High-frequency readout free from transmon multi-excitation resonances

  1. Pavel D. Kurilovich,
  2. Thomas Connolly,
  3. Charlotte G. L. Bøttcher,
  4. Daniel K. Weiss,
  5. Sumeru Hazra,
  6. Vidul R. Joshi,
  7. Andy Z. Ding,
  8. Heekun Nho,
  9. Spencer Diamond,
  10. Vladislav D. Kurilovich,
  11. Wei Dai,
  12. Valla Fatemi,
  13. Luigi Frunzio,
  14. Leonid I. Glazman,
  15. and Michel H. Devoret
Quantum computation will rely on quantum error correction to counteract decoherence. Successfully implementing an error correction protocol requires the fidelity of qubit operations
to be well-above error correction thresholds. In superconducting quantum computers, measurement of the qubit state remains the lowest-fidelity operation. For the transmon, a prototypical superconducting qubit, measurement is carried out by scattering a microwave tone off the qubit. Conventionally, the frequency of this tone is of the same order as the transmon frequency. The measurement fidelity in this approach is limited by multi-excitation resonances in the transmon spectrum which are activated at high readout power. These resonances excite the qubit outside of the computational basis, violating the desired quantum non-demolition character of the measurement. Here, we find that strongly detuning the readout frequency from that of the transmon exponentially suppresses the strength of spurious multi-excitation resonances. By increasing the readout frequency up to twelve times the transmon frequency, we achieve a quantum non-demolition measurement fidelity of 99.93% with a residual probability of leakage to non-computational states of only 0.02%.

Optimizing the pump coupling for a three-wave mixing Josephson parametric amplifier

  1. Wei Dai,
  2. Gangqiang Liu,
  3. Vidul Joshi,
  4. Alessandro Miano,
  5. Volodymyr Sivak,
  6. Shyam Shankar,
  7. and Michel H. Devoret
Josephson element-based parametric amplifiers (JPAs) typically require rf pump power that is several orders of magnitude stronger than the maximum signal power they can handle. The
low power efficiency and strong pump leakage towards signal circuitry could be critical concerns in application. In this work, we discuss how to optimize the pump coupling scheme for a three-wave mixing JPA by employing microwave filtering techniques, with the goal of maximizing the pump power efficiency and minimize pump leakage without sacrificing other properties of interest. We implement the corresponding filter design in a SNAIL-based JPA and demonstrate more than three orders of magnitude improvement in both power efficiency and pump leakage suppression compared to a similar device with regular capacitive coupling, while maintaining state-of-the-art dynamic range and near-quantum-limited noise performance. Furthermore, we show experimentally that the filter-coupled JPA is more robust against noise input from the pump port, exhibiting no significant change in added noise performance with up to 4 K of effective noise temperature at the pump port.

Quantum Error Correction of Qudits Beyond Break-even

  1. Benjamin L. Brock,
  2. Shraddha Singh,
  3. Alec Eickbusch,
  4. Volodymyr V. Sivak,
  5. Andy Z. Ding,
  6. Luigi Frunzio,
  7. Steven M. Girvin,
  8. and Michel H. Devoret
Hilbert space dimension is a key resource for quantum information processing. A large Hilbert space is not only an essential requirement for quantum error correction, but it can also
be advantageous for realizing gates and algorithms more efficiently. There has thus been considerable experimental effort in recent years to develop quantum computing platforms using qudits (d-dimensional quantum systems with d>2) as the fundamental unit of quantum information. Just as with qubits, quantum error correction of these qudits will be necessary in the long run, but to date error correction of logical qudits has not been demonstrated experimentally. Here we report the experimental realization of error-corrected logical qutrits (d=3) and ququarts (d=4) by employing the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) bosonic code in a circuit QED architecture. Using a reinforcement learning agent, we optimize the GKP qutrit (ququart) as a ternary (quaternary) quantum memory and achieve beyond break-even error correction with a gain of 1.82 +/- 0.03 (1.87 +/- 0.03). This work represents a new way of leveraging the large Hilbert space of a harmonic oscillator for hardware-efficient quantum error correction.

Quantum Control of an Oscillator with a Kerr-cat Qubit

  1. Andy Z. Ding,
  2. Benjamin L. Brock,
  3. Alec Eickbusch,
  4. Akshay Koottandavida,
  5. Nicholas E. Frattini,
  6. Rodrigo G. Cortinas,
  7. Vidul R. Joshi,
  8. Stijn J. de Graaf,
  9. Benjamin J. Chapman,
  10. Suhas Ganjam,
  11. Luigi Frunzio,
  12. Robert J. Schoelkopf,
  13. and Michel H. Devoret
Bosonic codes offer a hardware-efficient strategy for quantum error correction by redundantly encoding quantum information in the large Hilbert space of a harmonic oscillator. However,
experimental realizations of these codes are often limited by ancilla errors propagating to the encoded logical qubit during syndrome measurements. The Kerr-cat qubit has been proposed as an ancilla for these codes due to its theoretically-exponential noise bias, which would enable fault-tolerant error syndrome measurements, but the coupling required to perform these syndrome measurements has not yet been demonstrated. In this work, we experimentally realize driven parametric coupling of a Kerr-cat qubit to a high-quality-factor microwave cavity and demonstrate a gate set enabling universal quantum control of the cavity. We measure the decoherence of the cavity in the presence of the Kerr-cat and discover excess dephasing due to heating of the Kerr-cat to excited states. By engineering frequency-selective dissipation to counteract this heating, we are able to eliminate this dephasing, thereby demonstrating a high on-off ratio of control. Our results pave the way toward using the Kerr-cat to fault-tolerantly measure error syndromes of bosonic codes.

Fully Directional Quantum-limited Phase-Preserving Amplifier

  1. Gangqiang Liu,
  2. Andrew Lingenfelter,
  3. Vidul Joshi,
  4. Nicholas E. Frattini,
  5. Volodymyr V. Sivak,
  6. Shyam Shankar,
  7. and Michel H. Devoret
We present a way to achieve fully directional, quantum-limited phase-preserving amplification in a four-port, four-mode superconducting Josephson circuit by utilizing interference between
six parametric processes that couple all four modes. Full directionality, defined as the reverse isolation surpassing forward gain between the matched input and output ports of the amplifier, ensures its robustness against impedance mismatch that might be present at its output port during applications. Unlike existing directional phase-preserving amplifiers, both the minimal back-action and the quantum-limited added noise of this amplifier remains unaffected by noise incident on its output port. In addition, the matched input and output ports allow direct on-chip integration of these amplifiers with other circuit QED components, facilitating scaling up of superconducting quantum processors.

Coexistence of nonequilibrium density and equilibrium energy distribution of quasiparticles in a superconducting qubit

  1. Thomas Connolly,
  2. Pavel D. Kurilovich,
  3. Spencer Diamond,
  4. Heekun Nho,
  5. Charlotte G. L. Bøttcher,
  6. Leonid I. Glazman,
  7. Valla Fatemi,
  8. and Michel H. Devoret
The density of quasiparticles typically observed in superconducting qubits exceeds the value expected in equilibrium by many orders of magnitude. Can this out-of-equilibrium quasiparticle
density still possess an energy distribution in equilibrium with the phonon bath? Here, we answer this question affirmatively by measuring the thermal activation of charge-parity switching in a transmon qubit with a difference in superconducting gap on the two sides of the Josephson junction. We then demonstrate how the gap asymmetry of the device can be exploited to manipulate its parity.

The squeezed Kerr oscillator: spectral kissing and phase-flip robustness

  1. Nicholas E. Frattini,
  2. Rodrigo G. Cortiñas,
  3. Jayameenakshi Venkatraman,
  4. Xu Xiao,
  5. Qile Su,
  6. Chan U Lei,
  7. Benjamin J. Chapman,
  8. Vidul R. Joshi,
  9. S. M. Girvin,
  10. Robert J. Schoelkopf,
  11. Shruti Puri,
  12. and Michel H. Devoret
By applying a microwave drive to a specially designed Josephson circuit, we have realized an elementary quantum optics model, the squeezed Kerr oscillator. This model displays, as the
squeezing amplitude is increased, a cross-over from a single ground state regime to a doubly-degenerate ground state regime. In the latter case, the ground state manifold is spanned by Schrödinger-cat states, i.e. quantum superpositions of coherent states with opposite phases. For the first time, having resolved up to the tenth excited state in a spectroscopic experiment, we confirm that the proposed emergent static effective Hamiltonian correctly describes the system, despite its driven character. We also find that the lifetime of the coherent state components of the cat states increases in steps as a function of the squeezing amplitude. We interpret the staircase pattern as resulting from pairwise level kissing in the excited state spectrum. Considering the Kerr-cat qubit encoded in this ground state manifold, we achieve for the first time quantum nondemolition readout fidelities greater than 99%, and enhancement of the phase-flip lifetime by more than two orders of magnitude, while retaining universal quantum control. Our experiment illustrates the crucial role of parametric drive Hamiltonian engineering for hardware-efficient quantum computation.

Distinguishing parity-switching mechanisms in a superconducting qubit

  1. Spencer Diamond,
  2. Valla Fatemi,
  3. Max Hays,
  4. Heekun Nho,
  5. Pavel D. Kurilovich,
  6. Thomas Connolly,
  7. Vidul R. Joshi,
  8. Kyle Serniak,
  9. Luigi Frunzio,
  10. Leonid I. Glazman,
  11. and Michel H. Devoret
Single-charge tunneling is a decoherence mechanism affecting superconducting qubits, yet the origin of excess quasiparticle excitations (QPs) responsible for this tunneling in superconducting
devices is not fully understood. We measure the flux dependence of charge-parity (or simply, „parity“) switching in an offset-charge-sensitive transmon qubit to identify the contributions of photon-assisted parity switching and QP generation to the overall parity-switching rate. The parity-switching rate exhibits a qubit-state-dependent peak in the flux dependence, indicating a cold distribution of excess QPs which are predominantly trapped in the low-gap film of the device. Moreover, we find that the photon-assisted process contributes significantly to both parity switching and the generation of excess QPs by fitting to a model that self-consistently incorporates photon-assisted parity switching as well as inter-film QP dynamics.

Observation of wave-packet branching through an engineered conical intersection

  1. Christopher S. Wang,
  2. Nicholas E. Frattini,
  3. Benjamin J. Chapman,
  4. Shruti Puri,
  5. Steven M. Girvin,
  6. Michel H. Devoret,
  7. and Robert J. Schoelkopf
In chemical reactions, the interplay between coherent evolution and dissipation is central to determining key properties such as the rate and yield. Of particular interest are cases
where two potential energy surfaces cross at features known as conical intersections (CIs), resulting in nonadiabatic dynamics that may promote ultrafast and highly efficient reactions when rovibrational damping is present. A prominent chemical reaction that involves a CI is the cis-trans isomerization reaction in rhodopsin, which is crucial to vision. CIs in real molecular systems are typically investigated via optical pump-probe spectroscopy, which has demanding spectral bandwidth and temporal resolution requirements, and where precise control of the environment is challenging. A complementary approach for understanding chemical reactions is to use quantum simulators that can provide access to a wider range of observables, though thus far combining strongly interacting linear (rovibrational) and nonlinear (electronic) degrees of freedom with engineered dissipation has yet to be demonstrated. Here, we create a tunable CI in a hybrid qubit-oscillator circuit QED processor and simultaneously track both a reactive wave-packet and electronic qubit in the time-domain. We identify dephasing of the electronic qubit as the mechanism that drives wave-packet branching along the reactive coordinate in our model. Furthermore, we directly observe enhanced branching when the wave-packet passes through the CI. Thus, the forces that influence a chemical reaction can be viewed as an effective measurement induced dephasing rate that depends on the position of the wave-packet relative to the CI. Our results set the groundwork for more complex simulations of chemical dynamics, offering deeper insight into the role of dissipation in determining macroscopic quantities of interest such as the quantum yield of a chemical reaction.

Fast Universal Control of an Oscillator with Weak Dispersive Coupling to a Qubit

  1. Alec Eickbusch,
  2. Volodymyr Sivak,
  3. Andy Z. Ding,
  4. Salvatore S. Elder,
  5. Shantanu R. Jha,
  6. Jayameenakshi Venkatraman,
  7. Baptiste Royer,
  8. S. M. Girvin,
  9. Robert J. Schoelkopf,
  10. and Michel H. Devoret
Efficient quantum control of an oscillator is necessary for many bosonic applications including error-corrected computation, quantum-enhanced sensing, robust quantum communication,
and quantum simulation. For these applications, oscillator control is often realized through off-resonant hybridization to a qubit with dispersive shift χ where typical operation times of 2π/χ are routinely assumed. Here, we challenge this assumption by introducing and demonstrating a novel control method with typical operation times over an order of magnitude faster than 2π/χ. Using large auxiliary displacements of the oscillator to enhance gate speed, we introduce a universal gate set with built-in dynamical decoupling consisting of fast conditional displacements and qubit rotations. We demonstrate the method using a superconducting cavity weakly coupled to a transmon qubit in a regime where previously known methods would fail. Our demonstrations include preparation of a single-photon state 30 times faster than 2π/χ with 98±1(%) fidelity and preparation of squeezed vacuum with a squeezing level of 11.1 dB, the largest intracavity squeezing reported in the microwave regime. Finally, we demonstrate fast measurement-free preparation of logical states for the binomial and Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) code, and we identify possible fidelity limiting mechanisms including oscillator dephasing.