Simultaneous continuous measurement of non-commuting observables: quantum state correlations

  1. Areeya Chantasri,
  2. Juan Atalaya,
  3. Shay Hacohen-Gourgy,
  4. Leigh S. Martin,
  5. Irfan Siddiqi,
  6. and Andrew N. Jordan
We consider the temporal correlations of the quantum state of a qubit subject to simultaneous continuous measurement of two non-commuting qubit observables. Such qubit state correlators
are defined for an ensemble of qubit trajectories, which has the same fixed initial state and can also be optionally constrained by a fixed final state. We develop a stochastic path integral description for the continuous quantum measurement and use it to calculate the considered correlators. Exact analytic results are possible in the case of ideal measurements of equal strength and are also shown to agree with solutions obtained using the Fokker-Planck equation. For a more general case with decoherence effects and inefficiency, we use a diagrammatic approach to find the correlators perturbatively in the quantum efficiency. We also calculate the state correlators for the quantum trajectories which are extracted from readout signals measured in a transmon qubit experiment, by means of the quantum Bayesian state update. We find an excellent agreement between the correlators based on the experimental data and those obtained from our analytical and numerical results.

Incoherent qubit control using the quantum Zeno effect

  1. Shay Hacohen-Gourgy,
  2. Luis Pedro García-Pintos,
  3. Leigh S. Martin,
  4. Justin Dressel,
  5. and Irfan Siddiqi
The quantum Zeno effect is the suppression of Hamiltonian evolution by repeated observation, resulting in the pinning of the state to an eigenstate of the measurement observable. Using
measurement only, control of the state can be achieved if the observable is slowly varied such that the state tracks the now time-dependent eigenstate. We demonstrate this using a circuit-QED readout technique that couples to a dynamically controllable observable of a qubit. Continuous monitoring of the measurement record allows us to detect an escape from the eigenstate, thus serving as a built-in form of error detection. We show this by post-selecting on realizations with arbitrarily high fidelity with respect to the target state. Our dynamical measurement operator technique offers a new tool for numerous forms of quantum feedback protocols, including adaptive measurements and rapid state purification.

Correlators in simultaneous measurement of non-commuting qubit observables

  1. Juan Atalaya,
  2. Shay Hacohen-Gourgy,
  3. Leigh S. Martin,
  4. Irfan Siddiqi,
  5. and Alexander N. Korotkov
We consider the simultaneous and continuous measurement of qubit observables σz and σzcosφ+σxsinφ, focusing on the temporal correlations of the two output signals. Using quantum
Bayesian theory, we derive analytical expressions for the correlators, which we find to be in very good agreement with experimentally measured output signals. We further discuss how the correlators can be applied to parameter estimation, and use them to infer a small residual qubit Hamiltonian arising from calibration inaccuracy in the experimental data.

Observing Topological Invariants Using Quantum Walk in Superconducting Circuits

  1. Emmanuel Flurin,
  2. Vinay V. Ramasesh,
  3. Shay Hacohen-Gourgy,
  4. Leigh S. Martin,
  5. Norman Y. Yao,
  6. and Irfan Siddiqi
The direct measurement of topological invariants in both engineered and naturally occurring quantum materials is a key step in classifying quantum phases of matter. Here we motivate
a toolbox based on time-dependent quantum walks as a method to digitally simulate single-particle topological band structures. Using a superconducting qubit dispersively coupled to a microwave cavity, we implement two classes of split-step quantum walks and directly measure the topological invariant (winding number) associated with each. The measurement relies upon interference between two components of a cavity Schr\“odinger cat state and highlights a novel refocusing technique which allows for the direct implementation of a digital version of Bloch oscillations. Our scheme can readily be extended to higher dimensions, whereby quantum walk-based simulations can probe topological phases ranging from the quantum spin Hall effect to the Hopf insulator.

Direct Probe of Topological Invariants Using Bloch Oscillating Quantum Walks

  1. Vinay V. Ramasesh,
  2. Emmanuel Flurin,
  3. Mark S. Rudner,
  4. Irfan Siddiqi,
  5. and Norman Y. Yao
The topology of a single-particle band structure plays a fundamental role in understanding a multitude of physical phenomena. Motivated by the connection between quantum walks and such
topological band structures, we demonstrate that a simple time-dependent, Bloch-oscillating quantum walk enables the direct measurement of topological invariants. We consider two classes of one-dimensional quantum walks and connect the global phase imprinted on the walker with its refocusing behavior. By disentangling the dynamical and geometric contributions to this phase we describe a general strategy to measure the topological invariant in these quantum walks. As an example, we propose an experimental protocol in a circuit QED architecture where a superconducting transmon qubit plays the role of the coin, while the quantum walk takes place in the phase space of a cavity.

Dynamics of simultaneously measured non-commuting observables

  1. Shay Hacohen-Gourgy,
  2. Leigh S. Martin,
  3. Emmanuel Flurin,
  4. Vinay V. Ramasesh,
  5. K. Birgitta Whaley,
  6. and Irfan Siddiqi
In quantum mechanics, measurement restores a classical notion of reality via collapse of the wavefunction, which yields a precisely defined outcome. On the other hand, the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle dictates that incompatible observables, such as position and momentum, cannot both take on arbitrarily precise values. But how does a wavefunction evolve when two such quantities are probed simultaneously, and how does the uncertainty principle dynamically inhibit precise measurement outcomes? To realize this unexplored regime, we simultaneously apply two continuous quantum non-demolition probes of non-commuting observables on a superconducting qubit. We achieve this capability by developing a novel measurement scheme that allows us to control the axes of multiple readout channels. We show that the uncertainty principle directly governs the dynamics of the state, and consequently standard wavefunction collapse is replaced by a persistent diffusion that exhibits several distinct regimes. Although evolution of the state now differs drastically from that of a conventional measurement, information about both non-commuting observables is extracted by keeping track of the time ordering of the measurement record, enabling quantum state tomography without alternating measurements. Our work creates new capabilities for quantum control, including rapid state purification, adaptive measurement, measurement-based state steering and continuous quantum error correction. As physical quantum systems interact with their environments via non-commuting degrees of freedom, our work offers a new, more natural approach to experimentally study contemporary quantum foundations.

Optimization of infrared and magnetic shielding of superconducting TiN and Al coplanar microwave resonators

  1. John Mark Kreikebaum,
  2. Allison Dove,
  3. William Livingston,
  4. Eunseong Kim,
  5. and Irfan Siddiqi
We present a systematic study of the effects of shielding on the internal quality factors (Qi) of Al and TiN microwave resonators designed for use in quantum coherent circuits. Measurements
were performed in an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator, where typical magnetic fields of 200 {\mu}T are present at the unshielded sample stage. Radiation shielding consisted of 100 mK and 500 mK Cu cans coated with infrared absorbing epoxy. Magnetic shields consisted of Cryoperm 10 and Sn plating of the Cu cans. A 2.7 K radiation can and coaxial thermalization filters were present in all measurements. TiN samples with Qi = 1.3∗106 at 100 mK exhibited no significant variation in quality factor when tested with limited shielding. In contrast, Al resonators showed improved Qi with successive shielding, with the largest gains obtained from the addition of the first radiation and magnetic shields and saturating before the addition of Sn plating infrared absorbing epoxy.

Quantum trajectories and their statistics for remotely entangled quantum bits

  1. Areeya Chantasri,
  2. Mollie E. Kimchi-Schwartz,
  3. Nicolas Roch,
  4. Irfan Siddiqi,
  5. and Andrew N. Jordan
We experimentally and theoretically investigate the quantum trajectories of jointly monitored transmon qubits embedded in spatially separated microwave cavities. Using nearly quantum-noise
limited superconducting amplifiers and an optimized setup to reduce signal loss between cavities, we can efficiently track measurement-induced entanglement generation as a continuous process for single realizations of the experiment. The quantum trajectories of transmon qubits naturally split into low and high entanglement classes corresponding to half-parity collapse. The distribution of concurrence is found at any given time and we explore the dynamics of entanglement creation in the state space. The distribution exhibits a sharp cut-off in the high concurrence limit, defining a maximal concurrence boundary. The most likely paths of the qubits‘ trajectories are also investigated, resulting in three probable paths, gradually projecting the system to two even subspaces and an odd subspace. We also investigate the most likely time for the individual trajectories to reach their most entangled state, and find that there are two solutions for the local maximum, corresponding to the low and high entanglement routes. The theoretical predictions show excellent agreement with the experimental entangled qubit trajectory data.

Cooling and Autonomous Feedback in a Bose-Hubbard chain

  1. Shay Hacohen-Gourgy,
  2. Vinay Ramasesh,
  3. Claudia De Grandi,
  4. Irfan Siddiqi,
  5. and Steve M. Girvin
We engineer a quantum bath that enables entropy and energy exchange with a one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard lattice with attractive on-site interactions. We implement this in an array of
three superconducting transmon qubits coupled to a single cavity mode; the transmons represent lattice sites and their excitation quanta embody bosonic particles. Our cooling protocol preserves particle number–realizing a canonical ensemble– and also affords the efficient preparation of dark states which, due to symmetry, cannot be prepared via coherent drives on the cavity. Furthermore, by applying continuous microwave radiation, we also realize autonomous feedback to indefinitely stabilize particular eigenstates of the array.

Observation of measurement-induced entanglement and quantum trajectories of remote superconducting qubits

  1. Nicolas Roch,
  2. Mollie E. Schwartz,
  3. Felix Motzoi,
  4. Christopher Macklin,
  5. Rajamani Vijay,
  6. Andrew W. Eddins,
  7. Alexander N. Korotkov,
  8. K. Birgitta Whaley,
  9. Mohan Sarovar,
  10. and Irfan Siddiqi
The creation of a quantum network requires the distribution of coherent information across macroscopic distances. We demonstrate the entanglement of two superconducting qubits, separated
by more than a meter of coaxial cable, by designing a joint measurement that probabilistically projects onto an entangled state. By using a continuous measurement scheme, we are further able to observe single quantum trajectories of the joint two-qubit state, confirming the validity of the quantum Bayesian formalism for a cascaded system. Our results allow us to resolve the dynamics of continuous projection onto the entangled manifold, in quantitative agreement with theory.