Fano-enhanced low-loss on-chip superconducting microwave circulator

  1. N. Pradeep Kumar,
  2. Dat Thanh Le,
  3. Prasanna Pakkiam,
  4. Thomas M. Stace,
  5. and Arkady Fedorov
Ferrite-free circulators that are passive and readily integratable on a chip are highly sought-after in quantum technologies based on superconducting circuits. In our previous work,
we implemented such a circulator using a three-Josephson-junction loop that exhibited unambiguous nonreciprocity and signal circulation, but required junction energies to be within 1% of design values. This tolerance is tighter than standard junction fabrication methods provide, so we propose and demonstrate a design improvement that relaxes the required junction fabrication precision, allowing for higher device performance and fabrication yield. Specifically, we introduce large direct capacitive couplings between the waveguides to create strong Fano scattering interference. We measure enhanced `circulation fidelity‘ above 97%, with optimised on-resonance insertion loss of 0.2~dB, isolation of 18~dB, and power reflectance of −15~dB, in good agreement with model calculations.

Passive microwave circulation on a superconducting chip

  1. Arkady Fedorov,
  2. N. Pradeep Kumar,
  3. Dat Thanh Le,
  4. Rohit Navarathna,
  5. Prasanna Pakkiam,
  6. and Thomas M. Stace
Building large-scale superconducting quantum circuits will require miniaturisation and integration of supporting devices including microwave circulators, which are currently bulky,
stand-alone components. Here we report the realisation of a passive on-chip circulator which is made from a loop consisting of three tunnel-coupled superconducting islands, with DC-only control fields. We observe the effect of quasiparticle tunnelling, and we dynamically classify the system into different quasiparticle sectors. When tuned for circulation, the device exhibits strongly non-reciprocal 3-port scattering, with average on-resonance insertion loss of 2 dB, isolation of 14 dB, power reflectance of -11 dB, and a bandwidth of 200 MHz.

A passive on-chip, superconducting circulator using rings of tunnel junctions

  1. Clemens Müller,
  2. Shengwei Guan,
  3. Nicolas Vogt,
  4. Jared H. Cole,
  5. and Thomas M. Stace
We present the design of a passive, on-chip microwave circulator based on a ring of superconducting tunnel junctions. We investigate two distinct physical realisations, based on either
Josephson junctions (JJ) or quantum phase slip elements (QPS), with microwave ports coupled either capacitively (JJ) or inductively (QPS) to the ring structure. A constant bias applied to the center of the ring provides the symmetry breaking (effective) magnetic field, and no microwave or rf bias is required. We find that this design offers high isolation even when taking into account fabrication imperfections and environmentally induced bias perturbations and find a bandwidth in excess of 500 MHz for realistic device parameters.

Detecting itinerant single microwave photons

  1. Sankar Raman Sathyamoorthy,
  2. Thomas M. Stace,
  3. and Göran Johansson
Single photon detectors are fundamental tools of investigation in quantum optics and play a central role in measurement theory and quantum informatics. Photodetectors based on different
technologies exist at optical frequencies and much effort is currently being spent on pushing their efficiencies to meet the demands coming from the quantum computing and quantum communication proposals. In the microwave regime however, a single photon detector has remained elusive although several theoretical proposals have been put forth. In this article, we review these recent proposals, especially focusing on non-destructive detectors of propagating microwave photons. These detection schemes using superconducting artificial atoms can reach detection efficiencies of 90\% with existing technologies and are ripe for experimental investigations.

Non-absorbing high-efficiency counter for itinerant microwave photons

  1. Bixuan Fan,
  2. Göran Johansson,
  3. Joshua Combes,
  4. G. J. Milburn,
  5. and Thomas M. Stace
Detecting an itinerant microwave photon with high efficiency is an outstanding problem in microwave photonics and its applications. We present a scheme to detect an itinerant microwave
photon in a transmission line via the nonlinearity provided by a transmon in a driven microwave resonator. By performing continuous measurements on the output field of the resonator we theoretically achieve an over-unity signal-to-noise (SNR) for a single shot measurement and 84% distinguishability between zero and one microwave photon with a single transmon and 90% distinguishability with two cascaded transmons. We also show how the measurement diminishes coherence in the photon number basis thereby illustrating a fundamental principle of quantum measurement: the higher the measurement efficiency, the greater is the decoherence.

Quantum nondemolition detection of a propagating microwave photon

  1. Sankar R. Sathyamoorthy,
  2. L. Tornberg,
  3. Anton F. Kockum,
  4. Ben Q. Baragiola,
  5. Joshua Combes,
  6. C.M. Wilson,
  7. Thomas M. Stace,
  8. and G. Johansson
The ability to detect the presence of a single, travelling photon without destroying it has been a long standing project in optics and is fundamental for applications in quantum information
and measurement. The realization of such a detector has been complicated by the fact that photon- photon interactions are very weak at optical frequencies. At microwave frequencies, very strong photon-photon interactions have been demonstrated. Here however, the single-photon detector has been elusive due to the low energy of the microwave photon. In this article, we present a realistic proposal for quantum nondemolition measurements of a single propagating microwave photon. The detector design is built on a of chain of artificial atoms connected through circulators which break time-reversal symmetry, making both signal and probe photons propagate in one direction only. Our analysis is based on the theory of cascaded quantum systems and quantum trajectories which takes the full dynamics of the atom-field interaction into account. We show that a signal-to-noise ratio above one can be realized with current state of the art microwave technology.

Breakdown of the cross-Kerr scheme for Photon Counting

  1. Bixuan Fan,
  2. Anton F. Kockum,
  3. Joshua Combes,
  4. Göran Johansson,
  5. Io-chun Hoi,
  6. Christopher Wilson,
  7. Per Delsing,
  8. G. J. Milburn,
  9. and Thomas M. Stace
We show, in the context of single photon detection, that an atomic three-level model for a transmon in a transmission line does not support the predictions of the nonlinear polarisability
model known as the cross-Kerr effect. We show that the induced displacement of a probe in the presence or absence of a single photon in the signal field, cannot be resolved above the quantum noise in the probe. This strongly suggests that cross-Kerr media are not suitable for photon counting or related single photon applications. Our results are presented in the context of a transmon in a one dimensional microwave waveguide, but the conclusions also apply to optical systems.