Encoding a qubit in a high quality superconducting microwave cavity offers the opportunity to perform the first layer of error correction in a single device, but presents a challenge:how can quantum oscillators be controlled while introducing a minimal number of additional error channels? We focus on the two-qubit portion of this control problem by using a 3-wave mixing coupling element to engineer a programmable beamsplitter interaction between two bosonic modes separated by more than an octave in frequency, without introducing major additional sources of decoherence. Combining this with single-oscillator control provided by a dispersively coupled transmon provides a framework for quantum control of multiple encoded qubits. The beamsplitter interaction gbs is fast relative to the timescale of oscillator decoherence, enabling over 103 beamsplitter operations per coherence time, and approaching the typical rate of the dispersive coupling χ used for individual oscillator control. Further, the programmable coupling is engineered without adding unwanted interactions between the oscillators, as evidenced by the high on-off ratio of the operations, which can exceed 105. We then introduce a new protocol to realize a hybrid controlled-SWAP operation in the regime gbs≈χ, in which a transmon provides the control bit for the SWAP of two bosonic modes. Finally, we use this gate in a SWAP test to project a pair of bosonic qubits into a Bell state with measurement-corrected fidelity of 95.5%±0.2%.
Bosonic quantum error correction has proven to be a successful approach for extending the coherence of quantum memories, but to execute deep quantum circuits, high-fidelity gates betweenencoded qubits are needed. To that end, we present a family of error-detectable two-qubit gates for a variety of bosonic encodings. From a new geometric framework based on a „Bloch sphere“ of bosonic operators, we construct ZZL(θ) and eSWAP(θ) gates for the binomial, 4-legged cat, dual-rail and several other bosonic codes. The gate Hamiltonian is simple to engineer, requiring only a programmable beamsplitter between two bosonic qubits and an ancilla dispersively coupled to one qubit. This Hamiltonian can be realized in circuit QED hardware with ancilla transmons and microwave cavities. The proposed theoretical framework was developed for circuit QED but is generalizable to any platform that can effectively generate this Hamiltonian. Crucially, one can also detect first-order errors in the ancilla and the bosonic qubits during the gates. We show that this allows one to reach error-detected gate fidelities at the 10−4 level with today’s hardware, limited only by second-order hardware errors.
Dielectric loss is known to limit state-of-the-art superconducting qubit lifetimes. Recent experiments imply upper bounds on bulk dielectric loss tangents on the order of 100 parts-per-billion,but because these inferences are drawn from fully fabricated devices with many loss channels, they do not definitively implicate or exonerate the dielectric. To resolve this ambiguity, we have devised a measurement method capable of separating and resolving bulk dielectric loss with a sensitivity at the level of 5 parts-per-billion. The method, which we call the dielectric dipper, involves the in-situ insertion of a dielectric sample into a high-quality microwave cavity mode. Smoothly varying the sample’s participation in the cavity mode enables a differential measurement of the sample’s dielectric loss tangent. The dielectric dipper can probe the low-power behavior of dielectrics at cryogenic temperatures, and does so without the need for any lithographic process, enabling controlled comparisons of substrate materials and processing techniques. We demonstrate the method with measurements of EFG sapphire, from which we infer a bulk loss tangent of 62(7)×10−9 and a substrate-air interface loss tangent of 12(2)×10−4. For a typical transmon, this bulk loss tangent would limit device quality factors to less than 20 million, suggesting that bulk loss is likely the dominant loss mechanism in the longest-lived transmons on sapphire. We also demonstrate this method on HEMEX sapphire and bound its bulk loss tangent to be less than 15(5)×10−9. As this bound is about four times smaller than the bulk loss tangent of EFG sapphire, use of HEMEX sapphire as a substrate would lift the bulk dielectric coherence limit of a typical transmon qubit to several milliseconds.
High-Q microwave cavity modes coupled to transmon ancillas provide a hardware-efficient platform for quantum computing. Due to their coupling, the cavity modes inherit finite nonlinearityfrom the transmons. In this work, we theoretically and experimentally investigate how an off-resonant drive on the transmon ancilla modifies the nonlinearities of cavity modes in qualitatively different ways, depending on the interrelation among cavity-transmon detuning, drive-transmon detuning and transmon anharmonicity. For a cavity-transmon detuning that is smaller than or comparable to the drive-transmon detuning and transmon anharmonicity, the off-resonant transmon drive can induce multiphoton resonances among cavity and transmon excitations that strongly modify cavity nonlinearities as drive parameters vary. For a large cavity-transmon detuning, the drive induces cavity-photon-number-dependent ac Stark shifts of transmon levels that translate into effective cavity nonlinearities. In the regime of a weak transmon-cavity coupling, the cavity Kerr nonlinearity relates to the third-order nonlinear susceptibility function χ(3) of the driven ancilla. This susceptibility function provides a numerically efficient way of computing the cavity Kerr particularly for systems with many cavity modes controlled by a single transmon. It also serves as a diagnostic tool for identifying undesired drive-induced multiphoton resonance processes. Lastly, we show that by judiciously choosing the drive amplitude, a single off-resonant transmon drive can be used to cancel the cavity self-Kerr nonlinearity as well as inter-cavity cross-Kerr. This provides a way of dynamically correcting the cavity Kerr nonlinearity during bosonic operations or quantum error correction protocols that rely on the cavity modes being linear.
Single-photon detectors are ubiquitous and integral components of photonic quantum cryptography, communication, and computation. Many applications, however, require not only detectingthe presence of any photons, but distinguishing the number present with a single shot. Here, we implement a single-shot, high-fidelity photon number-resolving detector of up to 15 microwave photons in a cavity-qubit circuit QED platform. This detector functions by measuring a series of generalized parity operators which make up the bits in the binary decomposition of the photon number. Our protocol consists of successive, independent measurements of each bit by entangling the ancilla with the cavity, then reading out and resetting the ancilla. Photon loss and ancilla readout errors can flip one or more bits, causing nontrivial errors in the outcome, but these errors have a traceable form which can be captured in a simple hidden Markov model. Relying on the independence of each bit measurement, we mitigate biases in the measurement result, showing good agreement with the predictions of the model. The mitigation improves the average total variation distance error of Fock states from 13.5% to 1.3%. We also show that the mitigation is efficiently scalable to an M-mode system provided that the errors are independent and sufficiently small. Our work motivates the development of new algorithms that utilize single-shot, high-fidelity PNR detectors.
The efficient simulation of quantum systems is a primary motivating factor for developing controllable quantum machines. A controllable bosonic machine is naturally suited for simulatingsystems with underlying bosonic structure, exploiting both quantum interference and an intrinsically large Hilbert space. Here, we experimentally realize a bosonic superconducting processor that combines arbitrary state preparation, a complete set of Gaussian operations, plus an essential non-Gaussian resource – a novel single-shot photon number resolving measurement scheme – all in one device. We utilize these controls to simulate the bosonic problem of molecular vibronic spectra, extracting the corresponding Franck-Condon factors for photoelectron processes in H2O, O3, NO2, and SO2. Our results demonstrate the versatile capabilities of the circuit QED platform, which can be extended to include non-Gaussian operations for simulating an even wider class of bosonic systems.