Quantum control of bosonic modes with superconducting circuits

  1. Wen-Long Ma,
  2. Shruti Puri,
  3. Robert J. Schoelkopf,
  4. Michel H. Devoret,
  5. S. M. Girvin,
  6. and Liang Jiang
Bosonic modes have wide applications in various quantum technologies, such as optical photons for quantum communication, magnons in spin ensembles for quantum information storage and
mechanical modes for reversible microwave-to-optical quantum transduction. There is emerging interest in utilizing bosonic modes for quantum information processing, with circuit quantum electrodynamics (circuit QED) as one of the leading architectures. Quantum information can be encoded into subspaces of a bosonic superconducting cavity mode with long coherence time. However, standard Gaussian operations (e.g., beam splitting and two-mode squeezing) are insufficient for universal quantum computing. The major challenge is to introduce additional nonlinear control beyond Gaussian operations without adding significant bosonic loss or decoherence. Here we review recent advances in universal control of a single bosonic code with superconducting circuits, including unitary control, quantum feedback control, driven-dissipative control and holonomic dissipative control. Entangling different bosonic modes with various approaches is also discussed.

Photon-Number Dependent Hamiltonian Engineering for Cavities

  1. Chiao-Hsuan Wang,
  2. Kyungjoo Noh,
  3. José Lebreuilly,
  4. S. M. Girvin,
  5. and Liang Jiang
Cavity resonators are promising resources for quantum technology, while native nonlinear interactions for cavities are typically too weak to provide the level of quantum control required
to deliver complex targeted operations. Here we investigate a scheme to engineer a target Hamiltonian for photonic cavities using ancilla qubits. By off-resonantly driving dispersively coupled ancilla qubits, we develop an optimized approach to engineering an arbitrary photon-number dependent (PND) Hamiltonian for the cavities while minimizing the operation errors. The engineered Hamiltonian admits various applications including canceling unwanted cavity self-Kerr interactions, creating higher-order nonlinearities for quantum simulations, and designing quantum gates resilient to noise. Our scheme can be implemented with coupled microwave cavities and transmon qubits in superconducting circuit systems.

Quantum Microwave Radiometry with a Superconducting Qubit

  1. Zhixin Wang,
  2. Mingrui Xu,
  3. Xu Han,
  4. Wei Fu,
  5. Shruti Puri,
  6. S. M. Girvin,
  7. Hong X. Tang,
  8. S. Shankar,
  9. and M. H. Devoret
The interaction of photons and coherent quantum systems can be employed to detect electromagnetic radiation with remarkable sensitivity. We introduce a quantum radiometer based on the
photon-induced-dephasing process of a superconducting qubit for sensing microwave radiation at the sub-unit-photon level. Using this radiometer, we demonstrated the radiative cooling of a 1-K microwave resonator and measured its mode temperature with an uncertainty ~0.01 K. We have thus developed a precise tool for studying the thermodynamics of quantum microwave circuits, which provides new solutions for calibrating hybrid quantum systems and detecting candidate particles for dark matter.

Quantum simulation of molecular vibronic spectra on a superconducting bosonic processor

  1. Christopher S. Wang,
  2. Jacob C. Curtis,
  3. Brian J. Lester,
  4. Yaxing Zhang,
  5. Yvonne Y. Gao,
  6. Jessica Freeze,
  7. Victor S. Batista,
  8. Patrick H. Vaccaro,
  9. Isaac L. Chuang,
  10. Luigi Frunzio,
  11. Liang Jiang,
  12. S. M. Girvin,
  13. and Robert J. Schoelkopf
The efficient simulation of quantum systems is a primary motivating factor for developing controllable quantum machines. A controllable bosonic machine is naturally suited for simulating
systems with underlying bosonic structure, exploiting both quantum interference and an intrinsically large Hilbert space. Here, we experimentally realize a bosonic superconducting processor that combines arbitrary state preparation, a complete set of Gaussian operations, plus an essential non-Gaussian resource – a novel single-shot photon number resolving measurement scheme – all in one device. We utilize these controls to simulate the bosonic problem of molecular vibronic spectra, extracting the corresponding Franck-Condon factors for photoelectron processes in H2O, O3, NO2, and SO2. Our results demonstrate the versatile capabilities of the circuit QED platform, which can be extended to include non-Gaussian operations for simulating an even wider class of bosonic systems.

Bias-preserving gates with stabilized cat qubits

  1. Shruti Puri,
  2. Lucas St-Jean,
  3. Jonathan A. Gross,
  4. Alexander Grimm,
  5. N. E. Frattini,
  6. Pavithran S. Iyer,
  7. Anirudh Krishna,
  8. Steven Touzard,
  9. Liang Jiang,
  10. Alexandre Blais,
  11. Steven T. Flammia,
  12. and S. M. Girvin
The code capacity threshold for error correction using qubits which exhibit asymmetric or biased noise channels is known to be much higher than with qubits without such structured noise.However, it is unclear how much this improvement persists when realistic circuit level noise is taken into account. This is because implementations of gates which do not commute with the dominant error un-bias the noise channel. In particular, a native bias-preserving controlled-NOT (CX) gate, which is an essential ingredient of stabilizer codes, is not possible in strictly two-level systems. Here we overcome the challenge of implementing a bias-preserving CX gate by using stabilized cat qubits in driven nonlinear oscillators. The physical noise channel of this qubit is biased towards phase-flips, which increase linearly with the size of the cat, while bit-flips are exponentially suppressed with cat size. Remarkably, the error channel of this native CX gate between two such cat qubits is also dominated by phase-flips, while bit-flips remain exponentially suppressed. This CX gate relies on the topological phase that arises from the rotation of the cat qubit in phase space. The availability of bias-preserving CX gates opens a path towards fault-tolerant codes tailored to biased-noise cat qubits with high threshold and low overhead. As an example, we analyze a scheme for concatenated error correction using cat qubits. We find that the availability of CX gates with moderately sized cat qubits, having mean photon number <10, improves a rigorous lower bound on the fault-tolerance threshold by a factor of two and decreases the overhead in logical Clifford operations by a factor of 5. We expect these estimates to improve significantly with further optimization and with direct use of other codes such as topological codes tailored to biased noise.[/expand]

Quantum back-action of variable-strength measurement

  1. M. Hatridge,
  2. S. Shankar,
  3. M. Mirrahimi,
  4. F. Schackert,
  5. K. Geerlings,
  6. T. Brecht,
  7. K. M. Sliwa,
  8. B. Abdo,
  9. L. Frunzio,
  10. S. M. Girvin,
  11. R. J. Schoelkopf,
  12. and M. H. Devoret
Measuring a quantum system can randomly perturb its state. The strength and nature of this back-action depends on the quantity which is measured. In a partial measurement performed
by an ideal apparatus, quantum physics predicts that the system remains in a pure state whose evolution can be tracked perfectly from the measurement record. We demonstrate this property using a superconducting qubit dispersively coupled to a cavity traversed by a microwave signal. The back-action on the qubit state of a single measurement of both signal quadratures is observed and shown to produce a stochastic operation whose action is determined by the measurement result. This accurate monitoring of a qubit state is an essential prerequisite for measurement-based feedback control of quantum systems.

Engineering bilinear mode coupling in circuit QED: theory and experiment

  1. Yaxing Zhang,
  2. Brian J. Lester,
  3. Yvonne Y. Gao,
  4. Liang Jiang,
  5. R. J. Schoelkopf,
  6. and S. M. Girvin
Photonic states of superconducting microwave cavities controlled by transmon ancillas provide a platform for encoding and manipulating quantum information. A key challenge in scaling
up the platform is the requirement to communicate on demand the information between the cavities. It has been recently demonstrated that a tunable bilinear interaction between two cavities can be realized by coupling them to a bichromatically-driven transmon ancilla, which allows swapping and interfering the multi-photon states of the cavities [Gao et al., Phys. Rev. X 8, 021073(2018)]. Here, we explore both theoretically and experimentally the regime of relatively strong drives on the ancilla needed to achieve fast SWAP gates but which can also lead to undesired non-perturbative effects that lower the SWAP fidelity. We develop a theoretical formalism based on linear response theory that allows one to calculate the rate of ancilla-induced interaction, decay and frequency shift of the cavities in terms of a susceptibility matrix. We treat the drives non-perturbatively using Floquet theory, and find that the interference of the two drives can strongly alter the system dynamics even in the regime where the rotating wave approximation applies. We identify two major sources of infidelity due to ancilla decoherence. i) Ancilla dissipation and dephasing lead to incoherent hopping among ancilla Floquet states, which results in a sudden change of the SWAP rate thereby decohering the operations. ii) The cavities inherit finite decay from the relatively lossy ancilla through the inverse Purcell effect; the effect can be enhanced when the drive-induced AC Stark shift pushes certain ancilla transition frequencies to the vicinity of the cavity frequencies. The theoretical predictions agree quantitatively with the experimental results, paving the way for using the theory for designing and optimizing future experiments.

Entangling Bosonic Modes via an Engineered Exchange Interaction

  1. Yvonne Y. Gao,
  2. Brian J. Lester,
  3. Kevin Chou,
  4. Luigi Frunzio,
  5. Michel H. Devoret,
  6. Liang Jiang,
  7. S. M. Girvin,
  8. and Robert J. Schoelkopf
The realization of robust universal quantum computation with any platform ultimately requires both the coherent storage of quantum information and (at least) one entangling operation
between individual elements. The use of continuous-variable bosonic modes as the quantum element is a promising route to preserve the coherence of quantum information against naturally-occurring errors. However, operations between bosonic modes can be challenging. In analogy to the exchange interaction between discrete-variable spin systems, the exponential-SWAP unitary [UE(θc)] can coherently transfer the states between two bosonic modes, regardless of the chosen encoding, realizing a deterministic entangling operation for certain θc. Here, we develop an efficient circuit to implement UE(θc) and realize the operation in a three-dimensional circuit QED architecture. We demonstrate high-quality deterministic entanglement between two cavity modes with several different encodings. Our results provide a crucial primitive necessary for universal quantum computation using bosonic modes.

Programmable interference between two microwave quantum memories

  1. Yvonne Y. Gao,
  2. B. J. Lester,
  3. Yaxing Zhang,
  4. C. Wang,
  5. S. Rosenblum,
  6. L. Frunzio,
  7. Liang Jiang,
  8. S. M. Girvin,
  9. and R. J. Schoelkopf
Interference experiments provide a simple yet powerful tool to unravel fundamental features of quantum physics. Here we engineer an RF-driven, time-dependent bilinear coupling that
can be tuned to implement a robust 50:50 beamsplitter between stationary states stored in two superconducting cavities in a three-dimensional architecture. With this, we realize high contrast Hong-Ou- Mandel (HOM) interference between two spectrally-detuned stationary modes. We demonstrate that this coupling provides an efficient method for measuring the quantum state overlap between arbitrary states of the two cavities. Finally, we showcase concatenated beamsplitters and differential phase shifters to implement cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers, which can control the signature of the two-photon interference on-demand. Our results pave the way toward implementation of scalable boson sampling, the application of linear optical quantum computing (LOQC) protocols in the microwave domain, and quantum algorithms between long-lived bosonic memories.

Driving forbidden transitions in the fluxonium artificial atom

  1. U. Vool,
  2. A. Kou,
  3. W. C. Smith,
  4. N. E. Frattini,
  5. K. Serniak,
  6. P. Reinhold,
  7. I. M. Pop,
  8. S. Shankar,
  9. L. Frunzio,
  10. S. M. Girvin,
  11. and M. H. Devoret
Atomic systems display a rich variety of quantum dynamics due to the different possible symmetries obeyed by the atoms. These symmetries result in selection rules that have been essential
for the quantum control of atomic systems. Superconducting artificial atoms are mainly governed by parity symmetry. Its corresponding selection rule limits the types of quantum systems that can be built using electromagnetic circuits at their optimal coherence operation points („sweet spots“). Here, we use third-order nonlinear coupling between the artificial atom and its readout resonator to drive transitions forbidden by the parity selection rule for linear coupling to microwave radiation. A Lambda-type system emerges from these newly accessible transitions, implemented here in the fluxonium artificial atom coupled to its „antenna“ resonator. We demonstrate coherent manipulation of the fluxonium artificial atom at its sweet spot by stimulated Raman transitions. This type of transition enables the creation of new quantum operations, such as the control and readout of physically protected artificial atoms.