Perspective: Reproducible Coherence Characterization of Superconducting Quantum Devices

  1. Corey Rae H McRae,
  2. Gregory M Stiehl,
  3. Haozhi Wang,
  4. Sheng-Xiang Lin,
  5. Shane A. Caldwell,
  6. David P. Pappas,
  7. Josh Mutus,
  8. and Joshua Combes
As the field of superconducting quantum computing approaches maturity, optimization of single-device performance is proving to be a promising avenue towards large-scale quantum computers.
However, this optimization is possible only if performance metrics can be accurately compared among measurements, devices, and laboratories. Currently such comparisons are inaccurate or impossible due to understudied errors from a plethora of sources. In this Perspective, we outline the current state of error analysis for qubits and resonators in superconducting quantum circuits, and discuss what future investigations are required before superconducting quantum device optimization can be realized.

Methods for Measuring Magnetic Flux Crosstalk Between Tunable Transmons

  1. Deanna M. Abrams,
  2. Nicolas Didier,
  3. Shane A. Caldwell,
  4. Blake R. Johnson,
  5. and Colm A. Ryan
In the gate model of quantum computing, a program is typically decomposed into a sequence of 1- and 2-qubit gates that are realized as control pulses acting on the system. A key requirement
for a scalable control system is that the qubits are addressable – that control pulses act only on the targeted qubits. The presence of control crosstalk makes this addressability requirement difficult to meet. In order to provide metrics that can drive requirements for decreasing crosstalk, we present three measurements that directly quantify the DC and AC flux crosstalk present between tunable transmons, with sensitivities as fine as 0.001%. We develop the theory to connect AC flux crosstalk measures to the infidelity of a parametrically activated two-qubit gate. We employ quantum process tomography in the presence of crosstalk to provide an empirical study of the effects of crosstalk on two-qubit gate fidelity.