Robust multi-mode superconducting qubit designed with evolutionary algorithms

  1. P. García-Azorín,
  2. F. A. Cárdenas-López,
  3. G. B. P. Huber,
  4. G. Romero,
  5. M. Werninghaus,
  6. F. Motzoi,
  7. S. Filipp,
  8. and M. Sanz
Multi-mode superconducting circuits offer a promising platform for engineering robust systems for quantum computation. Previous studies have shown that single-mode devices cannot simultaneously
exhibit resilience against multiple decoherence sources due to conflicting protection requirements. In contrast, multi-mode systems offer increased flexibility and have proven capable of overcoming these fundamental limitations. Nevertheless, exploring multi-mode architectures is computationally demanding due to the exponential scaling of the Hilbert space dimension. Here, we present a multi-mode device designed using evolutionary optimization techniques, which have been shown to be effective for this computational task. The proposed device was optimized to feature an anharmonicity of a third of the qubit frequency and reduced energy dispersion caused by charge and magnetic flux fluctuations. It exhibits improvements over the fundamental errors limiting Transmon and Fluxonium coherence and manipulation, aiming for a balance between low depolarization error and fast manipulation; furthermore demonstrating robustness against fabrication errors, a major limitation in many proposed multi-mode devices. Overall, by striking a balance between coupling matrix elements and noise protection, we propose a device that paves the way towards finding proper characteristics for the construction of superconducting quantum processors.

Superconducting Circuit Architecture for Digital-Analog Quantum Computing

  1. J. Yu,
  2. J. C. Retamal,
  3. M. Sanz,
  4. E. Solano,
  5. and F. Albarrán-Arriagada
We propose a superconducting circuit architecture suitable for digital-analog quantum computing (DAQC) based on an enhanced NISQ family of nearest-neighbor interactions. DAQC makesa smart use of digital steps (single qubit rotations) and analog blocks (parametrized multiqubit operations) to outperform digital quantum computing algorithms. Our design comprises a chain of superconducting charge qubits coupled by superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). Using magnetic flux control, we can activate/deactivate exchange interactions, double excitation/de-excitations, and others. As a paradigmatic example, we present an efficient simulation of an ℓ×h fermion lattice (with 2<ℓ≤h), using only 2(2ℓ+1)2+24 analog blocks. The proposed architecture design is feasible in current experimental setups for quantum computing with superconducting circuits, opening the door to useful quantum advantage with fewer resources.[/expand]

Secure quantum remote state preparation of squeezed microwave states

  1. S. Pogorzalek,
  2. K. G. Fedorov,
  3. M. Xu,
  4. A. Parra-Rodriguez,
  5. M. Sanz,
  6. M. Fischer,
  7. E. Xie,
  8. K. Inomata,
  9. Y. Nakamura,
  10. E. Solano,
  11. A. Marx,
  12. F. Deppe,
  13. and R. Gross
Quantum communication protocols based on nonclassical correlations can be more efficient than known classical methods and offer intrinsic security over direct state transfer. In particular,
remote state preparation aims at the creation of a desired and known quantum state at a remote location using classical communication and quantum entanglement. We present an experimental realization of deterministic continuous-variable remote state preparation in the microwave regime over a distance of 35 cm. By employing propagating two-mode squeezed microwave states and feedforward, we achieve the remote preparation of squeezed states with up to 1.6 dB of squeezing below the vacuum level. We quantify security in our implementation using the concept of the one-time pad. Our results represent a significant step towards microwave quantum networks between superconducting circuits.

One-way Quantum Computing in Superconducting Circuits

  1. F. Albarrán-Arriagada,
  2. G. Alvarado-Barrios,
  3. M. Sanz,
  4. G. Romero,
  5. L. Lamata,
  6. J. C. Retamal,
  7. and E. Solano
We propose a method for the implementation of one-way quantum computing in superconducting circuits. Measurement-based quantum computing is a universal quantum computation paradigm
in which an initial cluster-state provides the quantum resource, while the iteration of sequential measurements and local rotations encodes the quantum algorithm. Up to now, technical constraints have limited a scalable approach to this quantum computing alternative. The initial cluster state can be generated with available controlled-phase gates, while the quantum algorithm make use of high-fidelity readout and coherent feedback. With current technology, we estimate that quantum algorithms with above 20 qubits may be implemented in the path towards quantum supremacy. Moreover, we propose an alternative initial state with properties of maximal persistence and maximal connectedness, reducing the required resources of one-way quantum computing protocols.

Finite-time quantum correlations of propagating squeezed microwaves

  1. Kirill G. Fedorov,
  2. S. Pogorzalek,
  3. U. Las Heras,
  4. M. Sanz,
  5. P. Yard,
  6. P. Eder,
  7. M. Fischer,
  8. J. Goetz,
  9. E. Xie,
  10. K. Inomata,
  11. Y. Nakamura,
  12. R. Di Candia,
  13. E. Solano,
  14. A. Marx,
  15. F. Deppe,
  16. and R. Gross
Two-mode squeezing is a fascinating example of quantum entanglement manifested in cross-correlations of incompatible observables between two subsystems. At the same time, these subsystems
themselves may contain no quantum signatures in their self-correlations. These properties make two-mode squeezed (TMS) states an ideal resource for applications in quantum communication, quantum computation, and quantum illumination. Propagating microwave TMS states can be produced by a beam splitter distributing single mode squeezing emitted from Josephson parametric amplifiers (JPA) into two output paths. In this work, we experimentally quantify the dephasing process of quantum correlations in propagating TMS microwave states and accurately describe it with a theory model. In this way, we gain an insight into quantum entanglement limits and predict high fidelities for benchmark quantum communication protocols such as remote state preparation and quantum teleportation.

Quantum Illumination Unveils Cloaking

  1. U. Las Heras,
  2. R. Di Candia,
  3. K. G. Fedorov,
  4. F. Deppe,
  5. M. Sanz,
  6. and E. Solano
In quantum illumination entangled light is employed to enhance the detection accuracy of an object when compared with the best classical protocol. On the other hand, cloaking is a stealth
technology based on covering a target with a material deflecting the light around the object to avoid its detection. Here, we propose a quantum illumination protocol especially adapted to quantum microwave technology which, by seizing weaknesses in current cloaking techniques, allows for a 3 dB improvement in the detection of a cloaked target. Finally, we study the minimal efficiency required by the photocounter for which the quantum illumination protocol still shows a gain with respect to the classical protocol.

Quantum Memristors with Superconducting Circuits

  1. J. Salmilehto,
  2. F. Deppe,
  3. M. Di Ventra,
  4. M. Sanz,
  5. and E. Solano
Memristors are resistive elements retaining information of their past dynamics. They have garnered substantial interest due to their potential for representing a paradigm change in
electronics, information processing and unconventional computing. Given the advent of quantum technologies, a design for a quantum memristor with superconducting circuits may be envisaged. Along these lines, we introduce such a quantum device whose memristive behavior arises from quasiparticle-induced tunneling when supercurrents are cancelled. For realistic parameters, we find that the relevant hysteretic behavior may be observed using current state-of-the-art measurements of the phase-driven tunneling current. Finally, we develop adequate methods to quantify the memory retention in this system.

Displacement of propagating squeezed microwave states

  1. Kirill G. Fedorov,
  2. L. Zhong,
  3. S. Pogorzalek,
  4. P. Eder,
  5. M. Fischer,
  6. J. Goetz,
  7. E. Xie,
  8. F. Wulschner,
  9. K. Inomata,
  10. T. Yamamoto,
  11. Y. Nakamura,
  12. R. Di Candia,
  13. U. Las Heras,
  14. M. Sanz,
  15. E. Solano,
  16. E. P. Menzel,
  17. F. Deppe,
  18. A. Marx,
  19. and R. Gross
Displacement of propagating quantum states of light is a fundamental operation for quantum communication. It enables fundamental studies on macroscopic quantum coherence and plays an
important role in quantum teleportation protocols with continuous variables. In our experiments we have successfully implemented this operation for propagating squeezed microwave states. We demonstrate that, even for strong displacement amplitudes, there is no degradation of the squeezing level in the reconstructed quantum states. Furthermore, we confirm that path entanglement generated by using displaced squeezed states stays constant over a wide range of the displacement power.

Quantum chemistry and charge transport in biomolecules with superconducting circuits

  1. L. García-Álvarez,
  2. U. Las Heras,
  3. A. Mezzacapo,
  4. M. Sanz,
  5. E. Solano,
  6. and L. Lamata
We propose an efficient protocol for digital quantum simulation of quantum chemistry problems and enhanced digital-analog quantum simulation of transport phenomena in biomolecules with
superconducting circuits. Along these lines, we prove that fermionic models of molecular structure can be optimally digitalized with single-qubit and two-qubit gates, by means of Trotter-Suzuki decomposition and Jordan-Wigner transformation. Furthermore, we address the modelling of system-environment interactions of biomolecules involving bosonic degrees of freedom with a digital-analog approach. Finally, we consider gate-truncated quantum algorithms to allow the study of environmental effects.

Entangling polaritons via dynamical Casimir effect in circuit quantum electrodynamics

  1. D. Z. Rossatto,
  2. S. Felicetti,
  3. H. Eneriz,
  4. E. Rico,
  5. M. Sanz,
  6. and E. Solano
We investigate how the dynamical Casimir effect (DCE) can entangle quantum systems in different coupling regimes of circuit quantum electrodynamics, and show the robustness of such
entanglement generation against dissipative effects with current technology. We consider two qubit-resonator systems, which are coupled by a SQUID driven with an external magnetic field, and explore the entire range of coupling regimes between each qubit and its respective resonator. In this scheme, we derive a semianalytic explanation for the entanglement generation between both superconducting qubits when they are coupled to their resonators in the strong coupling (SC) regime. For the ultrastrong (USC) and deep strong coupling (DSC) regimes, we design feasible protocols to generate maximally-entangled polaritonic states.