Simulating nonlinear optical processes on a superconducting quantum device

  1. Yuan Shi,
  2. Bram Evert,
  3. Amy F. Brown,
  4. Vinay Tripathi,
  5. Eyob A. Sete,
  6. Vasily Geyko,
  7. Yujin Cho,
  8. Jonathan L DuBois,
  9. Daniel Lidar,
  10. Ilon Joseph,
  11. and Matt Reagor
Simulating plasma physics on quantum computers is difficult, because most problems of interest are nonlinear, but quantum computers are not naturally suitable for nonlinear operations.
In weakly nonlinear regimes, plasma problems can be modeled as wave-wave interactions. In this paper, we develop a quantization approach to convert nonlinear wave-wave interaction problems to Hamiltonian simulation problems. We demonstrate our approach using two qubits on a superconducting device. Unlike a photonic device, a superconducting device does not naturally have the desired interactions in its native Hamiltonian. Nevertheless, Hamiltonian simulations can still be performed by decomposing required unitary operations into native gates. To improve experimental results, we employ a range of error mitigation techniques. Apart from readout error mitigation, we use randomized compilation to transform undiagnosed coherent errors into well-behaved stochastic Pauli channels. Moreover, to compensate for stochastic noise, we rescale exponentially decaying probability amplitudes using rates measured from cycle benchmarking. We carefully consider how different choices of product-formula algorithms affect the overall error and show how a trade-off can be made to best utilize limited quantum resources. This study provides a point example of how plasma problems may be solved on near-term quantum computing platforms.

Error budget of parametric resonance entangling gate with a tunable coupler

  1. Eyob A. Sete,
  2. Vinay Tripathi,
  3. Joseph A. Valery,
  4. Daniel Lidar,
  5. and Josh Y. Mutus
We analyze the experimental error budget of parametric resonance gates in a tunable coupler architecture. We identify and characterize various sources of errors, including incoherent,
leakage, amplitude, and phase errors. By varying the two-qubit gate time, we explore the dynamics of these errors and their impact on the gate fidelity. To accurately capture the impact of incoherent errors on gate fidelity, we measure the coherence times of qubits under gate operating conditions. Our findings reveal that the incoherent errors, mainly arising from qubit relaxation and dephasing due to white noise, limit the fidelity of the two-qubit gates. Moreover, we demonstrate that leakage to noncomputational states is the second largest contributor to the two-qubit gates infidelity, as characterized using leakage-randomized benchmarking. The error budgeting methodology we developed here can be effectively applied to other types of gate implementations.

Predicting non-Markovian superconducting qubit dynamics from tomographic reconstruction

  1. Haimeng Zhang,
  2. Bibek Pokharel,
  3. E.M. Levenson-Falk,
  4. and Daniel Lidar
Non-Markovian noise presents a particularly relevant challenge in understanding and combating decoherence in quantum computers, yet is challenging to capture in terms of simple models.
Here we show that a simple phenomenological dynamical model known as the post-Markovian master equation (PMME) accurately captures and predicts non-Markovian noise in a superconducting qubit system. The PMME is constructed using experimentally measured state dynamics of an IBM Quantum Experience cloud-based quantum processor, and the model thus constructed successfully predicts the non-Markovian dynamics observed in later experiments. The model also allows the extraction of information about cross-talk and measures of non-Markovianity. We demonstrate definitively that the PMME model predicts subsequent dynamics of the processor better than the standard Markovian master equation.

Fast, Lifetime-Preserving Readout for High-Coherence Quantum Annealers

  1. Jeffrey A. Grover,
  2. James I. Basham,
  3. Alexander Marakov,
  4. Steven M. Disseler,
  5. Robert T. Hinkey,
  6. Moe Khalil,
  7. Zachary A. Stegen,
  8. Thomas Chamberlin,
  9. Wade DeGottardi,
  10. David J. Clarke,
  11. James R. Medford,
  12. Joel D. Strand,
  13. Micah J. A. Stoutimore,
  14. Sergey Novikov,
  15. David G. Ferguson,
  16. Daniel Lidar,
  17. Kenneth M. Zick,
  18. and Anthony J. Przybysz
We demonstrate, for the first time, that a quantum flux parametron (QFP) is capable of acting as both isolator and amplifier in the readout circuit of a capacitively shunted flux qubit
(CSFQ). By treating the QFP like a tunable coupler and biasing it such that the coupling is off, we show that T1 of the CSFQ is not impacted by Purcell loss from its low-Q readout resonator (Qe=760) despite being detuned by only 40 MHz. When annealed, the QFP amplifies the qubit’s persistent current signal such that it generates a flux qubit-state-dependent frequency shift of 85 MHz in the readout resonator, which is over 9 times its linewidth. The device is shown to read out a flux qubit in the persistent current basis with fidelities surpassing 98.6% with only 80 ns integration, and reaches fidelities of 99.6% when integrated for 1 μs. This combination of speed and isolation is critical to the readout of high-coherence quantum annealers.

Demonstration of fidelity improvement using dynamical decoupling with superconducting qubits

  1. Bibek Pokharel,
  2. Namit Anand,
  3. Benjamin Fortman,
  4. and Daniel Lidar
Quantum computers must be able to function in the presence of decoherence. The simplest strategy for decoherence reduction is dynamical decoupling (DD), which requires no encoding overhead
and works by converting quantum gates into decoupling pulses. Here, using the IBM and Rigetti platforms, we demonstrate that the DD method is suitable for implementation in today’s relatively noisy and small-scale cloud based quantum computers. Using DD, we achieve substantial fidelity gains relative to unprotected, free evolution of individual superconducting transmon qubits. To a lesser degree, DD is also capable of protecting entangled two-qubit states. We show that dephasing and spontaneous emission errors are dominant in these systems, and that different DD sequences are capable of mitigating both effects. Unlike previous work demonstrating the use of quantum error correcting codes on the same platforms, we make no use of post-selection and hence report unconditional fidelity improvements against natural decoherence.