article, we provide an overview of considerations for designing accurate resonator experiments to characterize loss, including applicable types of loss, cryogenic setup, device design, and methods for extracting material and interface losses, summarizing techniques that have been evolving for over two decades. Results from measurements of a wide variety of materials and processes are also summarized. Lastly, we present recommendations for the reporting of loss data from superconducting microwave resonators to facilitate materials comparisons across the field.

Kinetic Inductance Traveling Wave Amplifiers For Multiplexed Qubit Readout

  1. Leonardo Ranzani,
  2. Mustafa Bal,
  3. Kin Chung Fong,
  4. Guilhem Ribeill,
  5. Xian Wu,
  6. Junling Long,
  7. Hsiang-Sheng Ku,
  8. Robert P. Erickson,
  9. David Pappas,
  10. and Thomas A. Ohki
We describe a kinetic inductance traveling-wave (KIT) amplifier suitable for superconducting quantum information measurements and characterize its wideband scattering and noise properties.
We use mechanical microwave switches to calibrate the four amplifier scattering parameters up to the device input and output connectors at the dilution refrigerator base temperature and a tunable temperature load to characterize the amplifier noise. Finally, we demonstrate the high fidelity simultaneous dispersive readout of two superconducting transmon qubits. The KIT amplifier provides low-noise amplification of both readout tones with readout fidelities in excess of 89% and negligible effect on qubit lifetime and coherence.