Optimizing the pump coupling for a three-wave mixing Josephson parametric amplifier

  1. Wei Dai,
  2. Gangqiang Liu,
  3. Vidul Joshi,
  4. Alessandro Miano,
  5. Volodymyr Sivak,
  6. Shyam Shankar,
  7. and Michel H. Devoret
Josephson element-based parametric amplifiers (JPAs) typically require rf pump power that is several orders of magnitude stronger than the maximum signal power they can handle. The
low power efficiency and strong pump leakage towards signal circuitry could be critical concerns in application. In this work, we discuss how to optimize the pump coupling scheme for a three-wave mixing JPA by employing microwave filtering techniques, with the goal of maximizing the pump power efficiency and minimize pump leakage without sacrificing other properties of interest. We implement the corresponding filter design in a SNAIL-based JPA and demonstrate more than three orders of magnitude improvement in both power efficiency and pump leakage suppression compared to a similar device with regular capacitive coupling, while maintaining state-of-the-art dynamic range and near-quantum-limited noise performance. Furthermore, we show experimentally that the filter-coupled JPA is more robust against noise input from the pump port, exhibiting no significant change in added noise performance with up to 4 K of effective noise temperature at the pump port.

Radiatively-cooled quantum microwave amplifiers

  1. Mingrui Xu,
  2. Yufeng Wu,
  3. Wei Dai,
  4. and Hong X. Tang
Superconducting microwave amplifiers are essential for sensitive signal readout in superconducting quantum processors. Typically based on Josephson Junctions, these amplifiers require
operation at milli-Kelvin temperatures to achieve quantum-limited performance. Here we demonstrate a quantum microwave amplifier that employs radiative cooling to operate at elevated temperatures. This kinetic-inductance-based parametric amplifier, patterned from a single layer of high-Tc NbN thin film\cmt{in the form of a nanobridge}, maintains a high gain and meanwhile enables low added noise of 1.3 quanta when operated at 1.5 Kelvin. Remarkably, this represents only a 0.2 quanta increase compared to the performance at a base temperature of 0.1 Kelvin. By uplifting the parametric amplifiers from the mixing chamber without compromising readout efficiency, this work represents an important step for realizing scalable microwave quantum technologies.