I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Effects of Laser-Annealing on Fixed-Frequency Superconducting Qubits
As superconducting quantum processors increase in complexity, techniques to overcome constraints on frequency crowding are needed. The recently developed method of laser-annealing provides
an effective post-fabrication method to adjust the frequency of superconducting qubits. Here, we present an automated laser-annealing apparatus based on conventional microscopy components and demonstrate preservation of highly coherent transmons. In one case, we observe a two-fold increase in coherence after laser-annealing and perform noise spectroscopy on this qubit to investigate the change in defect features, in particular two-level system defects. Finally, we present a local heating model as well as demonstrate aging stability for laser-annealing on the wafer scale. Our work constitutes an important first step towards both understanding the underlying physical mechanism and scaling up laser-annealing of superconducting qubits.
A hybrid ferromagnetic transmon qubit: circuit design, feasibility and detection protocols for magnetic fluctuations
We propose to exploit currently available tunnel ferromagnetic Josephson junctions to realize a hybrid superconducting qubit. We show that the characteristic hysteretic behavior of
the ferromagnetic barrier provides an alternative and intrinsically digital tuning of the qubit frequency by means of magnetic field pulses. To illustrate functionalities and limitation of the device, we discuss the coupling to a read-out resonator and the effect of magnetic fluctuations. The possibility to use the qubit as a noise detector and its relevance to investigate the subtle interplay of magnetism and superconductivity is envisaged.
Cavity-based reservoir engineering for Floquet engineered superconducting circuits
By periodically driving a quantum system at a high frequency, it can acquire novel properties that are captured by an effective time-independent Hamiltonian. An important application
of such Floquet engineering is, e.g., the realization of effective gauge fields for charge-neutral particles. Here we consider driven Bose-Hubbard systems, as they can be realized as arrays of artificial atoms in superconducting circuits, and show that the ground state of the effective Hamiltonian can be prepared with high fidelity using reservoir engineering. For this purpose, some artificial atoms are coupled to driven leaky cavities. We derive an effective description of the open system by employing degenerate perturbation theory in the extended Floquet space with respect to both the periodic drive and the system-cavity coupling. Applying this theory to different Floquet-engineered flux ladders, we find both that it allows to cool the systems and that it shows excellent agreement with the full driven-dissipative evolution of system and cavities.
Measurement and control of a superconducting quantum processor with a fully-integrated radio-frequency system on a chip
We describe a digital microwave platform called Presto, designed for measurement and control of multiple quantum bits (qubits) and based on the third-generation radio-frequency system
on a chip. Presto uses direct digital synthesis to create signals up to 9 GHz on 16 synchronous output ports, while synchronously analyzing response on 16 input ports. Presto has 16 DC-bias outputs, 4 inputs and 4 outputs for digital triggers or markers, and two continuous-wave outputs for synthesizing frequencies up to 15 GHz. Scaling to a large number of qubits is enabled through deterministic synchronization of multiple Presto units. A Python application programming interface configures a firmware for synthesis and analysis of pulses, coordinated by an event sequencer. The analysis integrates template matching (matched filtering) and low-latency (184 – 254 ns) feedback to enable a wide range of multi-qubit experiments. We demonstrate Presto’s capabilities with experiments on a sample consisting of two superconducting qubits connected via a flux-tunable coupler. We show single-shot readout and active reset of a single qubit; randomized benchmarking of single-qubit gates showing 99.972% fidelity, limited by the coherence time of the qubit; and calibration of a two-qubit iSWAP gate.
Quantum electrodynamics of non-demolition detection of single microwave photon by superconducting qubit array
By consistently applying the formalism of quantum electrodynamics we developed a comprehensive theoretical framework describing the interaction of single microwave photons with an array
of superconducting transmon qubits in a wave guide cavity resonator. In particular, we analyze the effects of microwave photons on the arrays response to a weak probe signal exciting the resonator. The study reveals that a high quality factor cavities provide better spectral resolution of the response, while cavities with moderate quality factor allow better sensitivity for a single photon detection. Remarkably, our analysis showed that a single-photon signal can be detected by even a sole qubit in cavity under the realistic range of system parameters. We also discuss how quantum properties of the photons and electrodynamical properties of resonators affect the response of qubits array. Our results provide an efficient theoretical background for informing the development and design of quantum devices consisting of arrays of qubits.
Radiative Properties of an Artificial Atom coupled to a Josephson Junction Array
We study the radiative properties — the Lamb shift, Purcell decay rate and the spontaneous emission dynamics — of an artificial atom coupled to a long, multimode cavity
formed by an array of Josephson junctions. Introducing a tunable coupling element between the atom and the array, we demonstrate that such a system can exhibit a crossover from a perturbative to non-perturbative regime of light-matter interaction as one strengthens the coupling between the atom and the Josephson junction array (JJA). As a consequence, the concept of spontaneous emission as the occupation of the local atomic site being governed by a single complex-valued exponent breaks down. This breakdown, we show, can be interpreted in terms of formation of hybrid atom-resonator modes with radiative losses that are non-trivially related to the effective coupling between individual modes. We develop a singular function expansion approach for the description of the open quantum system dynamics in such a multimode non-perturbative regime. This modal framework generalizes the normal mode description of quantum fields in a finite volume, incorporating exact radiative losses and incident quantum noise at the delimiting surface. Our results are pertinent to recent experiments with Josephson atoms coupled to high impedance Josephson junction arrays.
Protection of quantum information in a chain of Josephson junctions
Symmetry considerations are key towards our understanding of the fundamental laws of Nature. The presence of a symmetry implies that a physical system is invariant under specific transformations
and this invariance may have deep consequences. For instance, symmetry arguments state that a system will remain in its initial state if incentives to actions are equally balanced. Here, we apply this principle to a chain of qubits and show that it is possible to engineer the symmetries of its Hamiltonian in order to keep quantum information intrinsically protected from both relaxation and decoherence. We show that the coherence properties of this system are strongly enhanced relative to those of its individual components. Such a qubit chain can be realized using a simple architecture consisting of a relatively small number of superconducting Josephson junctions.
Synchronization of a superconducting qubit to an optical field mediated by a mechanical resonator
We study the synchronization of a superconducting qubit to an external optical field via a mechanical resonator in a hybrid optoelectromechanical system. The quantum trajectory method
is employed to investigate synchronization. The bistability in one of the qubit polarization vectors, where the qubit rotates about the polarization vector, is observed for a single quantum trajectory run. The rotation in one of the stable states is synced with the external optical drive. When the number of trajectories is significantly increased, the qubit no longer displays bistability. However, synchronization with less quantum fluctuations is still observed. The scheme could be used to transfer the phase of the microwave qubit’s rotation to a long-lived optical photon through synchronization, which may find applications in long-distance quantum communication. Also, this hybrid system can be used to study quantum synchronization.
Propagating Quantum Microwaves: Towards Applications in Communication and Sensing
The field of propagating quantum microwaves has started to receive considerable attention in the past few years. Motivated at first by the lack of an efficient microwave-to-optical
platform that could solve the issue of secure communication between remote superconducting chips, current efforts are starting to reach other areas, from quantum communications to sensing. Here, we attempt at giving a state-of-the-art view of the two, pointing at some of the technical and theoretical challenges we need to address, and while providing some novel ideas and directions for future research. Hence, the goal of this paper is to provide a bigger picture, and — we hope — to inspire new ideas in quantum communications and sensing: from open-air microwave quantum key distribution to direct detection of dark matter, we expect that the recent efforts and results in quantum microwaves will soon attract a wider audience, not only in the academic community, but also in an industrial environment.
Topological Entanglement Stabilization in Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Topological properties of quantum systems are one of the most intriguing emerging phenomena in condensed matter physics. A crucial property of topological systems is the symmetry-protected
robustness towards local noise. Experiments have demonstrated topological phases of matter in various quantum systems. However, using the robustness of such modes to stabilize quantum correlations is still a highly sought-after milestone. In this work, we put forward a concept of using topological modes to stabilize fully entangled quantum states, and we demonstrate the stability of the entanglement with respect to parameter fluctuations. Specifically, we see that entanglement remains stable against parameter fluctuations in the topologically non-trivial regime, while entanglement in the trivial regime is highly susceptible. We supplement our scheme with an experimentally realistic and detailed proposal based on coupled superconducting resonators and qubits. Our proposal sets a novel approach for generating long-lived quantum modes with robustness towards disorder in the circuit parameters via a bottom-up experimental approach relying on easy-to-engineer building blocks.