Wireless Josephson Amplifier

  1. A. Narla,
  2. K. M. Sliwa,
  3. M. Hatridge,
  4. S. Shankar,
  5. L. Frunzio,
  6. R. J. Schoelkopf,
  7. and M.H. Devoret
Josephson junction parametric amplifiers are playing a crucial role in the readout chain in superconducting quantum information experiments. However, their integration with current
3D cavity implementations poses the problem of transitioning between waveguide, coax cables and planar circuits. Moreover, Josephson amplifiers require auxiliary microwave components, like directional couplers and/or hybrids, that are sources of spurious losses and impedance mismatches that limit measurement efficiency and amplifier tunability. We have developed a new wireless architecture for these parametric amplifiers that eliminates superfluous microwave components and interconnects. This greatly simplifies their assembly and integration into experiments. We present an experimental realization of such a device operating in the 9−11 GHz band with about 100 MHz of amplitude gain-bandwidth product, on par with devices mounted in conventional sample holders. The simpler impedance environment presented to the amplifier also results in increased amplifier tunability.

Josephson directional amplifier for quantum measurement of superconducting circuits

  1. Baleegh Abdo,
  2. Katrina Sliwa,
  3. S. Shankar,
  4. Michael Hatridge,
  5. Luigi Frunzio,
  6. Robert Schoelkopf,
  7. and Michel Devoret
We have realized a microwave quantum-limited amplifier that is directional and can therefore function without the front circulator needed in many quantum measurements. The amplification
takes place in only one direction between the input and output ports. Directionality is achieved by multi-pump parametric amplification combined with wave interference. We have verified the device noise performances by using it to readout a superconducting qubit and observed quantum jumps. With an improved version of this device, qubit and preamplifer could be integrated on the same chip.

Tracking Photon Jumps with Repeated Quantum Non-Demolition Parity Measurements

  1. L. Sun,
  2. A. Petrenko,
  3. Z. Leghtas,
  4. B. Vlastakis,
  5. G. Kirchmair,
  6. K. M. Sliwa,
  7. A. Narla,
  8. M. Hatridge,
  9. S. Shankar,
  10. J. Blumoff,
  11. L. Frunzio,
  12. M. Mirrahimi,
  13. M. H. Devoret,
  14. and R. J. Schoelkopf
Quantum error correction (QEC) is required for a practical quantum computer because of the fragile nature of quantum information. In QEC, information is redundantly stored in a large
Hilbert space and one or more observables must be monitored to reveal the occurrence of an error, without disturbing the information encoded in an unknown quantum state. Such observables, typically multi-qubit parities such as , must correspond to a special symmetry property inherent to the encoding scheme. Measurements of these observables, or error syndromes, must also be performed in a quantum non-demolition (QND) way and faster than the rate at which errors occur. Previously, QND measurements of quantum jumps between energy eigenstates have been performed in systems such as trapped ions, electrons, cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, and superconducting qubits. So far, however, no fast and repeated monitoring of an error syndrome has been realized. Here, we track the quantum jumps of a possible error syndrome, the photon number parity of a microwave cavity, by mapping this property onto an ancilla qubit. This quantity is just the error syndrome required in a recently proposed scheme for a hardware-efficient protected quantum memory using Schr\“{o}dinger cat states in a harmonic oscillator. We demonstrate the projective nature of this measurement onto a parity eigenspace by observing the collapse of a coherent state onto even or odd cat states. The measurement is fast compared to the cavity lifetime, has a high single-shot fidelity, and has a 99.8% probability per single measurement of leaving the parity unchanged. In combination with the deterministic encoding of quantum information in cat states realized earlier, our demonstrated QND parity tracking represents a significant step towards implementing an active system that extends the lifetime of a quantum bit.

Stabilizing entanglement autonomously between two superconducting qubits

  1. S. Shankar,
  2. M. Hatridge,
  3. Z. Leghtas,
  4. K. M. Sliwa,
  5. A. Narla,
  6. U. Vool,
  7. S. M. Girvin,
  8. L. Frunzio,
  9. M. Mirrahimi,
  10. and M. H. Devoret
Quantum error-correction codes would protect an arbitrary state of a multi-qubit register against decoherence-induced errors, but their implementation is an outstanding challenge for
the development of large-scale quantum computers. A first step is to stabilize a non-equilibrium state of a simple quantum system such as a qubit or a cavity mode in the presence of decoherence. Several groups have recently accomplished this goal using measurement-based feedback schemes. A next step is to prepare and stabilize a state of a composite system. Here we demonstrate the stabilization of an entangled Bell state of a quantum register of two superconducting qubits for an arbitrary time. Our result is achieved by an autonomous feedback scheme which combines continuous drives along with a specifically engineered coupling between the two-qubit register and a dissipative reservoir. Similar autonomous feedback techniques have recently been used for qubit reset and the stabilization of a single qubit state, as well as for creating and stabilizing states of multipartite quantum systems. Unlike conventional, measurement-based schemes, an autonomous approach counter-intuitively uses engineered dissipation to fight decoherence, obviating the need for a complicated external feedback loop to correct errors, simplifying implementation. Instead the feedback loop is built into the Hamiltonian such that the steady state of the system in the presence of drives and dissipation is a Bell state, an essential building-block state for quantum information processing. Such autonomous schemes, broadly applicable to a variety of physical systems as demonstrated by a concurrent publication with trapped ion qubits, will be an essential tool for the implementation of quantum-error correction.

Stabilizing a Bell state of two superconducting qubits by dissipation engineering

  1. Z. Leghtas,
  2. U. Vool,
  3. S. Shankar,
  4. M. Hatridge,
  5. S.M. Girvin,
  6. M.H. Devoret,
  7. and M. Mirrahimi
We propose a dissipation engineering scheme that prepares and protects a maximally entangled state of a pair of superconducting qubits. This is done by off-resonantly coupling the two
qubits to a low-Q cavity mode playing the role of a dissipative reservoir. We engineer this coupling by applying six continuous-wave microwave drives with appropriate frequencies. The two qubits need not be identical. We show that our approach does not require any fine-tuning of the parameters and requires only that certain ratios between them be large. With currently achievable coherence times, simulations indicate that a Bell state can be maintained over arbitrary long times with fidelities above 94%. Such performance leads to a significant violation of Bell’s inequality (CHSH correlation larger than 2.6) for arbitrary long times.

Demonstrating a Driven Reset Protocol of a Superconducting Qubit

  1. K. Geerlings,
  2. Z. Leghtas,
  3. I. M. Pop,
  4. S. Shankar,
  5. L. Frunzio,
  6. R. J. Schoelkopf,
  7. M. Mirrahimi,
  8. and M. H. Devoret
Qubit reset is crucial at the start of and during quantum information algorithms. We present the experimental demonstration of a practical method to force qubits into their ground state,
based on driving certain qubit and cavity transitions. Our protocol, nicknamed DDROP (Double Drive Reset of Population) is tested on a superconducting transmon qubit in a 3D cavity. Using a new method for measuring population, we show that we can prepare the ground state with a fidelity of at least 99.5 % in less than 3 microseconds; faster times and higher fidelity are predicted upon parameter optimization.

Improving the Quality Factor of Microwave Compact Resonators by Optimizing their Geometrical Parameters

  1. K. Geerlings,
  2. S. Shankar,
  3. E. Edwards,
  4. L. Frunzio,
  5. R. J. Schoelkopf,
  6. and M. H. Devoret
Applications in quantum information processing and photon detectors are stimulating a race to produce the highest possible quality factor on-chip superconducting microwave resonators.
We have tested the surface-dominated loss hypothesis by systematically studying the role of geometrical parameters on the internal quality factors of compact resonators patterned in Nb on sapphire. Their single-photon internal quality factors were found to increase with the distance between capacitor fingers, the width of the capacitor fingers, and the impedance of the resonator. Quality factors were improved from 210,000 to 500,000 at T = 200 mK. All of these results are consistent with our starting hypothesis.