Experimental demonstration of fault-tolerant state preparation with superconducting qubits

  1. Maika Takita,
  2. Andrew W. Cross,
  3. A. D. Córcoles,
  4. Jerry M. Chow,
  5. and Jay M. Gambetta
Robust quantum computation requires encoding delicate quantum information into degrees of freedom that are hard for the environment to change. Quantum encodings have been demonstrated
in many physical systems by observing and correcting storage errors, but applications require not just storing information; we must accurately compute even with faulty operations. The theory of fault-tolerant quantum computing illuminates a way forward by providing a foundation and collection of techniques for limiting the spread of errors. Here we implement one of the smallest quantum codes in a five-qubit superconducting transmon device and demonstrate fault-tolerant state preparation. We characterize the resulting codewords through quantum process tomography and study the free evolution of the logical observables. Our results are consistent with fault-tolerant state preparation in a protected qubit subspace.

Demonstration of quantum advantage in machine learning

  1. D. Ristè,
  2. Marcus P. da Silva,
  3. Colm A. Ryan,
  4. Andrew W. Cross,
  5. John A. Smolin,
  6. Jay M. Gambetta,
  7. Jerry M. Chow,
  8. and Blake R. Johnson
The main promise of quantum computing is to efficiently solve certain problems that are prohibitively expensive for a classical computer. Most problems with a proven quantum advantage
involve the repeated use of a black box, or oracle, whose structure encodes the solution. One measure of the algorithmic performance is the query complexity, i.e., the scaling of the number of oracle calls needed to find the solution with a given probability. Few-qubit demonstrations of quantum algorithms, such as Deutsch-Jozsa and Grover, have been implemented across diverse physical systems such as nuclear magnetic resonance, trapped ions, optical systems, and superconducting circuits. However, at the small scale, these problems can already be solved classically with a few oracle queries, and the attainable quantum advantage is modest. Here we solve an oracle-based problem, known as learning parity with noise, using a five-qubit superconducting processor. Running classical and quantum algorithms on the same oracle, we observe a large gap in query count in favor of quantum processing. We find that this gap grows by orders of magnitude as a function of the error rates and the problem size. This result demonstrates that, while complex fault-tolerant architectures will be required for universal quantum computing, a quantum advantage already emerges in existing noisy systems

Optimized pulse shapes for a resonator-induced phase gate

  1. Andrew W. Cross,
  2. and Jay M. Gambetta
The resonator-induced phase gate is a multi-qubit controlled-phase gate for fixed-frequency superconducting qubits. Through off-resonant driving of a bus resonator, statically coupled
qubits acquire a state-dependent phase. However, photon loss leads to dephasing during the gate, and any residual entanglement between the resonator and qubits after the gate leads to decoherence. Here we consider how to shape the drive pulse to minimize these unwanted effects. First, we review how the gate’s entangling and dephasing rates depend on the system parameters and validate closed-form solutions against direct numerical solution of a master equation. Next, we propose spline pulse shapes that reduce residual qubit-bus entanglement, are robust to imprecise knowledge of the resonator shift, and can be shortened by using higher-degree polynomials. Finally, we present a procedure that optimizes over the subspace of pulses that leave the resonator unpopulated. This finds shaped drive pulses that further reduce the gate duration. Assuming realistic parameters, we exhibit shaped pulses that have the potential to realize ~212 ns spline pulse gates and ~120 ns optimized gates with ~6e-4 average gate infidelity. These examples do not represent fundamental limits of the gate and in principle even shorter gates may be achievable.

Leakage Suppression in the Toric Code

  1. Martin Suchara,
  2. Andrew W. Cross,
  3. and Jay M. Gambetta
Quantum codes excel at correcting local noise but fail to correct leakage faults that excite qubits to states outside the computational space. Aliferis and Terhal have shown that an
accuracy threshold exists for leakage faults using gadgets called leakage reduction units (LRUs). However, these gadgets reduce the accuracy threshold and can increase overhead and experimental complexity, and these costs have not been thoroughly understood. Our work explores a variety of techniques for leakage-resilient, fault-tolerant error correction in the context of topological codes. Our contributions are threefold. First, we develop a leakage model that differs in critical details from earlier models. Second, we use Monte-Carlo simulations to survey several syndrome extraction circuits. Third, given the capability to perform three-outcome measurements, we present a dramatically improved syndrome processing algorithm. Our simulation results show that simple circuits with one extra CNOT per qubit and no additional ancillas reduce the accuracy threshold by less than a factor of 4 when leakage and depolarizing noise rates are comparable. This becomes a factor of 2 when the decoder uses 3-outcome measurements. Finally, when the physical error rate is less than 2 x 10^-4, placing LRUs after every gate may achieve the lowest logical error rates of all of the circuits we considered. We expect the closely related planar and rotated codes to exhibit the same accuracy thresholds and that the ideas may generalize naturally to other topological codes.

Detecting arbitrary quantum errors via stabilizer measurements on a sublattice of the surface code

  1. A. D. Córcoles,
  2. Easwar Magesan,
  3. Srikanth J. Srinivasan,
  4. Andrew W. Cross,
  5. M. Steffen,
  6. Jay M. Gambetta,
  7. and Jerry M. Chow
To build a fault-tolerant quantum computer, it is necessary to implement a quantum error correcting code. Such codes rely on the ability to extract information about the quantum error
syndrome while not destroying the quantum information encoded in the system. Stabilizer codes are attractive solutions to this problem, as they are analogous to classical linear codes, have simple and easily computed encoding networks, and allow efficient syndrome extraction. In these codes, syndrome extraction is performed via multi-qubit stabilizer measurements, which are bit and phase parity checks up to local operations. Previously, stabilizer codes have been realized in nuclei, trapped-ions, and superconducting qubits. However these implementations lack the ability to perform fault-tolerant syndrome extraction which continues to be a challenge for all physical quantum computing systems. Here we experimentally demonstrate a key step towards this problem by using a two-by-two lattice of superconducting qubits to perform syndrome extraction and arbitrary error detection via simultaneous quantum non-demolition stabilizer measurements. This lattice represents a primitive tile for the surface code, which is a promising stabilizer code for scalable quantum computing. Furthermore, we successfully show the preservation of an entangled state in the presence of an arbitrary applied error through high-fidelity syndrome measurement. Our results bolster the promise of employing lattices of superconducting qubits for larger-scale fault-tolerant quantum computing.

Implementing a strand of a scalable fault-tolerant quantum computing fabric

  1. Jerry M. Chow,
  2. Jay M. Gambetta,
  3. Easwar Magesan,
  4. Srikanth J. Srinivasan,
  5. Andrew W. Cross,
  6. David W. Abraham,
  7. Nicholas A. Masluk,
  8. B. R. Johnson,
  9. Colm A. Ryan,
  10. and M. Steffen
Quantum error correction (QEC) is an essential step towards realising scalable quantum computers. Theoretically, it is possible to achieve arbitrarily long protection of quantum information
from corruption due to decoherence or imperfect controls, so long as the error rate is below a threshold value. The two-dimensional surface code (SC) is a fault-tolerant error correction protocol} that has garnered considerable attention for actual physical implementations, due to relatively high error thresholds ~1%, and restriction to planar lattices with nearest-neighbour interactions. Here we show a necessary element for SC error correction: high-fidelity parity detection of two code qubits via measurement of a third syndrome qubit. The experiment is performed on a sub-section of the SC lattice with three superconducting transmon qubits, in which two independent outer code qubits are joined to a central syndrome qubit via two linking bus resonators. With all-microwave high-fidelity single- and two-qubit nearest-neighbour entangling gates, we demonstrate entanglement distributed across the entire sub-section by generating a three-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state with fidelity ~94%. Then, via high-fidelity measurement of the syndrome qubit, we deterministically entangle the otherwise un-coupled outer code qubits, in either an even or odd parity Bell state, conditioned on the syndrome state. Finally, to fully characterize this parity readout, we develop a new measurement tomography protocol to obtain a fidelity metric (90% and 91%). Our results reveal a straightforward path for expanding superconducting circuits towards larger networks for the SC and eventually a primitive logical qubit implementation.

Microwave-activated conditional-phase gate for superconducting qubits

  1. Jerry M. Chow,
  2. Jay M. Gambetta,
  3. Andrew W. Cross,
  4. Seth T. Merkel,
  5. Chad Rigetti,
  6. and M. Steffen
We introduce a new entangling gate between two fixed-frequency qubits statically coupled via a microwave resonator bus which combines the following desirable qualities: all-microwave
control, appreciable qubit separation for reduction of crosstalk and leakage errors, and the ability to function as a two-qubit conditional-phase gate. A fixed, always-on interaction is explicitly designed between higher energy (non-computational) states of two transmon qubits, and then a conditional-phase gate is `activated‘ on the otherwise unperturbed qubit subspace via a microwave drive. We implement this microwave-activated conditional-phase gate with a fidelity from quantum process tomography of 87%.