Observation of the correspondence between Landau-Zener transition and Kibble-Zurek mechanism with a superconducting qubit system

  1. Ming Gong,
  2. Xueda Wen,
  3. Guozhu Sun,
  4. Dan-Wei Zhang,
  5. Yang Yu,
  6. Shi-Liang Zhu,
  7. and Siyuan Han
We present a direct experimental observation of the correspondence between Landau-Zener transition and Kibble-Zurek mechanism with a superconducting qubit system. We develop a time-resolved approach to study quantum dynamics of the Landau-Zener transition. By using this method, we observe the key features of the correspondence between Landau-Zener transition and Kibble-Zurek mechanism, e.g., the boundary between the adiabatic and impulse regions, the freeze-out phenomenon in the impulse region. Remarkably, the scaling behavior of the population in the excited state, an analogical phenomenon originally predicted in Kibble-Zurek mechanism, is also observed in the Landau-Zener transition.

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