Exploring Ququart Computation on a Transmon using Optimal Control

  1. Lennart Maximilian Seifert,
  2. Ziqian Li,
  3. Tanay Roy,
  4. David I. Schuster,
  5. Frederic T. Chong,
  6. and Jonathan M. Baker
Contemporary quantum computers encode and process quantum information in binary qubits (d = 2). However, many architectures include higher energy levels that are left as unused computational
resources. We demonstrate a superconducting ququart (d = 4) processor and combine quantum optimal control with efficient gate decompositions to implement high-fidelity ququart gates. We distinguish between viewing the ququart as a generalized four-level qubit and an encoded pair of qubits, and characterize the resulting gates in each case. In randomized benchmarking experiments we observe gate fidelities greater 95% and identify coherence as the primary limiting factor. Our results validate ququarts as a viable tool for quantum information processing.

Autonomous error correction of a single logical qubit using two transmons

  1. Ziqian Li,
  2. Tanay Roy,
  3. David Rodriguez Perez,
  4. Kan-Heng Lee,
  5. Eliot Kapit,
  6. and David I. Schuster
Large-scale quantum computers will inevitably need quantum error correction to protect information against decoherence. Traditional error correction typically requires many qubits,
along with high-efficiency error syndrome measurement and real-time feedback. Autonomous quantum error correction (AQEC) instead uses steady-state bath engineering to perform the correction in a hardware-efficient manner. We realize an AQEC scheme, implemented with only two transmon qubits in a 2D scalable architecture, that actively corrects single-photon loss and passively suppresses low-frequency dephasing using six microwave drives. Compared to uncorrected encoding, factors of 2.0, 5.1, and 1.4 improvements are experimentally witnessed for the logical zero, one, and superposition states. Our results show the potential of implementing hardware-efficient AQEC to enhance the reliability of a transmon-based quantum information processor.

Realization of two-qutrit quantum algorithms on a programmable superconducting processor

  1. Tanay Roy,
  2. Ziqian Li,
  3. Eliot Kapit,
  4. and David I. Schuster
Processing quantum information using quantum three-level systems or qutrits as the fundamental unit is an alternative to contemporary qubit-based architectures with the potential to
provide significant computational advantages. We demonstrate a fully programmable two-qutrit quantum processor by utilizing the third energy eigenstates of two transmons. We develop a parametric coupler to achieve excellent connectivity in the nine-dimensional Hilbert space enabling efficient implementations of two-qutrit gates. We characterize our processor by realizing several algorithms like Deutsch-Jozsa, Bernstein-Vazirani, and Grover’s search. Our efficient ancilla-free protocols allow us to show that two stages of Grover’s amplification can improve the success rates of an unstructured search with quantum advantage. Our results pave the way for building fully programmable ternary quantum processors using transmons as building blocks for a universal quantum computer.

Error-divisible two-qubit gates

  1. David Rodriguez Perez,
  2. Paul Varosy,
  3. Ziqian Li,
  4. Tanay Roy,
  5. Eliot Kapit,
  6. and David Schuster
We introduce a simple, widely applicable formalism for designing „error-divisible“ two qubit gates: a quantum gate set where fractional rotations have proportionally reduced
error compared to the full entangling gate. In current noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) algorithms, performance is largely constrained by error proliferation at high circuit depths, of which two-qubit gate error is generally the dominant contribution. Further, in many hardware implementations, arbitrary two qubit rotations must be composed from multiple two-qubit stock gates, further increasing error. This work introduces a set of criteria, and example waveforms and protocols to satisfy them, using superconducting qubits with tunable couplers for constructing continuous gate sets with significantly reduced error for small-angle rotations. If implemented at scale, NISQ algorithm performance would be significantly improved by our error-divisible gate protocols.

Tomography in the presence of stray inter-qubit coupling

  1. Tanay Roy,
  2. Ziqian Li,
  3. Eliot Kapit,
  4. and David I. Schuster
Tomography is an indispensable part of quantum computation as it enables diagnosis of a quantum process through state reconstruction. Existing tomographic protocols are based on determining
expectation values of various Pauli operators which typically require single-qubit rotations. However, in realistic systems, qubits often develop some form of unavoidable stray coupling making it difficult to manipulate one qubit independent of its partners. Consequently, standard protocols applied to those systems result in unfaithful reproduction of the true quantum state. We have developed a protocol, called coupling compensated tomography, that can correct for errors due to parasitic couplings completely in software and accurately determine the quantum state. We demonstrate the performance of our scheme on a system of two transmon qubits with always-on ZZ coupling. Our technique is a generic tomography tool that can be applied to large systems with different types of stray inter-qubit couplings and facilitates the use of arbitrary tomography pulses and even non-orthogonal axes of rotation.