Error budget of parametric resonance entangling gate with a tunable coupler

  1. Eyob A. Sete,
  2. Vinay Tripathi,
  3. Joseph A. Valery,
  4. Daniel Lidar,
  5. and Josh Y. Mutus
We analyze the experimental error budget of parametric resonance gates in a tunable coupler architecture. We identify and characterize various sources of errors, including incoherent, leakage, amplitude, and phase errors. By varying the two-qubit gate time, we explore the dynamics of these errors and their impact on the gate fidelity. To accurately capture the impact of incoherent errors on gate fidelity, we measure the coherence times of qubits under gate operating conditions. Our findings reveal that the incoherent errors, mainly arising from qubit relaxation and dephasing due to white noise, limit the fidelity of the two-qubit gates. Moreover, we demonstrate that leakage to noncomputational states is the second largest contributor to the two-qubit gates infidelity, as characterized using leakage-randomized benchmarking. The error budgeting methodology we developed here can be effectively applied to other types of gate implementations.

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