Compact Itinerant Microwave Photonics with Superconducting High-Kinetic Inductance Microstrips

  1. Samuel Goldstein,
  2. Guy Pardo,
  3. Naftali Kirsh,
  4. Niklas Gaiser,
  5. Ciprian Padurariu,
  6. Björn Kubala,
  7. Joachim Ankerhold,
  8. and Nadav Katz
Microwave photonics is a remarkably powerful system for quantum simulation and technologies, but its integration in superconducting circuits, superior in many aspects, is constrained by the long wavelengths and impedance mismatches in this platform. We introduce a solution to these difficulties via compact networks of high-kinetic inductance microstrip waveguides and coupling wires with strongly reduced phase velocities. We demonstrate broadband capabilities for superconducting microwave photonics in terms of routing, emulation and generalized linear and nonlinear networks.

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