Tunable coupling of a quantum phononic resonator to a transmon qubit with flip-chip architecture

  1. Xinhui Ruan,
  2. Li Li,
  3. Guihan Liang,
  4. Silu Zhao,
  5. Jia-heng Wang,
  6. Yizhou Bu,
  7. Bingjie Chen,
  8. Xiaohui Song,
  9. Xiang Li,
  10. He Zhang,
  11. Jinzhe Wang,
  12. Qianchuan Zhao,
  13. Kai Xu,
  14. Heng Fan,
  15. Yu-xi Liu,
  16. Jing Zhang,
  17. Zhihui Peng,
  18. Zhongcheng Xiang,
  19. and Dongning Zheng
A hybrid system with tunable coupling between phonons and qubits shows great potential for advancing quantum information processing. In this work, we demonstrate strong and tunable
coupling between a surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonator and a transmon qubit based on galvanic-contact flip-chip technique. The coupling strength varies from 2π×7.0 MHz to -2π×20.6 MHz, which is extracted from different vacuum Rabi oscillation frequencies. The phonon-induced ac Stark shift of the qubit at different coupling strengths is also shown. Our approach offers a good experimental platform for exploring quantum acoustics and hybrid systems.

Observation of critical phase transition in a generalized Aubry-André-Harper model on a superconducting quantum processor with tunable couplers

  1. Hao Li,
  2. Yong-Yi Wang,
  3. Yun-Hao Shi,
  4. Kaixuan Huang,
  5. Xiaohui Song,
  6. Gui-Han Liang,
  7. Zheng-Yang Mei,
  8. Bozhen Zhou,
  9. He Zhang,
  10. Jia-Chi Zhang,
  11. Shu Chen,
  12. Shiping Zhao,
  13. Ye Tian,
  14. Zhan-Ying Yang,
  15. Zhongcheng Xiang,
  16. Kai Xu,
  17. Dongning Zheng,
  18. and Heng Fan
Quantum simulation enables study of many-body systems in non-equilibrium by mapping to a controllable quantum system, providing a new tool for computational intractable problems. Here,
using a programmable quantum processor with a chain of 10 superconducting qubits interacted through tunable couplers, we simulate the one-dimensional generalized Aubry-André-Harper model for three different phases, i.e., extended, localized and critical phases. The properties of phase transitions and many-body dynamics are studied in the presence of quasi-periodic modulations for both off-diagonal hopping coefficients and on-site potentials of the model controlled respectively by adjusting strength of couplings and qubit frequencies. We observe the spin transport for initial single- and multi-excitation states in different phases, and characterize phase transitions by experimentally measuring dynamics of participation entropies. Our experimental results demonstrate that the newly developed tunable coupling architecture of superconducting processor extends greatly the simulation realms for a wide variety of Hamiltonians, and may trigger further investigations on various quantum and topological phenomena.

Observation of Emergent ℤ2 Gauge Invariance in a Superconducting Circuit

  1. Zhan Wang,
  2. Zi-Yong Ge,
  3. Zhongcheng Xiang,
  4. Xiaohui Song,
  5. Rui-Zhen Huang,
  6. Pengtao Song,
  7. Xue-Yi Guo,
  8. Luhong Su,
  9. Kai Xu,
  10. Dongning Zheng,
  11. and Heng Fan
Lattice gauge theory (LGT) is one of the most fundamental subjects in modern quantum many-body physics, and has recently attracted many research interests in quantum simulations. Here
we experimentally investigate the emergent ℤ2 gauge invariance in a 1D superconducting circuit with 10 transmon qubits. By precisely adjusting the staggered longitude and transverse fields to each qubit, we construct an effective Hamiltonian containing a LGT and gauge-broken terms. The corresponding matter sector can exhibit localization, and there also exist a 3-qubit operator, of which the expectation value can retain nonzero for long time in a low-energy regime. The above localization can be regarded as confinement of the matter field, and the 3-body operator is the ℤ2 gauge generator. Thus, these experimental results demonstrate that, despite the absent of gauge structure in the effective Hamiltonian, ℤ2 gauge invariance can still emerge in the low-energy regime. Our work paves the way for both theoretically and experimentally studying the rich physics in quantum many-body system with an emergent gauge invariance.

Probing Operator Spreading via Floquet Engineering in a Superconducting Circuit

  1. S. K. Zhao,
  2. Zi-Yong Ge,
  3. Zhongcheng Xiang,
  4. G. M. Xue,
  5. H. S. Yan,
  6. Z. T. Wang,
  7. Zhan Wang,
  8. H. K. Xu,
  9. F. F. Su,
  10. Z. H. Yang,
  11. He Zhang,
  12. Yu-Ran Zhang,
  13. Xue-Yi Guo,
  14. Kai Xu,
  15. Ye Tian,
  16. H. F. Yu,
  17. D. N. Zheng,
  18. Heng Fan,
  19. and S. P. Zhao
Operator spreading, often characterized by out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs), is one of the central concepts in quantum many-body physics. However, measuring OTOCs is experimentally
challenging due to the requirement of reversing the time evolution of the system. Here we apply Floquet engineering to investigate operator spreading in a superconducting 10-qubit chain. Floquet engineering provides an effective way to tune the coupling strength between nearby qubits, which is used to demonstrate quantum walks with tunable coupling, dynamic localization, reversed time evolution, and the measurement of OTOCs. A clear light-cone-like operator propagation is observed in the system with multiphoton excitations, and the corresponding spreading velocity is equal to that of quantum walk. Our results indicate that the method has a high potential for simulating a variety of quantum many-body systems and their dynamics, which is also scalable to more qubits and higher dimensional circuits.

Metrological characterisation of non-Gaussian entangled states of superconducting qubits

  1. Kai Xu,
  2. Yu-Ran Zhang,
  3. Zheng-Hang Sun,
  4. Hekang Li,
  5. Pengtao Song,
  6. Zhongcheng Xiang,
  7. Kaixuan Huang,
  8. Hao Li,
  9. Yun-Hao Shi,
  10. Chi-Tong Chen,
  11. Xiaohui Song,
  12. Dongning Zheng,
  13. Franco Nori,
  14. H. Wang,
  15. and Heng Fan
Multipartite entangled states are significant resources for both quantum information processing and quantum metrology. In particular, non-Gaussian entangled states are predicted to
achieve a higher sensitivity of precision measurements than Gaussian states. On the basis of metrological sensitivity, the conventional linear Ramsey squeezing parameter (RSP) efficiently characterises the Gaussian entangled atomic states but fails for much wider classes of highly sensitive non-Gaussian states. These complex non-Gaussian entangled states can be classified by the nonlinear squeezing parameter (NLSP), as a generalisation of the RSP with respect to nonlinear observables, and identified via the Fisher information. However, the NLSP has never been measured experimentally. Using a 19-qubit programmable superconducting processor, here we report the characterisation of multiparticle entangled states generated during its nonlinear dynamics. First, selecting 10 qubits, we measure the RSP and the NLSP by single-shot readouts of collective spin operators in several different directions. Then, by extracting the Fisher information of the time-evolved state of all 19 qubits, we observe a large metrological gain of 9.89[Math Processing Error] dB over the standard quantum limit, indicating a high level of multiparticle entanglement for quantum-enhanced phase sensitivity. Benefiting from high-fidelity full controls and addressable single-shot readouts, the superconducting processor with interconnected qubits provides an ideal platform for engineering and benchmarking non-Gaussian entangled states that are useful for quantum-enhanced metrology.

Observation of Bloch Oscillations and Wannier-Stark Localization on a Superconducting Processor

  1. Xue-Yi Guo,
  2. Zi-Yong Ge,
  3. Hekang Li,
  4. Zhan Wang,
  5. Yu-Ran Zhang,
  6. Peangtao Song,
  7. Zhongcheng Xiang,
  8. Xiaohui Song,
  9. Yirong Jin,
  10. Kai Xu,
  11. Dongning Zheng,
  12. and Heng Fan
In a crystal lattice system, a conduction electron can exhibit Bloch oscillations and Wannier-Stark localization (WSL) under a constant force, which has been observed in semiconductor
superlattice, photonic waveguide array and cold atom systems. Here, we experimentally investigate the Bloch oscillations on a 5-qubit superconducting processor. We simulate the electron movement with spin (or photon) propagation. We find, in the presence of a linear potential, the propagation of a single spin charge is constrained. It tends to oscillate near the neighborhood of initial positions, which is a strong signature of Bloch oscillations and WSL. In addition, we use the maximum probability that a spin charge can propagate from one boundary to another boundary to represent the WSL length, and it is verified that the localization length is inversely correlated to the potential gradient. Remarkably, benefiting from the precise simultaneous readout of the all qubits, we can also study the thermal transport of this system. The experimental results show that, similar to the spin charges, the thermal transport is also blocked under a linear potential. Our work demonstrates possibilities for further simulation and exploration of the Bloch oscillation phenomena and other quantum physics using multiqubit superconducting quantum processor.