Realization of two-qutrit quantum algorithms on a programmable superconducting processor

  1. Tanay Roy,
  2. Ziqian Li,
  3. Eliot Kapit,
  4. and David I. Schuster
Processing quantum information using quantum three-level systems or qutrits as the fundamental unit is an alternative to contemporary qubit-based architectures with the potential to provide significant computational advantages. We demonstrate a fully programmable two-qutrit quantum processor by utilizing the third energy eigenstates of two transmons. We develop a parametric coupler to achieve excellent connectivity in the nine-dimensional Hilbert space enabling efficient implementations of two-qutrit gates. We characterize our processor by realizing several algorithms like Deutsch-Jozsa, Bernstein-Vazirani, and Grover’s search. Our efficient ancilla-free protocols allow us to show that two stages of Grover’s amplification can improve the success rates of an unstructured search with quantum advantage. Our results pave the way for building fully programmable ternary quantum processors using transmons as building blocks for a universal quantum computer.

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