I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Spectroscopic measurements and models of energy deposition in the substrate of quantum circuits by natural ionizing radiation
Naturally occurring background radiation is a source of correlated decoherence events in superconducting qubits that will challenge error-correction schemes. To characterize the radiationenvironment in an unshielded laboratory, we performed broadband, spectroscopic measurements of background events in silicon substrates located inside a millikelvin refrigerator, an environment representative of superconducting qubit systems. We measured the background spectra in silicon substrates of two thicknesses, 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm, and obtained the average event rate and the integrated power deposition. In a 25 mm^2 area and the thinner substrate, these values are 0.023 events per second and 4.9 keV/s, counting events that deposit at least 40 keV. We find the background spectrum to be nearly featureless. Its intensity decreases by a factor of 40,000 between 100 keV and 3 MeV for silicon substrates 0.5 mm thick. We find the cryogenic measurements to be in good agreement with predictions based on measurements of the terrestrial gamma-ray flux, published models of cosmic-ray fluxes, a crude model of the cryostat, and radiation-transport simulations. No free parameters are required to predict the background spectra in the silicon substrates. The good agreement between measurements and predictions allow assessment of the relative contributions of terrestrial and cosmic background sources and their dependence on substrate thickness. Our spectroscopic measurements are performed with superconducting microresonators that transduce deposited energy to a readily detectable electrical signal. We find that gamma-ray emissions from radioisotopes are responsible for the majority of events depositing E<1.5 MeV, while nucleons among the cosmic-ray secondary particles cause most events that deposit more energy. These results suggest several paths to reducing the impact of background radiation on quantum circuits.[/expand]
Realization of two-qubit gates and multi-body entanglement states in an asymmetric superconducting circuits
In recent years, the tunable coupling scheme has become the mainstream scheme for designing superconducting quan tum circuits. By working in the dispersive regime, the ZZ coupling and
high-energy level leakage can be effectively suppressed and realize a high fidelity quantum gate. We propose a tunable fluxonium-transmon-transmon (FTT) cou pling scheme. In our system, the coupler is a frequency tunable transmon qubit. Both qubits and coupler are capacitively coupled. The asymmetric structure composed of fluxonium and transmon will optimize the frequency space and form a high fidelity two-qubit quantum gate. By decoupling, the effective coupling strength can be easily adjusted to close to the net coupling between qubits. We numerical simulation the master equation to reduce the quantum noise to zero. We study the performance of this scheme by simulating the general single-qubit X{\pi}/2 gate and two-qubit (iSWAP) gate. In the bias point of the qubits, we achieve a single qubit gate with 99.99% fidelity and a two-qubit gate with 99.95% fidelity. By adjusting the nonlinear Kerr coefficient of fluxonium to an appropriate value, we can achieve a multi-body entanglement state. We consider the correlation between the two qubits and the coupler, and the magnetic flux passing through one qubit has an effect on the other qubit and the coupler. Finally, we analyze the quantum correlation of the two-body entanglement state.
NMon: enhanced transmon qubit based on parallel arrays of Josephson junctions
We introduce a novel superconducting qubit architecture utilizing parallel arrays of Josephson junctions. This design offers a substantialy improved relative anharmonicity, typically
within the range of |αr|≈0.1−0.3, while maintaining transition matrix elements in both the charge and flux channels that are on par with those of transmon qubits. Our proposed device also features exceptional tunability and includes a parameter regime akin to an enhanced version of the fluxonium qubit. Notably, it enables an additional order of magnitude reduction in matrix elements influenced by flux noise, thus further enhancing its suitability for quantum information processing applications.
Controllable non-Hermitian qubit-qubit Coupling in Superconducting quantum Circuit
With a high-loss resonator supplying the non-Hermiticity, we study the Energy level degeneracy and quantum state evolution in tunable coupling superconducting quantum circuit. The qubit’s
effective energy level and damping rate can be continually tuned in superconducting circuit, and the positions and numbers of level degenerate points are controllable. The efficient of quantum state exchange and the asymmetry of quantum state evolution can be tuned with non-hermitian and nonreciprocal coupling between two qubits. The controllable non-Hermiticity provides new insights and methods for exploring the unconventional quantum effects in superconducting quantum circuit.
Two-line Josephson traveling wave parametric amplifier
Feasibility of two-line design of Josephson traveling wave parametric amplifier aimed at increase of the allowed pump wave energy and hence the gain growth is analyzed and discussed.
Serious restrictions follow from both the cyclic energy transfer of the pump, signal and idler waves in the coupled waveguide lines and the phase mismatch of the waves. Besides, impact of the artificial line discreteness on the phase mismatch is considered as well.
Dephasing in Fluxonium Qubits from Coherent Quantum Phase Slips
Phase slips occur across all Josephson junctions (JJs) at a rate that increases with the impedance of the junction. In superconducting qubits composed of JJ-array superinductors —
such as fluxonium — phase slips in the array can lead to decoherence. In particular, phase-slip processes at the individual array junctions can coherently interfere, each with an Aharonov–Casher phase that depends on the offset charges of the array islands. These coherent quantum phase slips (CQPS) perturbatively modify the qubit frequency, and therefore charge noise on the array islands will lead to dephasing. By varying the impedance of the array junctions, we design a set of fluxonium qubits in which the expected phase-slip rate within the JJ-array changes by several orders of magnitude. We characterize the coherence times of these qubits and demonstrate that the scaling of CQPS-induced dephasing rates agrees with our theoretical model. Furthermore, we perform noise spectroscopy of two qubits in regimes dominated by either CQPS or flux noise. We find the noise power spectrum associated with CQPS dephasing appears to be featureless at low frequencies and not 1/f. Numerical simulations indicate this behavior is consistent with charge noise generated by charge-parity fluctuations within the array. Our findings broadly inform JJ-array-design tradeoffs, relevant for the numerous superconducting qubit designs employing JJ-array superinductors.
Direct detection of quasiparticle tunneling with a charge-sensitive superconducting sensor coupled to a waveguide
Detecting quasiparticle tunneling events in superconducting circuits provides information about the population and dynamics of non-equilibrium quasiparticles. Such events can be detected
by monitoring changes in the frequency of an offset-charge-sensitive superconducting qubit. This monitoring has so far been performed by Ramsey interferometry assisted by a readout resonator. Here, we demonstrate a quasiparticle detector based on a superconducting qubit directly coupled to a waveguide. We directly measure quasiparticle number parity on the qubit island by probing the coherent scattering of a microwave tone, offering simplicity of operation, fast detection speed, and a large signal-to-noise ratio. We observe tunneling rates between 0.8 and 7 s−1, depending on the average occupation of the detector qubit, and achieve a temporal resolution below 10 μs without a quantum-limited amplifier. Our simple and efficient detector lowers the barrier to perform studies of quasiparticle population and dynamics, facilitating progress in fundamental science, quantum information processing, and sensing.
Loss resilience of driven-dissipative remote entanglement in chiral waveguide quantum electrodynamics
Establishing limits of entanglement in open quantum systems is a problem of fundamental interest, with strong implications for applications in quantum information science. Here, we
study limits of entanglement stabilization between remote qubits. We theoretically investigate the loss resilience of driven-dissipative entanglement between remote qubits coupled to a chiral waveguide. We find that by coupling a pair of storage qubits to the two driven qubits, the steady state can be tailored such that the storage qubits show a degree of entanglement that is higher than what can be achieved with only two driven qubits coupled to the waveguide. By reducing the degree of entanglement of the driven qubits, we show that the entanglement between the storage qubits becomes more resilient to waveguide loss. Our analytical and numerical results offer insights into how waveguide loss limits the degree of entanglement in this driven-dissipative system, and offers important guidance for remote entanglement stabilization in the laboratory, for example using superconducting circuits.
Low-loss liquid metal interconnects for modular superconducting quantum systems
Building modular architecture with superconducting quantum computing chips is one of the means to achieve qubit scalability, allowing the screening, selection, replacement, and integration
of individual qubit modules into large quantum systems. However, the non-destructive replacement of modules within a compact architecture remains a challenge. Liquid metals (LM), specifically gallium alloys, can be alternatives to solid-state galvanic interconnects. This is motivated by their self-healing, self-aligning, and other desirable fluidic properties, potentially enabling non-destructive replacement of modules at room temperatures, even after operating the entire system at millikelvin regimes. In this study, we present high-internal-quality-factor coplanar waveguide resonators (CPWR) interconnected by gallium alloy droplets, demonstrating performance on par with the continuous solid-state CPWRs. Leveraging the desirable fluidic properties of gallium alloys at room temperature and their compact design, we envision a modular quantum system enabled by liquid metals.
Efficient Generation of Multi-partite Entanglement between Non-local Superconducting Qubits using Classical Feedback
Quantum entanglement is one of the primary features which distinguishes quantum computers from classical computers. In gate-based quantum computing, the creation of entangled states
or the distribution of entanglement across a quantum processor often requires circuit depths which grow with the number of entangled qubits. However, in teleportation-based quantum computing, one can deterministically generate entangled states with a circuit depth that is constant in the number of qubits, provided that one has access to an entangled resource state, the ability to perform mid-circuit measurements, and can rapidly transmit classical information. In this work, aided by fast classical FPGA-based control hardware with a feedback latency of only 150 ns, we explore the utility of teleportation-based protocols for generating non-local, multi-partite entanglement between superconducting qubits. First, we demonstrate well-known protocols for generating Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states and non-local CNOT gates in constant depth. Next, we utilize both protocols for implementing an unbounded fan-out (i.e., controlled-NOT-NOT) gate in constant depth between three non-local qubits. Finally, we demonstrate deterministic state teleportation and entanglement swapping between qubits on opposite side of our quantum processor.