Compact Itinerant Microwave Photonics with Superconducting High-Kinetic Inductance Microstrips

  1. Samuel Goldstein,
  2. Guy Pardo,
  3. Naftali Kirsh,
  4. Niklas Gaiser,
  5. Ciprian Padurariu,
  6. Björn Kubala,
  7. Joachim Ankerhold,
  8. and Nadav Katz
Microwave photonics is a remarkably powerful system for quantum simulation and technologies, but its integration in superconducting circuits, superior in many aspects, is constrained
by the long wavelengths and impedance mismatches in this platform. We introduce a solution to these difficulties via compact networks of high-kinetic inductance microstrip waveguides and coupling wires with strongly reduced phase velocities. We demonstrate broadband capabilities for superconducting microwave photonics in terms of routing, emulation and generalized linear and nonlinear networks.

Injection locking and synchronization in Josephson photonics devices

  1. Lukas Danner,
  2. Ciprian Padurariu,
  3. Joachim Ankerhold,
  4. and Björn Kubala
Injection locking can stabilize a source of radiation, leading to an efficient suppression of noise-induced spectral broadening and therefore, to a narrow spectrum. The technique is
well established in laser physics, where a phenomenological description due to Adler is usually sufficient. Recently, locking experiments were performed in Josephson photonics devices, where microwave radiation is created by inelastic Cooper pair tunneling across a dc-biased Josephson junction connected in-series with a microwave resonator. An in-depth theory of locking for such devices, accounting for the Josephson non-linearity and the specific engineered environments, is lacking. Here, we study injection locking in a typical Josephson photonics device where the environment consists of a single mode cavity, operated in the classical regime. We show that an in-series resistance, however small, is an important ingredient in describing self-sustained Josephson oscillations and enables the locking region. We derive a dynamical equation describing locking, similar to an Adler equation, from the specific circuit equations. The effect of noise on the locked Josephson phase is described in terms of phase slips in a modified washboard potential. For weak noise, the spectral broadening is reduced exponentially with the injection signal. When this signal is provided from a second Josephson device, the two devices synchronize. In the linearized limit, we recover the Kuramoto model of synchronized oscillators. The picture of classical phase slips established here suggests a natural extension towards a theory of locking in the quantum regime.

Generating Entangled Quantum Microwaves in a Josephson-Photonics Device

  1. Simon Dambach,
  2. Björn Kubala,
  3. and Joachim Ankerhold
When connecting a voltage-biased Josephson junction in series to several microwave cavities, a Cooper-pair current across the junction gives rise to a continuous emission of strongly
correlated photons into the cavity modes. Tuning the bias voltage to the resonance where a single Cooper pair provides the energy to create an additional photon in each of the cavities, we demonstrate the entangling nature of these creation processes by simple witnesses in terms of experimentally accessible observables. To characterize the entanglement properties of the such created quantum states of light to the fullest possible extent, we then proceed to more elaborate entanglement criteria based on the knowledge of the full density matrix and provide a detailed study of bi- and multipartite entanglement. In particular, we illustrate how simple changes of experimental parameters allow to access a wide variety of entangled states differing, e.g., in the number of entangled parties or the dimension of state space. Such devices, besides their promising potential to act as a highly versatile source of entangled quantum microwaves, may thus represent an excellent natural testbed for classification and quantification schemes developed in quantum information theory.

Josephson photonics with a two-mode superconducting circuit

  1. A. D. Armour,
  2. Björn Kubala,
  3. and Joachim Ankerhold
We analyze the quantum dynamics of two electromagnetic oscillators coupled in series to a voltage biased Josephson junction. When the applied voltage leads to a Josephson frequency
across the junction which matches the sum of the two mode frequencies, tunneling Cooper pairs excite photons in both modes simultaneously leading to far-from-equilibrium states. These states display highly non-classical features including strong anti-bunching, violation of Cauchy-Schwartz inequalities, and number squeezing. The regimes of low and high photon occupancies allow for analytical results which are supported by a full numerical treatment. The impact of asymmetries between the two modes is explored, revealing a pronounced enhancement of number squeezing when the modes are damped at different rates.