Empowering high-dimensional quantum computing by traversing the dual bosonic ladder

  1. Long B. Nguyen,
  2. Noah Goss,
  3. Karthik Siva,
  4. Yosep Kim,
  5. Ed Younis,
  6. Bingcheng Qing,
  7. Akel Hashim,
  8. David I. Santiago,
  9. and Irfan Siddiqi
High-dimensional quantum information processing has emerged as a promising avenue to transcend hardware limitations and advance the frontiers of quantum technologies. Harnessing the
untapped potential of the so-called qudits necessitates the development of quantum protocols beyond the established qubit methodologies. Here, we present a robust, hardware-efficient, and extensible approach for operating multidimensional solid-state systems using Raman-assisted two-photon interactions. To demonstrate its efficacy, we construct a set of multi-qubit operations, realize highly entangled multidimensional states including atomic squeezed states and Schrödinger cat states, and implement programmable entanglement distribution along a qudit array. Our work illuminates the quantum electrodynamics of strongly driven multi-qudit systems and provides the experimental foundation for the future development of high-dimensional quantum applications.

Quantum Computation of Frequency-Domain Molecular Response Properties Using a Three-Qubit iToffoli Gate

  1. Shi-Ning Sun,
  2. Brian Marinelli,
  3. Jin Ming Koh,
  4. Yosep Kim,
  5. Long B. Nguyen,
  6. Larry Chen,
  7. John Mark Kreikebaum,
  8. David I. Santiago,
  9. Irfan Siddiqi,
  10. and Austin J. Minnich
The quantum computation of molecular response properties on near-term quantum hardware is a topic of significant interest. While computing time-domain response properties is in principle
straightforward due to the natural ability of quantum computers to simulate unitary time evolution, circuit depth limitations restrict the maximum time that can be simulated and hence the extraction of frequency-domain properties. Computing properties directly in the frequency domain is therefore desirable, but the circuits require large depth when the typical hardware gate set consisting of single- and two-qubit gates is used. Here, we report the experimental quantum computation of the response properties of diatomic molecules directly in the frequency domain using a three-qubit iToffoli gate, enabling a reduction in circuit depth by a factor of two. We show that the molecular properties obtained with the iToffoli gate exhibit comparable or better agreement with theory than those obtained with the native CZ gates. Our work is among the first demonstrations of the practical usage of a native multi-qubit gate in quantum simulation, with diverse potential applications to the simulation of quantum many-body systems on near-term digital quantum computers.

Programmable Heisenberg interactions between Floquet qubits

  1. Long B. Nguyen,
  2. Yosep Kim,
  3. Akel Hashim,
  4. Noah Goss,
  5. Brian Marinelli,
  6. Bibek Bhandari,
  7. Debmalya Das,
  8. Ravi K. Naik,
  9. John Mark Kreikebaum,
  10. Andrew N. Jordan,
  11. David I. Santiago,
  12. and Irfan Siddiqi
The fundamental trade-off between robustness and tunability is a central challenge in the pursuit of quantum simulation and fault-tolerant quantum computation. In particular, many emerging
quantum architectures are designed to achieve high coherence at the expense of having fixed spectra and consequently limited types of controllable interactions. Here, by adiabatically transforming fixed-frequency superconducting circuits into modifiable Floquet qubits, we demonstrate an XXZ Heisenberg interaction with fully adjustable anisotropy. This interaction model is on one hand the basis for many-body quantum simulation of spin systems, and on the other hand the primitive for an expressive quantum gate set. To illustrate the robustness and versatility of our Floquet protocol, we tailor the Heisenberg Hamiltonian and implement two-qubit iSWAP, CZ, and SWAP gates with estimated fidelities of 99.32(3)%, 99.72(2)%, and 98.93(5)%, respectively. In addition, we implement a Heisenberg interaction between higher energy levels and employ it to construct a three-qubit CCZ gate with a fidelity of 96.18(5)%. Importantly, the protocol is applicable to various fixed-frequency high-coherence platforms, thereby unlocking a suite of essential interactions for high-performance quantum information processing. From a broader perspective, our work provides compelling avenues for future exploration of quantum electrodynamics and optimal control using the Floquet framework.

Effects of Laser-Annealing on Fixed-Frequency Superconducting Qubits

  1. Hyunseong Kim,
  2. Christian Jünger,
  3. Alexis Morvan,
  4. Edward S. Barnard,
  5. William P. Livingston,
  6. M. Virginia P. Altoé,
  7. Yosep Kim,
  8. Chengyu Song,
  9. Larry Chen,
  10. John Mark Kreikebaum,
  11. D. Frank Ogletree,
  12. David I. Santiago,
  13. and Irfan Siddiqi
As superconducting quantum processors increase in complexity, techniques to overcome constraints on frequency crowding are needed. The recently developed method of laser-annealing provides
an effective post-fabrication method to adjust the frequency of superconducting qubits. Here, we present an automated laser-annealing apparatus based on conventional microscopy components and demonstrate preservation of highly coherent transmons. In one case, we observe a two-fold increase in coherence after laser-annealing and perform noise spectroscopy on this qubit to investigate the change in defect features, in particular two-level system defects. Finally, we present a local heating model as well as demonstrate aging stability for laser-annealing on the wafer scale. Our work constitutes an important first step towards both understanding the underlying physical mechanism and scaling up laser-annealing of superconducting qubits.

Scalable High-Performance Fluxonium Quantum Processor

  1. Long B. Nguyen,
  2. Gerwin Koolstra,
  3. Yosep Kim,
  4. Alexis Morvan,
  5. Trevor Chistolini,
  6. Shraddha Singh,
  7. Konstantin N. Nesterov,
  8. Christian Jünger,
  9. Larry Chen,
  10. Zahra Pedramrazi,
  11. Bradley K. Mitchell,
  12. John Mark Kreikebaum,
  13. Shruti Puri,
  14. David I. Santiago,
  15. and Irfan Siddiqi Singh
The technological development of hardware heading toward universal fault-tolerant quantum computation requires a large-scale processing unit with high performance. While fluxonium qubits
are promising with high coherence and large anharmonicity, their scalability has not been systematically explored. In this work, we propose a superconducting quantum information processor based on compact high-coherence fluxoniums with suppressed crosstalk, reduced design complexity, improved operational efficiency, high-fidelity gates, and resistance to parameter fluctuations. In this architecture, the qubits are readout dispersively using individual resonators connected to a common bus and manipulated via combined on-chip RF and DC control lines, both of which can be designed to have low crosstalk. A multi-path coupling approach enables exchange interactions between the high-coherence computational states and at the same time suppresses the spurious static ZZ rate, leading to fast and high-fidelity entangling gates. We numerically investigate the cross resonance controlled-NOT and the differential AC-Stark controlled-Z operations, revealing low gate error for qubit-qubit detuning bandwidth of up to 1 GHz. Our study on frequency crowding indicates high fabrication yield for quantum processors consisting of over thousands of qubits. In addition, we estimate low resource overhead to suppress logical error rate using the XZZX surface code. These results promise a scalable quantum architecture with high performance for the pursuit of universal quantum computation.

High-fidelity iToffoli gate for fixed-frequency superconducting qubits

  1. Yosep Kim,
  2. Alexis Morvan,
  3. Long B. Nguyen,
  4. Ravi K. Naik,
  5. Christian Jünger,
  6. Larry Chen,
  7. John Mark Kreikebaum,
  8. David I. Santiago,
  9. and Irfan Siddiqi
The development of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices has extended the scope of executable quantum circuits with high-fidelity single- and two-qubit gates. Equipping NISQ
devices with three-qubit gates will enable the realization of more complex quantum algorithms and efficient quantum error correction protocols with reduced circuit depth. Several three-qubit gates have been implemented for superconducting qubits, but their use in gate synthesis has been limited due to their low fidelity. Here, using fixed-frequency superconducting qubits, we demonstrate a high-fidelity iToffoli gate based on two-qubit interactions, the so-called cross-resonance effect. As with the Toffoli gate, this three-qubit gate can be used to perform universal quantum computation. The iToffoli gate is implemented by simultaneously applying microwave pulses to a linear chain of three qubits, revealing a process fidelity as high as 98.26(2)%. Moreover, we numerically show that our gate scheme can produce additional three-qubit gates which provide more efficient gate synthesis than the Toffoli and Toffoli gates. Our work not only brings a high-fidelity iToffoli gate to current superconducting quantum processors but also opens a pathway for developing multi-qubit gates based on two-qubit interactions.