I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Disentangling Losses in Tantalum Superconducting Circuits
Superconducting qubits are a leading system for realizing large scale quantum processors, but overall gate fidelities suffer from coherence times limited by microwave dielectric loss.
Recently discovered tantalum-based qubits exhibit record lifetimes exceeding 0.3 ms. Here we perform systematic, detailed measurements of superconducting tantalum resonators in order to disentangle sources of loss that limit state-of-the-art tantalum devices. By studying the dependence of loss on temperature, microwave photon number, and device geometry, we quantify materials-related losses and observe that the losses are dominated by several types of saturable two level systems (TLSs), with evidence that both surface and bulk related TLSs contribute to loss. Moreover, we show that surface TLSs can be altered with chemical processing. With four different surface conditions, we quantitatively extract the linear absorption associated with different surface TLS sources. Finally, we quantify the impact of the chemical processing at single photon powers, the relevant conditions for qubit device performance. In this regime we measure resonators with internal quality factors ranging from 5 to 15 x 10^6, comparable to the best qubits reported. In these devices the surface and bulk TLS contributions to loss are comparable, showing that systematic improvements in materials on both fronts will be necessary to improve qubit coherence further.
Evolution of 1/f Flux Noise in Superconducting Qubits with Weak Magnetic Fields
The microscopic origin of 1/f magnetic flux noise in superconducting circuits has remained an open question for several decades despite extensive experimental and theoretical investigation.
Recent progress in superconducting devices for quantum information has highlighted the need to mitigate sources of qubit decoherence, driving a renewed interest in understanding the underlying noise mechanism(s). Though a consensus has emerged attributing flux noise to surface spins, their identity and interaction mechanisms remain unclear, prompting further study. Here we apply weak in-plane magnetic fields to a capacitively-shunted flux qubit (where the Zeeman splitting of surface spins lies below the device temperature) and study the flux-noise-limited qubit dephasing, revealing previously unexplored trends that may shed light on the dynamics behind the emergent 1/f noise. Notably, we observe an enhancement (suppression) of the spin-echo (Ramsey) pure dephasing time in fields up to B=100 G. With direct noise spectroscopy, we further observe a transition from a 1/f to approximately Lorentzian frequency dependence below 10 Hz and a reduction of the noise above 1 MHz with increasing magnetic field. We suggest that these trends are qualitatively consistent with an increase of spin cluster sizes with magnetic field. These results should help to inform a complete microscopic theory of 1/f flux noise in superconducting circuits.
Dissipation and Dephasing of Interacting Photons in Transmon Arrays
Transmon arrays are one of the most promising platforms for quantum information science. Despite being often considered simply as qubits, transmons are inherently quantum mechanical
multilevel systems. Being experimentally controllable with high fidelity, the higher excited states beyond the qubit subspace provide an important resource for hardware-efficient many-body quantum simulations, quantum error correction, and quantum information protocols. Alas, dissipation and dephasing phenomena generated by couplings to various uncontrollable environments yield a practical limiting factor to their utilization. To quantify this in detail, we present here the primary consequences of single-transmon dissipation and dephasing to the many-body dynamics of transmon arrays. We use analytical methods from perturbation theory and quantum trajectory approach together with numerical simulations, and deliberately consider the full Hilbert space including the higher excited states. The three main non-unitary processes are many-body decoherence, many-body dissipation, and heating/cooling transitions between different anharmonicity manifolds. Of these, the many-body decoherence — being proportional to the squared distance between the many-body Fock states — gives the strictest limit for observing effective unitary dynamics. Considering experimentally relevant parameters, including also the inevitable site-to-site disorder, our results show that the state-of-the-art transmon arrays should be ready for the task of demonstrating coherent many-body dynamics using the higher excited states. However, the wider utilization of transmons for ternary-and-beyond quantum computing calls for improving their coherence properties.
Circle fit optimization for resonator quality factor measurements: point redistribution for maximal accuracy
The control of material loss mechansims is playing an increasingly important role for improving coherence times in superconducting quantum devices. Such material losses can be characterized
through the measurement of planar superconducting resonators, which reflect losses through the resonance’s quality factor Ql. The resonance quality factor consists of both internal (material) losses as well as coupling losses when resonance photons escape back into the measurement circuit. The combined losses are then described as Q−1l=Q−1c+Q−1i, where Qc and Qi reflect the coupling and internal quality factors of the resonator, respectively. To separate the relative contributions of Qi and Qc to Ql, diameter-correcting circle fits use algebraic or geometric means to fit the resonance signal on the complex plane. However, such circle fits can produce varied results, so to address this issue, we use a combination of simulation and experiment to determine the reliability of a fitting algorithm across a wide range of quality factor values from Qi≪Qc to Qc≪Qi. In addition, we develop a novel measurement protocol that can not only reduce fitting errors by factors ≳2 but also mitigates the influence of the measurement background on the fit results. This technique can be generalized for other resonance systems beyond superconducting resonators.
Quantum entanglement generation on magnons assisted with microwave cavities coupled to a superconducting qubit
We present protocols to generate quantum entanglement on nonlocal magnons in hybrid systems composed of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) spheres, microwave cavities and a superconducting (SC)
qubit. In the schemes, the YIGs are coupled to respective microwave cavities in resonant way, and the SC qubit is placed at the center of the cavities, which interacts with the cavities simultaneously. By exchanging the virtual photon, the cavities can indirectly interact in the far-detuning regime. Detailed protocols are presented to establish entanglement for two, three and arbitrary N magnons with reasonable fidelities.
Single Flux Quantum-Based Digital Control of Superconducting Qubits in a Multi-Chip Module
The single flux quantum (SFQ) digital superconducting logic family has been proposed for the scalable control of next-generation superconducting qubit arrays. In the initial implementation,
SFQ-based gate fidelity was limited by quasiparticle (QP) poisoning induced by the dissipative on-chip SFQ driver circuit. In this work, we introduce a multi-chip module architecture to suppress phonon-mediated QP poisoning. Here, the SFQ elements and qubits are fabricated on separate chips that are joined with In bump bonds. We use interleaved randomized benchmarking to characterize the fidelity of SFQ-based gates, and we demonstrate an error per Clifford gate of 1.2(1)%, an order-of-magnitude reduction over the gate error achieved in the initial realization of SFQ-based qubit control. We use purity benchmarking to quantify the contribution of incoherent error at 0.96(2)%; we attribute this error to photon-mediated QP poisoning mediated by the resonant mm-wave antenna modes of the qubit and SFQ-qubit coupler. We anticipate that a straightforward redesign of the SFQ driver circuit to limit the bandwidth of the SFQ pulses will eliminate this source of infidelity, allowing SFQ-based gates with fidelity approaching theoretical limits, namely 99.9% for resonant sequences and 99.99% for more complex pulse sequences involving variable pulse-to-pulse separation.
Performance Analysis of Superconductor-constriction-Superconductor Transmon Qubits
This work presents a computational analysis of a superconducting transmon qubit design, in which the superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) Josephson junction is replaced by
a co-planar, superconductor-constriction-superconductor (ScS) junction. For short junctions having a Kulik-Omelyanchuk current-phase relationship, we find that the ScS transmon has an improved charge dispersion compared to the SIS transmon, with a tradeoff of 50% smaller anharmonicity. These calculations provide a framework for estimating the superconductor material properties and junction dimensions needed to provide proper ScS transmon operation at typical gigahertz frequencies.
Synchronization of Josephson junction in series array
Multi-qubit quantum processors coupled to networking provides the state-of-the-art quantum computing platform. However, each qubit has unique eigenfrequency even though fabricated in
the same process. To continue quantum gate operations besides the detection and correction of errors it is required that the qubits must be synchronized in the same frequency. This study uses Kuramoto model which is a link between statistical mean-field technique and non-linear dynamics to synchronize the qubits applying small noise in the system. This noise could be any externally applied noise function or just noise from the difference of frequencies of qubits. The Kuramoto model tunes the coupled oscillators adjusting the coupling strength between the oscillators to evolve from the state of incoherence to the synchronized state.
Lower-temperature fabrication of airbridges by grayscale lithography to increase yield of nanowire transmons in circuit QED quantum processors
Quantum hardware based on circuit quantum electrodynamics makes extensive use of airbridges to suppress unwanted modes of wave propagation in coplanar-waveguide transmission lines.
Airbridges also provide an interconnect enabling transmission lines to cross. Traditional airbridge fabrication produces a curved profile by reflowing resist at elevated temperature prior to metallization. The elevated temperature can affect the coupling energy and even yield of pre-fabricated Josephson elements of superconducting qubits, tuneable couplers and resonators. We employ grayscale lithography in place of reflow to reduce the peak airbridge processing temperature from 200 to 150∘C, showing a substantial yield increase of transmon qubits with Josephson elements realized using Al-contacted InAs nanowires.
Entangling microwaves with optical light
Entanglement is a genuine quantum mechanical property and the key resource in currently developed quantum technologies. Sharing this fragile property between superconducting microwave
circuits and optical or atomic systems would enable new functionalities but has been hindered by the tremendous energy mismatch of ∼105 and the resulting mutually imposed loss and noise. In this work we create and verify entanglement between microwave and optical fields in a millikelvin environment. Using an optically pulsed superconducting electro-optical device, we deterministically prepare an itinerant microwave-optical state that is squeezed by 0.72+0.31−0.25\,dB and violates the Duan-Simon separability criterion by >5 standard deviations. This establishes the long-sought non-classical correlations between superconducting circuits and telecom wavelength light with wide-ranging implications for hybrid quantum networks in the context of modularization, scaling, sensing and cross-platform verification.