Integer Fluxonium Qubit

  1. Raymond A. Mencia,
  2. Wei-Ju Lin,
  3. Hyunheung Cho,
  4. Maxim G. Vavilov,
  5. and Vladimir E. Manucharyan
We describe a superconducting qubit derived from operating a properly designed fluxonium circuit in a zero magnetic field. The qubit has a frequency of about 4 GHz and the energy relaxation
quality factor Q≈0.7×107, even though the dielectric loss quality factor of the circuit components is in the low 105 range. The Ramsey coherence time exceeds 100 us, and the average fidelity of Clifford gates is benchmarked to >0.999. These figures are likely to improve by an order of magnitude with optimized fabrication and measurement procedures. Our work establishes a ready-to-use „partially protected“ superconducting qubit with an error rate comparable to the best transmons.

Voltage Activated Parametric Entangling Gates on Gatemons

  1. Yinqi Chen,
  2. Konstantin N. Nesterov,
  3. Hugh Churchill,
  4. Javad Shabani,
  5. Vladimir E. Manucharyan,
  6. and Maxim G. Vavilov
We describe the generation of entangling gates on superconductor-semiconductor hybrid qubits by ac voltage modulation of the Josephson energy. Our numerical simulations demonstrate
that the unitary error can be below 10−5 in a variety of 75-ns-long two-qubit gates (CZ, iSWAP, and iSWAP‾‾‾‾‾‾‾√) implemented using parametric resonance. We analyze the conditional ZZ phase and demonstrate that the CZ gate needs no further phase correction steps, while the ZZ phase error in SWAP-type gates can be compensated by choosing pulse parameters. With decoherence considered, we estimate that qubit relaxation time needs to exceed 70μs to achieve the 99.9% fidelity threshold.

Quasiparticle dynamics in epitaxial Al-InAs planar Josephson junctions

  1. Bassel Heiba Elfeky,
  2. William M. Strickland,
  3. Jaewoo Lee,
  4. James T. Farmer,
  5. Sadman Shanto,
  6. Azarin Zarassi,
  7. Dylan Langone,
  8. Maxim G. Vavilov,
  9. Eli M. Levenson-Falk,
  10. and Javad Shabani
Quasiparticle (QP) effects play a significant role in the coherence and fidelity of superconducting quantum circuits. The Andreev bound states of high transparency Josephson junctions
can act as low-energy traps for QPs, providing a mechanism for studying the dynamics and properties of both the QPs and the junction. We study the trapping and clearing of QPs from the Andreev bound states of epitaxial Al-InAs Josephson junctions incorporated in a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) galvanically shorting a superconducting resonator to ground. We use a neighboring voltage-biased Josephson junction to inject QPs into the circuit. Upon the injection of QPs, we show that we can trap and clear QPs when the SQUID is flux-biased. We examine effects of the microwave loss associated with bulk QP transport in the resonator, QP-related dissipation in the junction, and QP poisoning events. By monitoring the QP trapping and clearing in time, we study the dynamics of these processes and find a time-scale of few microseconds that is consistent with electron-phonon relaxation in our system and correlated QP trapping and clearing mechanisms. Our results highlight the QP trapping and clearing dynamics as well as the associated time-scales in high transparency Josephson junctions based fabricated on Al-InAs heterostructures.

Flip-Chip Packaging of Fluxonium Qubits

  1. Aaron Somoroff,
  2. Patrick Truitt,
  3. Adam Weis,
  4. Jacob Bernhardt,
  5. Daniel Yohannes,
  6. Jason Walter,
  7. Konstantin Kalashnikov,
  8. Raymond A. Mencia,
  9. Igor V. Vernik,
  10. Oleg Mukhanov,
  11. Maxim G. Vavilov,
  12. and Vladimir E. Manucharyan
The strong anharmonicity and high coherence times inherent to fluxonium superconducting circuits are beneficial for implementing quantum information processors. In addition to requiring
high-quality physical qubits, a quantum processor needs to be assembled in a manner that reduces crosstalk and decoherence. In this letter, we report work on fluxonium qubits packaged in a flip-chip architecture. Here, the fluxonium qubits are embedded in a multi-chip module (MCM), where a classical control and readout chip is bump-bonded to the quantum chip. The modular approach allows for improved connectivity between qubits and control/readout elements, and separate fabrication processes. We demonstrate that this configuration does not degrade the fluxonium qubit performance, and identify the main decoherence mechanisms to improve on the reported results.

Controlled-NOT gates for fluxonium qubits via selective darkening of transitions

  1. Konstantin N. Nesterov,
  2. Chen Wang,
  3. Vladimir E. Manucharyan,
  4. and Maxim G. Vavilov
We analyze the cross-resonance effect for fluxonium circuits and investigate a two-qubit gate scheme based on selective darkening of a transition. In this approach, two microwave pulses
at the frequency of the target qubit are applied simultaneously with a proper ratio between their amplitudes to achieve a controlled-NOT operation. We study in detail coherent gate dynamics and calculate gate error. With nonunitary effects accounted for, we demonstrate that gate error below 10−4 is possible for realistic hardware parameters. This number is facilitated by long coherence times of computational transitions and strong anharmonicity of fluxoniums, which easily prevents excitation to higher excited states during the gate microwave drive.

Fast Flux Entangling Gate for Fluxonium Circuits

  1. Yinqi Chen,
  2. Konstantin N. Nesterov,
  3. Vladimir E. Manucharyan,
  4. and Maxim G. Vavilov
We analyze a high-fidelity two-qubit gate using fast flux pulses on superconducting fluxonium qubits. The gate is realized by temporarily detuning magnetic flux through fluxonium loop
away from the half flux quantum sweet spot. We simulate dynamics of two capacitively coupled fluxoniums during the flux pulses and optimize the pulse parameters to obtain a highly accurate iswap‾‾‾‾‾‾√-like entangling gate. We also evaluate the effect of the flux noise and qubit relaxation on the gate fidelity. Our results demonstrate that the gate error remains below 10−4 for currently achievable magnitude of the flux noise and qubit relaxation time.

Arbitrary controlled-phase gate on fluxonium qubits using differential ac-Stark shifts

  1. Haonan Xiong,
  2. Quentin Ficheux,
  3. Aaron Somoroff,
  4. Long B. Nguyen,
  5. Ebru Dogan,
  6. Dario Rosenstock,
  7. Chen Wang,
  8. Konstantin N. Nesterov,
  9. Maxim G. Vavilov,
  10. and Vladimir E. Manucharyan
Large scale quantum computing motivates the invention of two-qubit gate schemes that not only maximize the gate fidelity but also draw minimal resources. In the case of superconducting
qubits, the weak anharmonicity of transmons imposes profound constraints on the gate design, leading to increased complexity of devices and control protocols. Here we demonstrate a resource-efficient control over the interaction of strongly-anharmonic fluxonium qubits. Namely, applying an off-resonant drive to non-computational transitions in a pair of capacitively-coupled fluxoniums induces a ZZ-interaction due to unequal ac-Stark shifts of the computational levels. With a continuous choice of frequency and amplitude, the drive can either cancel the static ZZ-term or increase it by an order of magnitude to enable a controlled-phase (CP) gate with an arbitrary programmed phase shift. The cross-entropy benchmarking of these non-Clifford operations yields a sub 1% error, limited solely by incoherent processes. Our result demonstrates the advantages of strongly-anharmonic circuits over transmons in designing the next generation of quantum processors.

Proposal for entangling gates on fluxonium qubits via a two-photon transition

  1. Konstantin N. Nesterov,
  2. Quentin Ficheux,
  3. Vladimir E. Manucharyan,
  4. and Maxim G. Vavilov
We propose a family of microwave-activated entangling gates on two capacitively coupled fluxonium qubits. A microwave pulse applied to either qubit at a frequency near the half-frequency
of the |00⟩−|11⟩ transition induces two-photon Rabi oscillations with a negligible leakage outside the computational subspace, owing to the strong anharmonicity of fluxoniums. By adjusting the drive frequency, amplitude, and duration, we obtain the gate family that is locally equivalent to the fermionic-simulation gates such as SWAP−−−−−−√-like and controlled-phase gates. The gate error can be tuned below 10−4 for a pulse duration under 100 ns without excessive circuit parameter matching. Given that the fluxonium coherence time can exceed 1 ms, our gate scheme is promising for large-scale quantum processors.

Fast logic with slow qubits: microwave-activated controlled-Z gate on low-frequency fluxoniums

  1. Quentin Ficheux,
  2. Long B. Nguyen,
  3. Aaron Somoroff,
  4. Haonan Xiong,
  5. Konstantin N. Nesterov,
  6. Maxim G. Vavilov,
  7. and Vladimir E. Manucharyan
We demonstrate a controlled-Z gate between capacitively coupled fluxonium qubits with transition frequencies 72.3 MHz and 136.3 MHz. The gate is activated by a 61.6 ns long pulse at
the frequency between non-computational transitions |10⟩−|20⟩ and |11⟩−|21⟩, during which the qubits complete only 4 and 8 Larmor periods, respectively. The measured gate error of (8±1)×10−3 is limited by decoherence in the non-computational subspace, which will likely improve in the next generation devices. Although our qubits are about fifty times slower than transmons, the two-qubit gate is faster than microwave-activated gates on transmons, and the gate error is on par with the lowest reported. Architectural advantages of low-frequency fluxoniums include long qubit coherence time, weak hybridization in the computational subspace, suppressed residual ZZ-coupling rate (here 46 kHz), and absence of either excessive parameter matching or complex pulse shaping requirements.

Counting statistics of microwave photons in circuit QED

  1. Konstantin N. Nesterov,
  2. Ivan V. Pechenezhskiy,
  3. and Maxim G. Vavilov
In superconducting circuit architectures for quantum computing, microwave resonators are often used both to isolate qubits from the electromagnetic environment and to facilitate qubit
state readout. We analyze the full counting statistics of photons emitted from such driven readout resonators both in and beyond the dispersive approximation. We calculate the overlap between emitted-photon distributions for the two qubit states and explore strategies for its minimization with the purpose of increasing fidelity of intensity-sensitive readout techniques. In the dispersive approximation and at negligible qubit relaxation, both distributions are Poissonian, and the overlap between them can be easily made arbitrarily small. Nondispersive terms of the Hamiltonian generate squeezing and the Purcell decay with the latter effect giving the dominant contribution to the overlap between two distributions.