Experimental demonstration of continuous quantum error correction

  1. William P. Livingston,
  2. Machiel S. Blok,
  3. Emmanuel Flurin,
  4. Justin Dressel,
  5. Andrew N. Jordan,
  6. and Irfan Siddiqi
The storage and processing of quantum information are susceptible to external noise, resulting in computational errors that are inherently continuous A powerful method to suppress these
effects is to use quantum error correction. Typically, quantum error correction is executed in discrete rounds where errors are digitized and detected by projective multi-qubit parity measurements. These stabilizer measurements are traditionally realized with entangling gates and projective measurement on ancillary qubits to complete a round of error correction. However, their gate structure makes them vulnerable to errors occurring at specific times in the code and errors on the ancilla qubits. Here we use direct parity measurements to implement a continuous quantum bit-flip correction code in a resource-efficient manner, eliminating entangling gates, ancilla qubits, and their associated errors. The continuous measurements are monitored by an FPGA controller that actively corrects errors as they are detected. Using this method, we achieve an average bit-flip detection efficiency of up to 91%. Furthermore, we use the protocol to increase the relaxation time of the protected logical qubit by a factor of 2.7 over the relaxation times of the bare comprising qubits. Our results showcase resource-efficient stabilizer measurements in a multi-qubit architecture and demonstrate how continuous error correction codes can address challenges in realizing a fault-tolerant system.

Robust determination of molecular spectra on a quantum processor

  1. James I. Colless,
  2. Vinay V. Ramasesh,
  3. Dar Dahlen,
  4. Machiel S. Blok,
  5. Jarrod R. McClean,
  6. Jonathan Carter,
  7. Wibe A. de Jong,
  8. and Irfan Siddiqi
Harnessing the full power of nascent quantum processors requires the efficient management of a limited number of quantum bits with finite lifetime. Hybrid algorithms leveraging classical
resources have demonstrated promising initial results in the efficient calculation of Hamiltonian ground states–an important eigenvalue problem in the physical sciences that is often classically intractable. In these protocols, a Hamiltonian is parsed and evaluated term-wise with a shallow quantum circuit, and the resulting energy minimized using classical resources. This reduces the number of consecutive logical operations that must be performed on the quantum hardware before the onset of decoherence. We demonstrate a complete implementation of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE), augmented with a novel Quantum Subspace Expansion, to calculate the complete energy spectrum of the H2 molecule with near chemical accuracy. The QSE also enables the mitigation of incoherent errors, potentially allowing the implementation of larger-scale algorithms without complex quantum error correction techniques.