10-qubit entanglement and parallel logic operations with a superconducting circuit

  1. Chao Song,
  2. Kai Xu,
  3. Wuxin Liu,
  4. Chuiping Yang,
  5. Shi-Biao Zheng,
  6. Hui Deng,
  7. Qiwei Xie,
  8. Keqiang Huang,
  9. Qiujiang Guo,
  10. Libo Zhang,
  11. Pengfei Zhang,
  12. Da Xu,
  13. Dongning Zheng,
  14. Xiaobo Zhu,
  15. H. Wang,
  16. Y.-A. Chen,
  17. C.-Y. Lu,
  18. Siyuan Han,
  19. and J.-W. Pan
Here we report on the production and tomography of genuinely entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states with up to 10 qubits connecting to a bus resonator in a superconducting circuit,
where the resonator-mediated qubit-qubit interactions are used to controllably entangle multiple qubits and to operate on different pairs of qubits in parallel. The resulting 10-qubit density matrix is unambiguously probed, with a fidelity of 0.668±0.025. Our results demonstrate the largest entanglement created so far in solid-state architectures, and pave the way to large-scale quantum computation.

Emulating anyonic fractional statistical behavior in a superconducting quantum circuit

  1. Y. P. Zhong,
  2. D. Xu,
  3. P. Wang,
  4. C. Song,
  5. Q. J. Guo,
  6. W. X. Liu,
  7. K. Xu,
  8. B. X. Xia,
  9. Chao-Yang Lu,
  10. Siyuan Han,
  11. Jian-Wei Pan,
  12. and Haohua Wang
Anyons are exotic quasiparticles obeying fractional statistics,whose behavior can be emulated in artificially designed spin systems.Here we present an experimental emulation of creating
anyonic excitations in a superconducting circuit that consists of four qubits, achieved by dynamically generating the ground and excited states of the toric code model, i.e., four-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. The anyonic braiding is implemented via single-qubit rotations: a phase shift of \pi related to braiding, the hallmark of Abelian 1/2 anyons, has been observed through a Ramsey-type interference measurement.

Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg-Majorana interference in a 3D transmon driven by a chirped microwave

  1. Ming Gong,
  2. Yu Zhou,
  3. Dong Lan,
  4. Yunyi Fan,
  5. Jiazheng Pan,
  6. Haifeng Yu,
  7. Jian Chen,
  8. Guozhu Sun,
  9. Yang Yu,
  10. Siyuan Han,
  11. and Peiheng Wu
By driving a 3D transmon with microwave fields, we generate an effective avoided energy-level crossing. Then we chirp microwave frequency, which is equivalent to driving the system
through the avoided energy-level crossing by sweeping the avoided crossing. A double-passage chirp produces Landau-Zener-St\“uckelberg-Majorana interference that agree well with the numerical results. Our method is fully applicable to other quantum systems that contain no intrinsic avoided level crossing, providing an alternative approach for quantum control and quantum simulation.

Multi-photon sideband transitions in an ultrastrongly-coupled circuit quantum electrodynamics system

  1. Zhen Chen,
  2. Yimin Wang,
  3. Tiefu Li,
  4. Lin Tian,
  5. Yueyin Qiu,
  6. Kunihiro Inomata,
  7. Fumiki Yoshihara,
  8. Siyuan Han,
  9. Franco Nori,
  10. J. S. Tsai,
  11. and J. Q. You
Ultrastrong coupling in circuit quantum electrodynamics systems not only provides a platform to study the quantum Rabi model, but it can also facilitate the implementation of quantum
logic operations via high-lying resonator states. In this regime, quantum manifolds with different excitation numbers are intrinsically connected via the counter-rotating interactions, which can result in multi-photon processes. Recent experiments have demonstrated ultrastrong coupling in superconducting qubits electromagnetically coupled to superconducting resonators. Here we report the experimental observation of multiphoton sideband transitions of a superconducting flux qubit coupled to a coplanar waveguide resonator in the ultrastrong coupling regime. With a coupling strength reaching about 10% of the fundamental frequency of the resonator, we obtain clear signatures of higher-order red-sideband transitions and the first-order blue-sideband transition in a transmission spectroscopic measurement. This study advances the understanding of driven ultrastrongly-coupled systems.

Suppression of dephasing by qubit motion in superconducting circuits

  1. D.V. Averin,
  2. K. Xu,
  3. Y. P. Zhong,
  4. C. Song,
  5. H. Wang,
  6. and Siyuan Han
We suggest and demonstrate a protocol which suppresses dephasing due to the low-frequency noise by qubit motion, i.e., transfer of the logical qubit of information in a system of n≥2
physical qubits. The protocol requires only the nearest-neighbor coupling and is applicable to different qubit structures. We further analyze its effectiveness against noises with arbitrary correlations. Our analysis, together with experiments using up to three superconducting qubits, shows that for the realistic uncorrelated noises, qubit motion increases the dephasing time of the logical qubit as n‾‾√. In general, the protocol provides a diagnostic tool to measure the noise correlations.

Coherent population transfer between weakly-coupled states in a ladder-type superconducting qutrit

  1. H. K. Xu,
  2. W. Y. Liu,
  3. G. M. Xue,
  4. F. F. Su,
  5. H. Deng,
  6. Ye Tian,
  7. D. N. Zheng,
  8. Siyuan Han,
  9. Y. P. Zhong,
  10. H. Wang,
  11. Yu-Xi Liu,
  12. and S. P. Zhao
Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) offers significant advantages for coherent population transfer between un- or weakly-coupled states and has the potential of realizing efficient
quantum gate, qubit entanglement, and quantum information transfer. Here we report on the realization of STIRAP in a superconducting phase qutrit – a ladder-type system in which the ground state population is coherently transferred to the second-excited state via the dark state subspace. The result agrees well with the numerical simulation of the master equation, which further demonstrates that with the state-of-the-art superconducting qutrits the transfer efficiency readily exceeds 99% while keeping the population in the first-excited state below 1%. We show that population transfer via STIRAP is significantly more robust against variations of the experimental parameters compared to that via the conventional resonant π pulse method. Our work opens up a new venue for exploring STIRAP for quantum information processing using the superconducting artificial atoms.

Observation of the correspondence between Landau-Zener transition and Kibble-Zurek mechanism with a superconducting qubit system

  1. Ming Gong,
  2. Xueda Wen,
  3. Guozhu Sun,
  4. Dan-Wei Zhang,
  5. Yang Yu,
  6. Shi-Liang Zhu,
  7. and Siyuan Han
We present a direct experimental observation of the correspondence between Landau-Zener transition and Kibble-Zurek mechanism with a superconducting qubit system. We develop a time-resolved
approach to study quantum dynamics of the Landau-Zener transition. By using this method, we observe the key features of the correspondence between Landau-Zener transition and Kibble-Zurek mechanism, e.g., the boundary between the adiabatic and impulse regions, the freeze-out phenomenon in the impulse region. Remarkably, the scaling behavior of the population in the excited state, an analogical phenomenon originally predicted in Kibble-Zurek mechanism, is also observed in the Landau-Zener transition.

Possible realization of entanglement, logical gates and quantum information transfer with superconducting-quantum-interference-device qubits in cavity QED

  1. Chui-Ping Yang,
  2. Shih-I Chu,
  3. and Siyuan Han
We present a scheme to achieve maximally entangled states, controlled phase-shift gate, and SWAP gate for two superconducting-quantum-interference-device (SQUID) qubits, by placing
SQUIDs in a microwave cavity. We also show how to transfer quantum information from one SQUID qubit to another. In this scheme, no transfer of quantum information between the SQUIDs and the cavity is required, the cavity field is only virtually excited and thus the requirement on the quality factor of the cavity is greatly relaxed.

Demonstration of Geometric Landau-Zener Interferometry in a Superconducting Qubit

  1. Xinsheng Tan,
  2. Dan-Wei Zhang,
  3. Zhentao Zhang,
  4. Yang Yu,
  5. Siyuan Han,
  6. and Shi-Liang Zhu
Geometric quantum manipulation and Landau-Zener interferometry have been separately explored in many quantum systems. In this Letter, we combine these two approaches to study the dynamics
of a superconducting phase qubit. We experimentally demonstrate Landau-Zener interferometry based on the pure geometric phases in this solid-state qubit. We observe the interference caused by a pure geometric phase accumulated in the evolution between two consecutive Landau-Zener transitions, while the dynamical phase is canceled out by a spin-echo pulse. The full controllability of the qubit state as a function of the intrinsically robust geometric phase provides a promising approach for quantum state manipulation.

Generating entanglement between microwave photons and qubits in multiple cavities coupled by a superconducting qutrit

  1. Chui-Ping Yang,
  2. Qi-Ping Su,
  3. Shi-Biao Zheng,
  4. and Siyuan Han
We discuss how to generate entangled coherent states of four extrm{microwave} resonators extrm{(a.k.a. cavities)} coupled by a superconducting qubit. We also show extrm{that}
a GHZ state of four superconducting qubits embedded in four different resonators \textrm{can be created with this scheme}. In principle, \textrm{the proposed method} can be extended to create an entangled coherent state of $n$ resonators and to prepare a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state of $n$ qubits distributed over $n$ cavities in a quantum network. In addition, it is noted that four resonators coupled by a coupler qubit may be used as a basic circuit block to build a two-dimensional quantum network, which is useful for scalable quantum information processing.